Hot Naked Yoga Class That Sent Kris Humphries Packing Is 'Sensual, Not Sexual,' Says Creator
The revealing nude yoga class featured on E!'s "Kourtney and Kim Take New York" reality show was the impetus that prompted Kardashian's 72-day-husband Kris Humphries to head back to Minnesota.
Kim Kardashian & Kris Humphries NYC Party - P 2011
Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images
Attention, all Kardashian doubters who watched the Sunday season premiere of Kourtney & Kim Take New York and didn't believe what was viewed: There really is a thing called Hot Naked Yoga. In fact, it's probably more real than anything else that happened on the show last night.
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The show featured Kris Humphries storming into and blowing up at his new wife Kim Kardashian over a HNY class being taught in their home by a shockingly naked dread-locked yogi. This subsequent argument made tthe phrase Hot Nude Yoga go viral today.
But the classes -- a mini-phenomenon in the gay community -- have actually been around for over two years. Celebrity yogi Aaron Star, the man credited with creating Hot Naked Yoga, mostly male only classes of sensualized tantric yoga, opened his HNY studios in New York and West Hollywood, California a few years ago and now has studios in Boston, Dallas and even Chicago. They've even been mentioned on Saturday Night Live.
For HNY classes, you can forget the fancy yoga duds. All you need is your birthday suit and a mat. Maybe a towel. Or two.
Some critics of HNY argue that yoga is about freeing the mind from earthly things and that's pretty hard to do when there are ahem, bare naked earthly distractions right in your face.
But Star and his admittedly predominantly gay practitioners insist that the practice is all about fitness. Although there is a lot of partner work involved, it's sensual, not sexual. Star insists that straight men will feel comfortable in his classes. Well, except for maybe one 72-day-husband.
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Nude | Elsa Benn Nude | Serena Bennato Nude | Anne Bennent Nude | Kathleen Benner Nude | Elena Bennet Nude | Brea Bennett Nude | Darlene Bennett Nude | Haley Bennett Nude | Rachael Ann Bennett Nude | Rita Bennett Nude | Shelley Bennett Nude | Sonja Bennett Nude | Tamara Nicole Bennett Nude | Shirley Benny Nude | Melissa Benoist Nude | Audrey Benoit Nude | Christelle Benoît Nude | Julia Benson Nude | Kelly Benson Nude | Laura Benson Nude | Lindy Benson Nude | Vickie Benson Nude | Wendy Benson-Landes Nude | Melissa Bentivoglio Nude | Dana Bentley Nude | Barbi Benton Nude | Lulu Benton Nude | Susanne Benton Nude | Jayne Bentzen Nude | Femi Benussi Nude | Julie Benz Nude | Nikki Benz Nude | Iris Berben Nude | Anita Berber Nude | Susanne Berckhemer Nude | Emmanuelle Bercot Nude | Michaela Bercu Nude | Trisha Berdot Nude | Vicky Berendsen Nude | Marisa Berenson Nude | Juliet Beres Nude | Aviva Beresin Nude | Caroline Berg Nude | Molly Berg Nude | Judith-Marie Bergan Nude | Tricia Bergan Nude 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| Sarah Bertrand Nude | Marianna Bertucci Nude | Bibi Besch Nude | Angela Besharah Nude | Alyson Best Nude | Amy Lynn Best Nude | Blazey Best Nude | Martine Beswicke Nude | Leigh Betchley Nude | Tabrett Bethell Nude | Kari Betizer Nude | Frida Betrani Nude | Angela Bettis Nude | Michelle Betts Nude | Christine Betzner Nude | Troy Beyer Nude | Christina Beyerhaus Nude | Lilly Bi Peep Nude | Angela Bianca Nude | Raquel Bianca Nude | Viva Bianca Nude | Daniela Bianchi Nude | Nanette Bianchi Nude | Samantha Bianchini Nude | Esmé Bianco Nude | Tamara Bick Nude | Charlotte Bicknell Nude | Neena Bidasha Nude | Veena Bidasha Nude | Stephanie Biddle Nude | Victoria Bidewell Nude | Jessica Biel Nude | Anna Bielska Nude | Katja Bienert Nude | Ronnie Bierman Nude | Sascha Biesi Nude | Lauren Bigby Nude | Robin Biggs Nude | Lucie Bílá Nude | Effie Bilbrey Nude | Nicole Bilderback Nude | Carol Bilger Nude | Beate Bille Nude | Anna Biller Nude | Dawn Ann Billings Nude | Jennifer Billingsley Nude | Jocelyn Binder Nude | Elizabeth Bing Nude | Emma Bing Nude | Traci Bingham Nude | Clare Binney Nude | Vicky Binns Nude | Juliette Binoche Nude | Thelma Biral Nude | Thora Birch Nude | Minah Bird Nude | Lauren Birkell Nude | Jane Birkin Nude | Krista Birkner Nude | Eva Birthistle Nude | Ullie Birve Nude | Olga Bisera Nude | Jeannine Bisignano Nude | Barbara Bisset Nude | Jacqueline Bisset Nude | Josie Bissett Nude | Mathilde Bisson Nude | Maria Aurelia Bisutti Nude | Seema Biswas Nude | Charlene Biton Nude | Carrie Bittner Nude | Suzanne Bjerrehuus Nude | Björk Nude | Irina Björklund Nude | Tatjana Blacher Nude | Louise Blachère Nude | Catherine Black Nude | Crista Black Nude | Dorothy Black Nude | Karen Black Nude | Maddi Black Nude | Marie Black Nude | Tori Black Nude | Amy Blackburn Nude | Greta Blackburn Nude | Julia Blackburn Nude | Lena Blackburn Nude | Honor Blackman Nude | Joan Blackman Nude | Kristine Blackport Nude | Anna Blades Nude | Ljiljana Blagojevic Nude | Estella Blain Nude | Bre Blair Nude | Kimberly Blair Nude | Linda Blair Nude | Natalie Blair Nude | Selma Blair Nude | Venessa Blair Nude | Isabelle Blais Nude | Jehanne Blaise Nude | Kellie Blaise Nude | Katie Blake Nude | Rachael Blake Nude | Sarah Blake Nude | Stephanie Blake Nude | Sydney A. Blake Nude | Rachel Blakely Nude | Susan Blakely Nude | Lee Blakemore Nude | Caroline Blakiston Nude | Jolene Blalock Nude | Chennin Blanc Nude | Dominique Blanc Nude | Erika Blanc Nude | Jennifer Blanc Nude | Nathalie Blanc Nude | Françoise Blanchard Nude | Rachel Blanchard Nude | Cate Blanchett Nude | Agnès Blanchot Nude | Celia Blanco Nude | Angelica Blandon Nude | Jessica Blank Nude | Pati Blankenship Nude | Rosa Blasi Nude | Natasha Blasick Nude | Heather Bleasdale Nude | Debra Blee Nude | Monika Bleibtreu Nude | Annika Blendl Nude | Boti Bliss Nude | Kirsten Block Nude | Melanie Blocksdorf Nude | Dijn Blom Nude | Solange Blondeau Nude | Moon Bloodgood Nude | Sarah Bloodworth Nude | Andrea Bloom Nude | Lindsay Bloom Nude | April Blossom Nude | Harmony Blossom Nude | Lisa Blount Nude | Blue Nude | Arlana Blue Nude | Ashley Blue Nude | Chelsea Blue Nude | Skye Blue Nude | Veronica Blue Nude | Violet Blue Nude | Betiana Blum Nude | Ina Blum Nude | Rebecca Blumhagen Nude | Emily Blunt Nude | Marina Blümel Nude | Catherine Blythe Nude | Domini Blythe Nude | Janus Blythe Nude | Angela Bo Nude | Emma Boardman Nude | Barbora Bobulova Nude | Nadja Bobyleva Nude | Delia Boccardo Nude | Carolyn Bock Nude | Tina Bockrath Nude | Magdalena Boczarska Nude | Lada Boder Nude | E. Bodina Nude | Jenna Bodnar Nude | Noa Bodner Nude | Annie Body Nude | Jessica Boehrs Nude | Beatrice Boepple Nude | Laura Boera Nude | Joanna Bogacka Nude | Andrea Bogart Nude | Alicia Bogo Nude | Alexandra Bogojevic Nude | Jessica Bohl Nude | Corinne Bohrer Nude | Romane Bohringer Nude | Cécile Bois Nude | Valérie Boisgel Nude | Christine Boisson Nude | Nikki Bokal Nude | Joanne Boland Nude | Katie Boland Nude | Martha Bolaños Nude | Lisa Marie Bolick Nude | Florinda Bolkan Nude | Natalie Bollard Nude | Tiffany Bolling Nude | Maike Bollow Nude | Tiffany Bolton Nude | Carolina Bona Nude | Gretchen Bonaduce Nude | Olivia Bonamy Nude | Jezebelle Bond Nude | Julia Bond Nude | Julia Bond Nude | Linda Bond Nude | Michelle Bond Nude | Rene Bond Nude | J.J. Bonde Nude | Astrid Boner Nude | Lisa Bonet Nude | Nai Bonet Nude | Helena Bonham Carter Nude | Maite Bonilla Nude | Nicole Bonin Nude | Agathe Bonitzer Nude | Sandrine Bonnaire Nude | Frédérique Bonnal Nude | Audrey Bonnet Nude | Sophie Bonnet Nude | Maria Bonnevie Nude | Céline Bonnier Nude | Valérie Bonnier Nude | Loredana Bontempi Nude | Bérangère Bonvoisin Nude | Lena Bookall Nude | Annie Boon Nude | Daneen Boone Nude | Katrine Boorman Nude | Connie Booth Nude | Emily Booth Nude | Emma Booth Nude | Kristin Booth Nude | Lindy Booth Nude | Oksana Borbat Nude | Lili Bordán Nude | Katie Bordeaux Nude | Lizzy Borden Nude | Lynn Borden Nude | Tina Bordihn Nude | Eliza Borecka Nude | Annik Borel Nude | Marcela Borghes Nude | Sandra Borgmann Nude | Simona Borioni Nude | Angel Boris Nude | Jessica Bork Nude | Susanne Bormann Nude | Josephine Bornebusch Nude | Claire Borotra Nude | Katherine Borowitz Nude | Michelle Borth Nude | Olympe Borval Nude | Marie Bos Nude | Dominique Boschero Nude | Rochelle Bostrom Nude | Kate Bosworth Nude | Tania Boteva-Malo Nude | Sara Botsford Nude | Nina Bott Nude | Martina Bottesch Nude | María Botto Nude | Laura Bottrell Nude | Sugar Bouche Nude | Pegi Boucher Nude | Savannah Smith Boucher Nude | Barbara Bouchet Nude | Élodie Bouchez Nude | Rosita Bouchot Nude | Dolores Bouckaert Nude | Sabrina Boudot Nude | Melanie Bouffier Nude | Linda Bouhenni Nude | Evelyne Bouix Nude | Véronique Boulanger Nude | Brigitte Boulet Nude | Ingrid Boulting Nude | Carole Bouquet Nude | Brigitte Bourdeau Nude | Corinne Bourdon Nude | Patricia Bourdrel Nude | Caroline Bourg Nude | Élisabeth Bourgine Nude | Louise Bourgoin Nude | Joy Boushel Nude | Jackie Bousquet Nude | Denise Boutte Nude | Denise Bouzaglo Nude | Aleck Bovick Nude | Clara Bow Nude | Katrina Bowden Nude | Julie Bowen Nude | Bonnie Bowers Nude | Judi Bowker Nude | Jacqueline Bowman Nude | Sue Bowser Nude | Tiffany Bowyer Nude | Amanda Boxer Nude | Becky Boxer Nude | Linda Boyce Nude | Karin Boyd Nude | Lynda Boyd Nude | Tanya Boyd Nude | Karen Boyer Nude | Marianne Boyer Nude | Marie-France Boyer Nude | Krew Boylan Nude | Sarain Boylan Nude | Lara Flynn Boyle Nude | Lisa Boyle Nude | Ilknur Boyraz Nude | Lia Boysen Nude | Ivana Bozilovic Nude | Laura Bozzone Nude | Cristel Braak Nude | Teda Bracci Nude | Lorraine Bracco Nude | Diana Bracho Nude | Sara Bradeen Nude | Ruth Bradley Nude | Janelle Brady Nude | Alice Braga Nude | Sonia Braga Nude | Sherry Bragg Nude | Penny Brahms Nude | Carla Brait Nude | Kate Braithwaite Nude | Christiane Brammer Nude | Carole Brana Nude | Michelle Brancato Nude | Heather Branch Nude | Vanessa Branch Nude | Nadja Brand Nude | Francesca Brandelius Nude | Leslie Brander Nude | Rebekah Brandes Nude | Kellee Brandise Nude | Rikki Brando Nude | Nadine Brandstätter Nude | Astrid Brandt Nude | Lesley-Ann Brandt Nude | Laura Branigan Nude | Melissa Brasselle Nude | Da Brat Nude | Glenise Brathwaite Nude | Yangzom Brauen Nude | Sharon Brauner Nude | Lucia Bravo Nude | Deborah Brayshaw Nude | Sandra Bréa Nude | Breanne Benson Nude | Renee Breault Nude | Cécile Breccia Nude | Myriel Brechtel Nude | Alexandra Breckenridge Nude | Sian Breckin Nude | Leticia Brédice Nude | Paulette Breen Nude | Toni Breen Nude | Crystal Breeze Nude | Marie-Hélène Breillat Nude | Margarita Breitkreiz Nude | Julia Bremermann Nude | Leslee Bremmer Nude | Anne Brendler Nude | Julia Brendler Nude | April Breneman Nude | Eileen Brennan Nude | Amy Brenneman Nude | Nadeshda Brennicke Nude | Amy Brentano Nude | Vanessa Brenton Nude | Bobbie Bresee Nude | Caroline Breton Nude | Michèle Breton Nude | Danielle Brett Nude | Tereza Brettschneiderova Nude | Anna Breuer Nude | Susanne Breuning Nude | Rowanne Brewer Nude | Roxanne Brewer Nude | Anna Brewster Nude | Jordana Brewster Nude | Paget Brewster Nude | Liz May Brice Nude | Kathy Brickmeier Nude | Nancy Bridgeford Nude | Angelica Bridges Nude | Krista Bridges Nude | Lynda Bridges Nude | Suzanne Bridgham Nude | Alison Brie Nude | Anne-Sophie Briest Nude | Belinda Bright Nude | Hailey Bright Nude | Kellie Bright Nude | Eleonora Brigliadori Nude | Nancy Brilli Nude | Cynthia Brimhall Nude | Michele Brin Nude | Gloria Brini Nude | Nienke Brinkhuis Nude | Véra Briole Nude | Danielle Brisebois Nude | Sheila Britt Nude | Gloria Brittain Nude | Júlia Britton Nude | Natalie Britton Nude | Zoe Britton Nude | Bridget Brno Nude | Eloise Broady Nude | Martine Brochard Nude | Lizzie Brocheré Nude | Anne Brochet Nude | Evelyne Brochu Nude | Leslie Brockett Nude | Ungela Brockman Nude | Katrin Brockmann Nude | Lou Broclain Nude | Beth Broderick Nude | Delphine Brodeur Nude | Helen Brodie Nude | V.S. Brodie Nude | Joanna Brodzik Nude | Monica Broeke Nude | Amy Jo Brogan Nude | lizzieb brokenheart Nude | Kathy Brolly Nude | Eleanor Bron Nude | Cristina Brondo Nude | Heather Bronfman Nude | Chantal Bronner Nude | Esther Bronnert Nude | Gerie Bronson Nude | Isabel Brook Nude | Jayne Brook Nude | Kelli Brook Nude | Kelly Brook Nude | Selma Brook Nude | Ashlynn Brooke Nude | Rebecca Brooke Nude | Sandy Brooke Nude | Tiffany Brookes Nude | Abbey Brooks Nude | Aimee Brooks Nude | Bridgette Brooks Nude | Deanna Brooks Nude | Dina Brooks Nude | Elisabeth Brooks Nude | Golden Brooks Nude | Iris Brooks Nude | J. Cynthia Brooks Nude | Katherine Brooks Nude | Lucy Brooks Nude | Ragan Brooks Nude | Randi Brooks Nude | Sorcha Brooks Nude | Andrea Brose Nude | Teryl Brouillette Nude | Laci Broussard Nude | Tess Broussard Nude | Sophie Broustal Nude | Aurore Broutin Nude | Anna Lynn Brown Nude | Blair Brown Nude | Brianna Brown Nude | Candis Brown Nude | Christy Brown Nude | Cocoa Brown Nude | Colette Brown Nude | Darla Brown Nude | Delotta Brown Nude | Foxy Brown Nude | Gillian Brown Nude | Juanita Brown Nude | Judith M. Brown Nude | Julie Brown Nude | Kelli Brown Nude | Kellie Brown Nude | Lisa Ann Brown Nude | Lori Brown Nude | Lucy Brown Nude | Mary Christina Brown Nude | Megan Brown Nude | Nefra Brown Nude | Raine Brown Nude | Robin Denise Brown Nude | Ruby Brown Nude | Sara Suzanne Brown Nude | Shamoka Brown Nude | Shannon Lee Brown Nude | Stacy Lynn Brown Nude | Thela Brown Nude | Veronika Brown Nude | Leslie Browne Nude | Ann Browning Nude | Emily Browning Nude | Missy Browning Nude | Jeanette Brox Nude | Vanessa Broze Nude | Jessica Brozosky Nude | Cecilia Brozovich Nude | Alicia Bruce Nude | Birke Bruck Nude | Catherine ten Bruggencate Nude | Julia Bruglio Nude | Robin Brûlé Nude | Olivia Brunaux Nude | Natja Brunckhorst Nude | Laura Bruner Nude | Emily Bruni Nude | Johanna Brushay Nude | Joy Bryant Nude | Pamela Jean Bryant Nude | Renae Bryant Nude | Virginia Bryant Nude | Christine Brücher Nude | Eva Marie Bryer Nude | Anna Brüggemann Nude | Sanna Bråding Nude | Natascha Bub Nude | Maria Grazia Buccella Nude | Gwendolyn Bucci Nude | Sherry Buchanan Nude | Yvette Buchanan Nude | Sylvia Buchbauer Nude | Christine Buchegger Nude | Ursula Buchfellner Nude | Katherina Buchhammer Nude | Tylene Buck Nude | Tara Buckman Nude | Agnieszka Buczek Nude | Matilda Buczko Nude | Helen Buday Nude | Natasha Budhi Nude | Heather Joy Budner Nude | Kate Buffery Nude | Cordelia Bugeja Nude | Anne Cathrin Buhtz Nude | Denise Buick Nude | Gillian Buick Nude | Felicity Buirski Nude | Geneviève Bujold Nude | Marie Bunel Nude | Cara Buono Nude | Maud Buquet Nude | Tracey Burch Nude | Jessica Burciaga Nude | Carla Burden Nude | Annette Burger Nude | Michele Burger Nude | Maria Burghardt Nude | Danielle Burgio Nude | Victoria Burgoyne Nude | MyAnna Buring Nude | Kathy Burke Nude | Michelle Burke Nude | Siobhan Burke Nude | Stacy Burke Nude | Laura Burkett Nude | Paula Burlamaqui Nude | Kim Burnette Nude | Bobbi Burns Nude | Catherine Burns Nude | Tricia Burns Nude | Elizabeth Burr Nude | Brandy Burre Nude | Gretchen Burrell Nude | Hedy Burress Nude | April Monique Burril Nude | Saffron Burrows Nude | Patricia Bursiel Nude | Ellen Burstyn Nude | Jennifer Burton Nude | Kimberly Joy Burton Nude | Kris Burtt Nude | Blandine Bury Nude | Denee Busby Nude | Inga Busch Nude | Birgit Buschak Nude | Ursula Buschhorn Nude | Jovita Bush Nude | Meryl Bush Nude | Tania Busselier Nude | Pascale Bussières Nude | Claudia Butenuth Nude | Alexis Butler Nude | Chachi Butler Nude | Sarah Butler Nude | Tatianna Butler Nude | Yancy Butler Nude | Adriana Butoi Nude | Fiona Button Nude | Ulrike Butz Nude | Judy Buxton Nude | Sarah Buxton Nude | Evelyne Buyle Nude | Kate Byers Nude | Katrin Bühring Nude | Amanda Bynes Nude | Robin Byrd Nude | Miriam Byrd-Nethery Nude | Annekathrin Bürger Nude | Clarice Byrne Nude | Jasmine Byrne Nude | Patty Byrne Nude | Rose Byrne Nude | Sarah Byrne Nude | Josephine Byrnes Nude | Maureen Byrnes Nude | Carlye Byron Nude | Susan Byun Nude | Luise Bähr Nude | Marie Bäumer Nude | Angelica Böck Nude | Iris Böhm Nude | Katharina Böhm Nude | Liane Bönig Nude | Jule Böwe Nude | Sonya C Nude | Cream Cabahug Nude | Lisa Ann Cabasa Nude | Berta Cabré Nude | Hazel Cabrera Nude | Barbara Cabrita Nude | Ariadna Cabrol Nude | Ava Cadell Nude | Cheri Caffaro Nude | Andrea Cagan Nude | Céline Cailleau Nude | Darian Caine Nude | Kandace Caine Nude | Bootsie Cairns Nude | Leah Cairns Nude | Rita Calderoni Nude | Aubrey Caldwell Nude | Asunción Calero Nude | Jennifer Calhoun Nude | Monica Calhoun Nude | Debora Calì Nude | Tina Caliendo Nude | Barbara Callewaert Nude | Meghan Callihan Nude | Isabella Calthorpe Nude | Marta Calvó Nude | Tássia Camargo Nude | Danone Camden Nude | Cameron Nude | Cisse Cameron Nude | JoAnna Cameron Nude | Lillian Cameron Nude | Marjorie Cameron Nude | Stevie Cameron Nude | Isabella Camille Nude | Lucienne Camille Nude | Sharen Camille Nude | Colleen Camp Nude | Aliya Campbell Nude | Audrey Campbell Nude | Carol Campbell Nude | Cheryl Campbell Nude | Cheryl Campbell Nude | Christa Campbell Nude | Cindy Campbell Nude | Erica Campbell Nude | Jean Campbell Nude | Jessica Campbell Nude | Julia Campbell Nude | Nell Campbell Nude | Neve Campbell Nude | Pamela Campbell Nude | Mimosa Campironi Nude | Amber Campisi Nude | Helen Campitelli Nude | Sabeline Campo Nude | Comba Campoy Nude | Béatrice Camurat Nude | Carla Camurati Nude | Franci Camus Nude | Elisabetta Canalis Nude | Isabelle Candelier Nude | Candy Nude | Séverine Caneele Nude | Natalie Canerday Nude | Sylvie Cannap Nude | Loredana Cannata Nude | Trishelle Cannatella Nude | Carolyn Cannon Nude | Deidre A. Cannon Nude | Dyan Cannon Nude | Katherine Cannon Nude | Fanny Cano Nude | Sibylle Canonica Nude | Jessica Canseco Nude | Tinì Cansino Nude | Anne Cantineau Nude | Diane Cantrell Nude | María José Cantudo Nude | Gabriela Canudas Nude | Christy Canyon Nude | Barbara Capell Nude | Jesse Capelli Nude | Christiana Capetillo Nude | Lizzy Caplan Nude | Leslie Caples Nude | Nadia Capone Nude | Cristiana Capotondi Nude | Ahna Capri Nude | Alaina Capri Nude | Ana Capri Nude | Deborah Caprioglio Nude | Anita Caprioli Nude | Kate Capshaw Nude | Irene Cara Nude | Tiffany Cara Nude | Lilli Carati Nude | Vicki Carbe Nude | Christina Cardan Nude | Jane Cardew Nude | Erin Cardillo Nude | Maria Cardinal Nude | Tantoo Cardinal Nude | Claudia Cardinale Nude | Julieta Cardinali Nude | Hélène Cardona Nude | Nathalie Cardone Nude | Beni Cardosi Nude | Marie Jade Caren Nude | Clare Carey Nude | Mary Carey Nude | Sandy Carey Nude | Juliet Cariaga Nude | Gia Carides Nude | Zoë Carides Nude | Kitty Carl Nude | Shawn Carla Nude | Olimpia Carlisi Nude | Anne Carlisle Nude | Dolores Carlos Nude | Andrea Carlson Nude | Greta Carlson Nude | Karen Carlson Nude | Kelly Carlson Nude | Krissy Carlson Nude | Kristy Carlson Nude | Linda Carlson Nude | Maratama Carlson Nude | Christy Carlson Romano Nude | Ing-Marie Carlsson Nude | Hope Marie Carlton Nude | Melissa Carlton Nude | Rebekah Carlton-Luff Nude | Dena Carman Nude | Julie Carmen Nude | Stella Carnacina Nude | Bridget Carney Nude | Angela Carnon Nude | Jean Carol Nude | Linda Carol Nude | Martine Carol Nude | Heather Carolin Nude | Cinzia De Carolis Nude | Leslie Caron Nude | Veronica Carothers Nude | Maki Carousel Nude | Charisma Carpenter Nude | Linda Carpenter Nude | Randall Carpenter Nude | Deborah Carpio Nude | T.V. Carpio Nude | Hayley Carr Nude | Natalie Carr Nude | Patricia Carr Nude | Isabelle Carré Nude | Dany Carrel Nude | Mercedes Carreño Nude | Asia Carrera Nude | Barbara Carrera Nude | Gina Carrera Nude | Tia Carrere Nude | Monica Carrico Nude | Elpidia Carrillo Nude | Carmen Carrión Nude | Lizette Carrion Nude | Kat Carrol Nude | Belinda Carroll Nude | Diahann Carroll Nude | Elizabeth Carroll Nude | Jill Carroll Nude | Jolene Carroll Nude | Lane Carroll Nude | Tara Carroll Nude | Eva Carson Nude | Jamie Carson Nude | Kimberly Carson Nude | Nina Carson Nude | Shanti Carson Nude | Liezl Carstens Nude | Margit Carstensen Nude | Marcelia Cartaxo Nude | Finn Carter Nude | Gina-Raye Carter Nude | Lynda Carter Nude | Sarah Carter Nude | Corinne Cartier Nude | Katrin Cartlidge Nude | Chessika Cartwright Nude | Malou Cartwright Nude | Nancy Cartwright Nude | Veronica Cartwright Nude | Simone Carvalho Nude | Suzane Carvalho Nude | Delia Casanova Nude | Amira Casar Nude | Shalyn Casar Nude | Ana Casares Nude | Tina Casciani Nude | Jaclyn Case Nude | Shannon Case Nude | Chiara Caselli Nude | Elana Casey Nude | Nikita Cash Nude | Rosalind Cash Nude | Tabatha Cash Nude | Stefania Casini Nude | Crystal Cass Nude | Agnès Cassandre Nude | Cécile Cassel Nude | Sandra Cassel Nude | Cassidey Nude | Angel Cassidy Nude | Cheree Cassidy Nude | Joanna Cassidy Nude | Katie Cassidy Nude | Lisa Cassidy Nude | Nadia Cassini Nude | Maxine Casson Nude | Laetitia Casta Nude | Fernanda García Castañeda Nude | Catherine Castel Nude | France Castel Nude | Marie-Pierre Castel Nude | Pilar Castel Nude | Charo Castella Nude | Giusy Castiglione Nude | Sofía Castiglione Nude | Ángela Castilla Nude | Alexa Castillo Nude | K.C. Castillo Nude | Marni Castle Nude | Keisha Castle-Hughes Nude | Justice Castoreno Nude | Giselda Castrini Nude | Mary Castro Nude | Pilar Castro Nude | Verónica Castro Nude | Muriel Catalá Nude | Laura Catalano Nude | Myriam Catania Nude | Lisa Catara Nude | Amy Cater Nude | Clody Cates Nude | Georgina Cates Nude | Phoebe Cates Nude | Emma Catherwood Nude | Brigitte Catillon Nude | Carole Catkin Nude | Patty Caton Nude | Nora Catrone Nude | Sophie Cattani Nude | Christine Cattell Nude | Kim Cattrall Nude | Caitlin Cauchy Nude | Christine Caux Nude | Christine Cavalier Nude | Simona Cavallari Nude | Christina Elizabeth Cavallero Nude | Capri Cavalli Nude | Leona Cavalli Nude | Marina Giulia Cavalli Nude | Valeria Cavalli Nude | Elisabetta Cavallotti Nude | Katy Cavanagh Nude | Wendy Cavanaugh Nude | Lumi Cavazos Nude | Caroline Cave Nude | Ingrid Caven Nude | Kim Cayer Nude | Katie Cazorla Nude | Sandra Ceccarelli Nude | Mercedes Cecchetto Nude | Barbara Cecka Nude | Karen Cecka Nude | Nan Cee Nude | Violeta Cela Nude | Clémentine Célarié Nude | Tanya Celaya Nude | Claudia Celedón Nude | María Celedonio Nude | Caroline Cellier Nude | Patricia Centenera Nude | Angie Cepeda Nude | Claudia Cepeda Nude | Erica Cerra Nude | Elizabeth Cervantes Nude | Martha Elena Cervántes Nude | Mónica Cervera Nude | Valentina Cervi Nude | Sandra Cervik Nude | Michela Cescon Nude | Ann Ceurvels Nude | Su-Yeon Cha Nude | Amadee Chabot Nude | Monique Chachere Nude | Karla Chadimová Nude | Heather Chadwell Nude | June Chadwick Nude | Min-seo Chae Nude | Angelica Chain Nude | Kathleen Chalfant Nude | Sarah Chalke Nude | Christina Chambers Nude | Elizabeth Chambers Nude | Louise Chambers Nude | Marie Chambers Nude | Marilyn Chambers Nude | Patti Chambers Nude | Rebecca Chambers Nude | Stephanie Chambers Nude | Arnita Champion Nude | Barbara Champion Nude | Stephanie Champlin Nude | Bessie Chan Nude | Charine Chan Nude | Corinna Chan Nude | Ellen Chan Nude | Pauline Chan Nude | Wing-Chi Chan Nude | Anna Chancellor Nude | Chanda Nude | Betty Chandler Nude | Chelsea Chandler Nude | Erin Chandler Nude | Tamara Chandler Nude | Chandre Nude | Delphine Chanéac Nude | Tally Chanel Nude | Rebecca Chaney Nude | Calamity Chang Nude | Carlotta Chang Nude | Corey Chang Nude | Siu Yin Chang Nude | Stockard Channing Nude | Holley Chant Nude | Stephanie Chao Nude | Gabrielle Chapin Nude | Carmen Chaplin Nude | Dolores Chaplin Nude | Geraldine Chaplin Nude | Josephine Chaplin Nude | Oona Chaplin Nude | Anne Chapman Nude | Georgina Chapman Nude | Peaches Chapman Nude | Viktoria Chapman Nude | Ashley Chappell Nude | Eliane Chappuis Nude | Corynne Charbit Nude | Patricia Charbonneau Nude | Nicola Charles Nude | Jamaica Charley Nude | Kathryn Charly Nude | Charmane Nude | Lou Charmelle Nude | Anne Charrier Nude | Charlene Lynn Chartrand Nude | Rachel Chartrand Nude | Jane Chase Nude | Qiana Chase Nude | Isabelle Chasse Nude | Jessica Chastain Nude | Fabienne Chaudat Nude | Monique Chaumette Nude | Amandine Chauveau Nude | Zoe Chauveau Nude | Ingrid Chauvin Nude | Soraia Chaves Nude | Annette Chavez Nude | Roxana Chávez Nude | Svetlana Chavez Nude | Allysin Chaynes Nude | Marie-Anne Chazel Nude | Ashley Cheadle Nude | Maria Checa Nude | Jeanie Cheek Nude | Edwina Cheer Nude | Judith Chemla Nude | Anna Chen Nude | Betty Chen Nude | Camille Chen Nude | Joan Chen Nude | Lynn Chen Nude | Lena Cheney Nude | Song Xiao Cheng Nude | Ramona Cheorleu Nude | Cher Nude | Cayle Chernin Nude | Cherokee Nude | Denise Cheshire Nude | Bethany Chesser Nude | Katie Chesters Nude | Angie Cheung Nude | Daphne Cheung Nude | Farini Cheung Nude | Flora Cheung Nude | Karin Anna Cheung Nude | Rebecca Cheung Nude | Siu Wai Cheung Nude | Teresa Cheung Nude | Catherine Chevalier Nude | Cheyenne Nude | Rebecca Chiang Nude | Laura Chiatti Nude | Nadia Chibani Nude | Florinda Chico Nude | Chana Jael Chiesa Nude | King-Man Chik Nude | Amie Childers Nude | Lois Chiles Nude | Heather Chilson Nude | Melissa Chimenti Nude | Suet-Ngan Ching Nude | Cristina Chirila Nude | Kimballee Chivers Nude | Alina Chivulescu Nude | Zoe Daelman Chlanda Nude | Chloe Nude | French Chloe Nude | Wing Lim Cho Nude | Cammy Choi Nude | Eun-ju Choi Nude | Priscilla Choi Nude | Caroline Chojnacki Nude | Monia Chokri Nude | Katie Chonacas Nude | Joon Chong Nude | Rae Dawn Chong Nude | Robbi Chong Nude | Shelby Chong Nude | Joanne Choo Nude | Maye Choo Nude | Barbara Chossis Nude | Sarita Choudhury Nude | Clara Choveaux Nude | Isabella Chow Nude | Ka Yu Chow Nude | Valerie Chow Nude | Emmanuelle Chriqui Nude | Sara Christal Nude | Alisa Christensen Nude | Stine Fischer Christensen Nude | Tone Christensen Nude | Ute Christensen Nude | Claudia Christian Nude | Liselotte Christian Nude | Antoinette Christiani Nude | Sarah Louise Christiansen Nude | Jodii Christianson Nude | Julianne Christie Nude | Julie Christie Nude | Pamela Christie Nude | Shannon Christie Nude | Heather Christine Nude | Heidi Christine Nude | Katia Christine Nude | Valeria Christodoulidou Nude | Pascale Christophe Nude | Ja-Hyeon Chu Nude | Linda Chu Nude | Sang Mi Chu Nude | Zhou Chu Chu Nude | Delphine Chuillot Nude | Babs Chula Nude | Jaehyun Chun Nude | Bik Wing Chung Nude | Cherie Chung Nude | Christy Chung Nude | Chun Chung Nude | Lily Chung Nude | Peggy Church Nude | Velocity Chyaldd Nude | Julie Cialini Nude | Valeria Ciangherotti Nude | Ciara Nude | Danielle Ciardi Nude | Francesca Ciardi Nude | Brigitte Lo Cicero Nude | Zoe Ciel Nude | Magdalena Cielecka Nude | Heather Cates Cielo Nude | Jennifer Ciesar Nude | Maria Cina Nude | Ana Ciocceti Nude | Dobrila Cirkovic Nude | Sabina Ciuffini Nude | Kristi Clainos Nude | Jeneta St. Clair Nude | Lauren Clair Nude | Cyrielle Claire Nude | Lara Clancy Nude | Betsy Clark Nude | Candy Clark Nude | Corrie Clark Nude | Dawn Clark Nude | Jessica Clark Nude | Kerrie Clark Nude | Madison Clark Nude | Marlene Clark Nude | Sharon Clark Nude | Susan Clark Nude | Valerie Rae Clark Nude | Caitlin Clarke Nude | Emilia Clarke Nude | Emily Clarke Nude | Hope Clarke Nude | Juliette Clarke Nude | Melinda Clarke Nude | Tanya Clarke Nude | Lana Clarkson Nude | Patricia Clarkson Nude | Tatjana Clasing Nude | Tamara Clatterbuck Nude | Jennifer Clay Nude | Julie Clay Nude | Virginia Clay Nude | Jill Clayburgh Nude | Abigail Clayton Nude | Carrie Clayton Nude | Helena Clayton Nude | Jane Clayton Nude | Laquita Cleare Nude | Katie Cleary Nude | Shannon Hart Cleary Nude | Aurore Clément Nude | Alexis Clemente Nude | Annamaria Clementi Nude | Hemma Clementi Nude | Alysabeth Clements Nude | Corinne Clery Nude | Missy Cleveland Nude | Andrea Cleven Nude | Anjanette Clewis Nude | Karen Cliche Nude | Shannan Click Nude | Louise Cliffe Nude | Cheryl Clifford Nude | Emma Clifford Nude | Tina Marie Clifford Nude | Veronica Clifford Nude | Lara Clifton Nude | LeAnn Clinton Nude | Glenn Close Nude | Michelle Clunie Nude | Linette Cobb Nude | Renata Cobbs Nude | Eva Cobo Nude | Yohana Cobo Nude | Coco Cobra Nude | Diana Cochran Nude | Linda Cochran Nude | Mimi Cochran Nude | Zana Cochran Nude | Piper Cochrane Nude | Tallie Cochrane Nude | Arlene Cockburn Nude | Coco Nude | Sonja Codhant Nude | Camille Coduri Nude | Anne Coesens Nude | Joëlle Coeur Nude | Elizabeth Coffey Nude | Nikki Coghill Nude | Lauren Cohan Nude | Emma Cohen Nude | Robyn Cohen Nude | Ava Cohen-Jonathan Nude | Alexandra Cohen-Speigler Nude | Lucy Cohu Nude | Candice Coke Nude | Giada Colagrande Nude | Darlene Colaiuta Nude | Claudette Colbert Nude | Marie Colbin Nude | Marie-Josée Colburn Nude | Christina Cole Nude | Debra Cole Nude | Jayden Cole Nude | Jenny Cole Nude | Petina Cole Nude | Courtney Cole-Fendley Nude | Monique Coleman Nude | Renée Coleman Nude | Suzanne Colin Nude | Jeanne Colletin Nude | Toni Collette Nude | Lisa Collings Nude | Ashley Wren Collins Nude | Elaine Collins Nude | Heather Collins Nude | Jessica Collins Nude | Joan Collins Nude | Kayla Collins Nude | Kelly Collins Nude | Lisa Collins Nude | Lynn Collins Nude | Maura Collins Nude | Olivia Collins Nude | Pamela Collins Nude | Pauline Collins Nude | Roberta Collins Nude | Ruth Collins Nude | Tai Collins Nude | Zara Collins Nude | Madeleine Collinson Nude | Mary Collinson Nude | Silvia Colloca Nude | Betty Colman Nude | Olivia Colman Nude | Lourdes Colon Nude | Ruth Colon Nude | Karen Colston Nude | Arianna Coltellacci Nude | Susanne Columbia Nude | Francesca Romana Coluzzi Nude | Amanda Colville Nude | Astrid Combes Nude | Holly Marie Combs Nude | Bella Compagna Nude | Emma Compagnon Nude | Gaelle Comparat Nude | Lisa Comshaw Nude | Cristi Conaway Nude | Ninel Conde Nude | Soledad Conde Nude | Julie Condliff Nude | Laura Duke Condominas Nude | Kerry Condon Nude | Terry Congie Nude | Lindsey Connell Nude | Jennifer Connelly Nude | Kate Connor Nude | Sarah Connor Nude | Carol Connors Nude | Barbara Anne Constable Nude | Maria Pia Conte Nude | Catharina Conti Nude | Chiara Conti Nude | Laura Conti Nude | Irene Contogiorgis Nude | Chantal Contouri Nude | Ana Brenda Contreras Nude | Rebecca Convenant Nude | Karla Conway Nude | Tracy Coogan Nude | Mary Kay Cook Nude | Xanthe Cook Nude | Amelia Cooke Nude | Jennifer Cooke Nude | Karen Cooknell Nude | Tera Cooley Nude | Tonya Cooley Nude | Rita Coolidge Nude | Kristina Coolish Nude | Linda Coombes Nude | Colleen Cooper Nude | Emma Cooper Nude | Jeanne Cooper Nude | Lana Cooper Nude | Stephanie Cooper Nude | Fiona Coors Nude | Laura Coover Nude | Kristina Copeland Nude | Terri Copeland Nude | Katherine Copenhaver Nude | Teri Copley Nude | Christiane Coppé Nude | Hayley-Marie Coppin Nude | Brandi Coppock Nude | Coralie Nude | Paola Corazzi Nude | Cornelia Corba Nude | Sue Corcoran Nude | Ariela Cordero Nude | Beth Cordingly Nude | Linda Cordova Nude | Isabelle Corey Nude | Jilena Cori Nude | Christina Corigliano Nude | Ellie Cork Nude | Danielle Cormack Nude | Michelle Cormier Nude | Rebecca Cormier Nude | Tonya Cornelisse Nude | Angela Cornell Nude | Abbie Cornish Nude | Julia Cornish Nude | Jenia Corpus Nude | São José Correia Nude | Adrienne Corri Nude | Shirley Corrigan Nude | Katia Corriveau Nude | Laurence Cortadellas Nude | Carolyn Cortez Nude | Ivet Corvea Nude | Britt Corvin Nude | Marilyn Corwin Nude | Cory Nude | Lee Cory Nude | Sara Cosmi Nude | Antonella Costa Nude | Claudia Costa Nude | Daniela Costa Nude | Irina Costa Nude | Sara Costa Nude | Béatrice Costantini Nude | Mélanie Coste Nude | Elizabeth Costello Nude | Julie Costello Nude | Savannah Costello Nude | Shawnie Costello Nude | C.C. Costigan Nude | Laurence Côte Nude | Tina Coté Nude | Marion Cotillard Nude | Shannon Cotnam Nude | Geraldine Cotte Nude | Fanny Cottençon Nude | Delilah Cotto Nude | Marjorie Cottreel Nude | Marisa Coughlan Nude | Sarah Kaite Coughlan Nude | Deborah Coulls Nude | Mary Count Nude | Max Couper Nude | Clotilde Courau Nude | Cassie Courtland Nude | Dori Courtney Nude | Camille Cousin Nude | Tishara Cousino Nude | Angèle Coutu Nude | Sandra-Jessica Couturier Nude | Blair Couvillion Nude | Angela Covello Nude | Buri Cowans Nude | Kimberly Cowell Nude | Amiee Cox Nude | Ashley Cox Nude | Calli Cox Nude | Christina Cox Nude | Courteney Cox Nude | Erica Cox Nude | Jennifer Elise Cox Nude | Julie Cox Nude | Nikki Cox Nude | Precious Cox Nude | Sindee Coxx Nude | Sherri Coyle Nude | Ria Coyne Nude | Loren Crabtree Nude | Penelope Crabtree Nude | Sarah Crafer Nude | Crystal Craft Nude | Carly Craig Nude | Kelly Craig Nude | Tiffany Craig Nude | Barbara Crampton Nude | Mimi Craven Nude | Cindy Crawford Nude | Hazel Ann Crawford Nude | Liz Crawford Nude | Rachael Crawford Nude | Sarah Crawford Nude | Sophia Crawford Nude | Stacia Crawford Nude | Terrayne Crawford Nude | Stéphanie Crayencour Nude | Denice Creach Nude | Rene Creamer Nude | Clara Creantor Nude | Erica Creer Nude | Ute Cremer Nude | Rebecca Creskoff Nude | Nikki Creswell Nude | Wendy Crewson Nude | Helen Cris Nude | Nicole Crisp Nude | Myndy Crist Nude | Natalie Cristiani Nude | Elle Crocker Nude | Laura Croft Nude | Andee Cromarty Nude | Elizabeth Cromwell Nude | Görel Crona Nude | Linda Cropper Nude | Cathy Lee Crosby Nude | Denise Crosby Nude | Mary Crosby Nude | Becki Cross Nude | Marcia Cross Nude | Holly Crossen Nude | Carolyn Crotty Nude | Emilia Crow Nude | Sarah Joslyn Crowder Nude | Tracey Crowder Nude | Dia Crowell Nude | Suzan Crowley Nude | Marie-Josée Croze Nude | Valerie Crunchant Nude | Sacha Crutchfield Nude | Abigail Cruttenden Nude | Annie Cruz Nude | Cintia Cruz Nude | Marie Cruz Nude | Penélope Cruz Nude | Sunshine Cruz Nude | Tricia A. Cruz Nude | Suzanne Cryer Nude | Lindy Crystal Nude | Nancy Cser Nude | Jennifer Cubas Nude | Franchesca Cubillo Nude | Maria Grazia Cucinotta Nude | Lucy Cudden Nude | Portia Cue Nude | Cayetana Guillén Cuervo Nude | Diana Cuevas Nude | Mara Cuevas Nude | Yan Cui Nude | Gesine Cukrowski Nude | Xenia Cullell Nude | Annette Culp Nude | Leslie Culton Nude | Meltem Cumbul Nude | Leslie Cumming Nude | Axelle Cummings Nude | Carol Cummings Nude | Erin Cummings Nude | Summer Cummings Nude | Juliette Cummins Nude | Michele Cummins Nude | Tracy Cunliffe Nude | Beryl Cunningham Nude | Kelly Cunningham Nude | Natasha Cunningham Nude | Barbara Cupisti Nude | Monique Curnen Nude | Lynette Curran Nude | Sondra Currie Nude | Althea Currier Nude | Adrianne Curry Nude | Alana Curry Nude | Helen Curry Nude | Anna Curti Nude | Jane Curtin Nude | Allegra Curtis Nude | Amelia Curtis Nude | Anna Curtis Nude | Charlie Curtis Nude | Jamie Lee Curtis Nude | Liane Alexandra Curtis Nude | Susan Curtis Nude | Sinéad Cusack Nude | Polly Cusumano Nude | Elisha Cuthbert Nude | Lise Cutter Nude | Christine Cybelle Nude | Myriam Cyr Nude | Cytherea Nude | Liliya Czarina Nude | Eva Czemerys Nude | Debbie D Nude | Holly D Nude | Milly D'Abbraccio Nude | Maryam d'Abo Nude | Olivia d'Abo Nude | Judith D'Aléazzo Nude | Maria D'Alessandro Nude | Stefania D'Amario Nude | Aerica D'Amaro Nude | Tamela D'Amico Nude | Caroline D'Amore Nude | Christie D'Amore Nude | Velvet D'Amour Nude | Beverly D'Angelo Nude | Mirella D'Angelo Nude | Patti D'Arbanville Nude | Giselle D'Cole Nude | Ilaria D'Elia Nude | Roberta d'Nero Nude | Veluma D'Oba Nude | Brooke D'Orsay Nude | Brandy D'Vinn Nude | Frankie D. Nude | Lara Daans Nude | Nefra Dabney Nude | Marta Dabrowa Nude | Corinne Dacla Nude | Yaya DaCosta Nude | Laila Dagher Nude | Lil Dagover Nude | Arlene Dahl Nude | Julia Dahmen Nude | Gail Dahms Nude | Elizabeth Daily Nude | Viviana Dal Cengio Nude | Cynthia Dale Nude | Jennifer Dale Nude | Joy Dale Nude | Robyn Dale Nude | Tracy Dali Nude | Béatrice Dalle Nude | Erynn Dana Dalton Nude | Candice Daly Nude | Catherine Daly Nude | Eileen Daly Nude | Tyne Daly Nude | Susan Damante-Shaw Nude | Jill Damas Nude | Claire Dames Nude | Donatella Damiani Nude | Daniela Dams Nude | Dana Nude | Marine Danaux Nude | Renata Dancewicz Nude | Monique Dane Nude | Cindy Danel Nude | Claire Danes Nude | Brittany Daniel Nude | Floriane Daniel Nude | Juliette Danielle Nude | Suzanne Danielle Nude | Dae Daniels Nude | Erin Daniels Nude | Jane Daniels Nude | Lisa A Daniels Nude | Stormy Daniels Nude | Charlee Danielson Nude | Ana Danilina Nude | Kaori Danjou Nude | Blythe Danner Nude | Joyce Danner Nude | Sybil Danning Nude | Géraldine Danon Nude | Leslie Danon Nude | Katja Danowski Nude | Crisstyn Dante Nude | Lise Danvers Nude | Yvonne Dany Nude | Cibby Danyla Nude | Maia Danziger Nude | Ingeborga Dapkunaite Nude | Mireille Darc Nude | Edéa Darcque Nude | Barbara Dare Nude | Christina Dare Nude | Nancy Dare Nude | Dominique Darel Nude | Florence Darel Nude | Darenzia Nude | Mireille Dargent Nude | Anita Dark Nude | Carol Dark Nude | Jennifer Dark Nude | Gigi Darlene Nude | Heather Darling Nude | Andrea Darnell Nude | Vicki Darnell Nude | Gloria Darpino Nude | Caitlyn Darr Nude | Karine Darrah Nude | Sacha Darwin Nude | Nandita Das Nude | Stacey Dash Nude | Dasha Nude | Alex Datcher Nude | Sarah Dauber Nude | Raven Dauda Nude | Alexa Davalos Nude | Dominique Davalos Nude | Claire Davenport Nude | Claire Davenport II Nude | Lucy Davenport Nude | Angie David Nude | Eleanor David Nude | Inez Björg David Nude | Julianna David Nude | Jutta David Nude | Karen David Nude | Monica Davidescu Nude | Adriana Davidova Nude | Lolita Davidovich Nude | Eileen Davidson Nude | Holly Davidson Nude | Lola Davidson Nude | Wendy Davidson Nude | Embeth Davidtz Nude | Amanda Davies Nude | Angela Davies Nude | Kimberley Davies Nude | Rachel Davies Nude | Rebecca Davies Nude | Rudi Davies Nude | Tamara Davies Nude | Azalea Davila Nude | Claudia Davila Nude | Alice Davis Nude | Andrea Davis Nude | Angela Davis Nude | Brandy Davis Nude | Brianne Davis Nude | Carole Davis Nude | Cherie Davis Nude | Christin Sawyer Davis Nude | Destiny Davis Nude | Erin Davis Nude | Eurydice Davis Nude | Geena Davis Nude | Ilah Davis Nude | Josie Davis Nude | Judy Davis Nude | Julie Davis Nude | Julienne Davis Nude | Katy Davis Nude | Kristin Davis Nude | Krystal Davis Nude | Lee Anne Davis Nude | Lisa Ann Davis Nude | Maureen Davis Nude | Monica Davis Nude | Nawana Davis Nude | Neriah Davis Nude | Neva Davis Nude | Paula Davis Nude | Phyllis Davis Nude | Rana Davis Nude | Rebecca Davis Nude | Sammi Davis Nude | Tahlia Davis Nude | Tenika Davis Nude | Michelle Davros Nude | Violetta Davydovskaya Nude | Sherrie DaWit Nude | Amanda Dawkins Nude | Hilary Dawn Nude | Roxanne Dawn Nude | Amy Dawson Nude | Kim Dawson Nude | Nicoll Dawson Nude | Portia Dawson Nude | Rosario Dawson Nude | Samantha Dawson Nude | Alexandra Day Nude | Baybi Day Nude | Erica Day Nude | Jennifer Day Nude | Joey Day Nude | Roxanne Day Nude | Tracia Daye Nude | Shayanne Daz Nude | Suni Daze Nude | Aurora de Alba Nude | Alia De Angelis Nude | Monique De Anna Nude | Hilde De Baerdemaeker Nude | Yvonne De Bark Nude | Brigitte De Borghese Nude | Elsie de Brauw Nude | Amanda De Cadenet Nude | Grace De Capitani Nude | Anahí de Cárdenas Nude | Emma de Caunes Nude | Orita De Chadwick Nude | Patrizia De Clara Nude | Carolina de Cristofaro Nude | Cécile De France Nude | Margarita Rosa de Francisco Nude | Chantal De Freitas Nude | Isabelle De Funès Nude | Elsa De Giorgi Nude | Marina de Graaf Nude | Consuelo De Haviland Nude | Marijke De jong Nude | Brigitte De Joya Nude | Agathe De La Boulaye Nude | Raven De La Croix Nude | Agathe de La Fontaine Nude | Alana De La Garza Nude | Paz de la Huerta Nude | Ana de la Reguera Nude | Sophie De La Rochefoucauld Nude | Saskia de Lando Nude | Glorya De Lani Nude | Vanessa de Largie Nude | Lisa De Leeuw Nude | Hannah de Leeuwe Nude | Dita de Leon Nude | Luisa de los Ríos Nude | Danielle De Luca Nude | Victoria De Mare Nude | Drea de Matteo Nude | Maria de Medeiros Nude | Anaís de Melo Nude | Angelique de Moline Nude | Rebecca De Mornay Nude | Loren De Palm Nude | Marielle De Palma Nude | Rossy de Palma Nude | Camille De Pazzis Nude | Dorothy De Poliolo Nude | Cinzia de Ponti Nude | Emilie de Preissac Nude | Cathryn de Prume Nude | Lisa De Razzo Nude | Rona De Ricci Nude | Assunta de Rossi Nude | Barbara De Rossi Nude | Portia de Rossi Nude | Ana De Sade Nude | Hélène de Saint-Père Nude | Orchidea de Santis Nude | Peggy Jane De Schepper Nude | Kennia De Seinne Nude | Lorraine De Selle Nude | Christine De Shaffer Nude | Ria De Simone Nude | Giuliana de Sio Nude | Adelaide de Sousa Nude | Marina de Tavira Nude | Charlotte de Turckheim Nude | Javiera Díaz de Valdés Nude | Marina de Van Nude | Alexis De Vell Nude | Eva De Viveiros Nude | Jackie De Witt Nude | Kaaren de Zilva Nude | Lunden De'Leon Nude | Jewel De'Nyle Nude | Kim Deacon Nude | Jane Deady Nude | Sarah Deakins Nude | Regan Deal Nude | Allison Dean Nude | Felicity Dean Nude | Iman Dean Nude | Laura Dean Nude | Lerae Dean Nude | Quentin Dean Nude | Suzanne Dean Nude | Lezlie Deane Nude | Mercia Deane-Johns Nude | Edie Dearing Nude | Stacey Leigh Dearman Nude | Dana DeArmond Nude | Danyi Deats Nude | Kristine DeBell Nude | Nicole Debonne Nude | Corinne Debonnière Nude | Re Debris Nude | Elena DeBurdo Nude | Carmella DeCesare Nude | Davee Decker Nude | Jennifer Decker Nude | Lucy Decoutere Nude | Dee Nude | Aidan Dee Nude | Francine Dee Nude | Jenna Dee Nude | Maisie Dee Nude | Sandra Dee Nude | Sophie Dee Nude | Vicky Dee Nude | Heather Deeley Nude | Angelique Deenen Nude | Tara Deffenderfer Nude | Eli DeGeer Nude | Elisabeth Degen Nude | Ellen DeGeneres Nude | Veera Degerholm Nude | Chantal Degroat Nude | Isabella Deiana Nude | Jenny Deimling Nude | Mila Dekker Nude | Monica del Carmen Nude | Maria Del Mar Nude | Inma del Moral Nude | Esther del Prado Nude | Dolores del Rio Nude | Vanessa Del Rio Nude | Andrea Del Rosario Nude | Lory Del Santo Nude | Alika Del Sol Nude | Laura del Sol Nude | Vanessa Del Sol Nude | María José del Valle Nude | Giuditta Del Vecchio Nude | Capucine Delaby Nude | Elodie Delage Nude | Moneca Delain Nude | Louise Delamere Nude | Shyra Deland Nude | Cassandra Delaney Nude | Gloria Delaney Nude | Kim Delaney Nude | Vanina Delannoy Nude | Dana Delany Nude | Veronica Delao Nude | Julie Delarme Nude | Evie Delatosso Nude | Véronique Delbourg Nude | Idalis DeLeon Nude | Alma Delfina Nude | Marieh Delfino Nude | Demi Delia Nude | Lisa Delien Nude | Debra Deliso Nude | Rosaria della Femmina Nude | Francesca Dellera Nude | Alexandra Delli Colli Nude | Alycia Delmore Nude | Nathalie Delon Nude | Jennifer Delora Nude | Wendy Delorme Nude | Dominique Delpierre Nude | Julie Delpy Nude | Chantal Delsaux Nude | Marine Delterme Nude | Jennifer DeLuca Nude | Anne Marie DeLuise Nude | Marya Delver Nude | Cricket DeManuel Nude | AnnaMaria Demara Nude | Claudia Demarmels Nude | Mary Demas Nude | Monique Demers Nude | Tiendra Demian Nude | Renan Demirkan Nude | Papusha Demitro Nude | Darlene Demko Nude | Devin Demoore Nude | Athena Demos Nude | Darcy DeMoss Nude | Anaïs Demoustier Nude | Vanessa Demouy Nude | Cheryl Dempsey Nude | Sandy Dempsey Nude | Tanya Dempsey Nude | Valentine Demy Nude | Marie Denarnaud Nude | Brenda Denaut Nude | Judi Dench Nude | Catherine Deneuve Nude | Alice Denham Nude | Marianne Denicourt Nude | Lydie Denier Nude | Nikita Denise Nude | Mary Deno Nude | Cheryl Dent Nude | Michelle Dent Nude | Rhonda Dent Nude | Julie Depardieu Nude | Nina DePonca Nude | Teresa DePriest Nude | Émilie Dequenne Nude | Susan Derakhchani Nude | Devin Deray Nude | Margaret Derbyshire Nude | Jessica Dercks Nude | Bo Derek Nude | Lisa Dergan Nude | Maeve Dermody Nude | Laura Dern Nude | Christina DeRosa Nude | Eva Derrek Nude | Kathy Derry Nude | Katie Derry Nude | Lamya Derval Nude | Pamela Des Barres Nude | Estelle Desanges Nude | Jaclyn DeSantis Nude | Virginie Desarnauts Nude | Maria Deschamps Nude | Zooey Deschanel Nude | Colette Descombes Nude | Marie-Christine Descouard Nude | Eva DeSena Nude | Marie-Christine Deshayes Nude | Gioia Desideri Nude | Jenine Desiderio Nude | Sophie Desmarais Nude | Donna Desmond Nude | Amy Desta Nude | Amanda Detmer Nude | Maruschka Detmers Nude | Samantha Eileen DeTurk Nude | Elke Deuringer Nude | Victoria Deuschle Nude | Armelle Deutsch Nude | Victoria Deutschmann Nude | Charlotte Devaney Nude | Devin DeVasquez Nude | Edita Deveroux Nude | Pascale Devigne Nude | Syn DeVil Nude | Roxi Devill Nude | Destiny Deville Nude | Monique Deville Nude | Charlayne DeVillier Nude | Catherine Devine Nude | Lauren Devlin Nude | Devon Nude | Helen Devon Nude | Felicity Devonshire Nude | Emmanuelle Devos Nude | Beth Dewey Nude | Rosemarie DeWitt Nude | Noureen DeWulf Nude | Rosemary Dexter Nude | Susan Dey Nude | Seri DeYoung Nude | Deanna Dezmari Nude | Caroline Dhavernas Nude | Giovanna Di Bernardo Nude | Pina Di Blasi Nude | Lidia Di Corato Nude | Diane Di Gregorio Nude | Dalila Di Lazzaro Nude | Anneka Di Lorenzo Nude | Carmen Di Pietro Nude | Victoria di Stefano Nude | Alisa Diane Nude | Kiara Diane Nude | Cameron Diaz Nude | Flora Diaz Nude | Lucilla Diaz Nude | María Díaz Nude | Melonie Diaz Nude | Pamela Diaz Nude | Ruth Diaz Nude | Veronica Diaz Nude | Yamila Díaz Nude | Michelle DiBenedetti Nude | Gina Dick Nude | Kim Dickens Nude | Daryl Dickerson Nude | Pamela Dickerson Nude | Kate Dickie Nude | Angie Dickinson Nude | Kimberly Dickson Nude | Doreen Dietel Nude | Cindi Dietrich Nude | Julia Dietze Nude | Nade Dieu Nude | Jessica Difeo Nude | Jillian Difusco Nude | Uschi Digard Nude | Amy Diggins Nude | Holly Dignard Nude | Diane DiLascio Nude | Nathalia Dill Nude | Victoria Dillard Nude | Denise Dillaway Nude | Valerie Dillman Nude | Jyl Dillon Nude | Melinda Dillon Nude | Dyanne DiMarco Nude | C.J. DiMarsico Nude | Zélia Diniz Nude | Maria Dinulescu Nude | Traci Dinwiddie Nude | Céline Dion Nude | Melissa Dionisio Nude | Silvia Dionisio Nude | Sofia Dionisio Nude | Mónica Dionne Nude | Britta Dirks Nude | Alette Dirkse Nude | Marita Ditmar Nude | Lulu Divine Nude | Maya Divine Nude | Sophie Dix Nude | Jyllyan Dixon Nude | Marpessa Djian Nude | Jadranka Djokic Nude | Kaela Dobkin Nude | Kata Dobó Nude | Anica Dobra Nude | Arta Dobroshi Nude | Gosia Dobrowolska Nude | Erika Dockery Nude | Mieke Dockley Nude | Gina Doctor Nude | Megan Dodds Nude | Angela Dodson Nude | Meital Dohan Nude | Shannen Doherty Nude | Angela Dohrmann Nude | Lexa Doig Nude | Lou Doillon Nude | Greta Dolan Nude | Amanda Dole Nude | Devery Doleman Nude | Leticia Dolera Nude | Birgit Doll Nude | Candy Doll Nude | Dora Doll Nude | Spanky Doll Nude | Dolly Dollar Nude | Constance Dollé Nude | Dolores Nude | Dolorian Nude | Dorit Dom Nude | Arielle Dombasle Nude | Dagmara Dominczyk Nude | Marika Dominczyk Nude | Martina Domingo Nude | Adriana Domínguez Nude | Cristel Dominguez Nude | Laura Domínguez Nude | Maura Dominguez Nude | Dominique Nude | Solveig Dommartin Nude | Chloe Domont Nude | Angelica Domröse Nude | Linda Dona Nude | Marilda Donà Nude | Jane Donadio Nude | Terry Donahoe Nude | Sonia Donaldson Nude | Lisa Donatz Nude | Olivia Donegan Nude | Bella Donna Nude | Christine Donna Nude | Tamara Donnellan Nude | Heidi Donnelly Nude | Laura Donnelly Nude | Patrice Donnelly Nude | Amanda Donohoe Nude | Marion Donon Nude | Dixie Donovan Nude | Georgina Donovan Nude | Valérie Donzelli Nude | Alison Doody Nude | Sarah Doolan Nude | Regine Doreen Nude | Angela Doria Nude | Daniela Doria Nude | Antonia Dorian Nude | Françoise Dorléac Nude | Natalie Dormer Nude | Dody Dorn Nude | Dorothée Nude | Maya Tai Dorsey Nude | Damia Doti Nude | Els Dottermans Nude | Missy Doty Nude | Sonia Doubell Nude | Kaitlin Doubleday Nude | Denise Dougherty Nude | Revé Douglas Nude | Sarah Douglas Nude | Robyn Douglass Nude | Mélanie Doutey Nude | Lesley-Anne Down Nude | Allison Louise Downe Nude | Miranda Downey Nude | Lorna Doyle Nude | Kerstin Draeger Nude | Eleni Dragoumi Nude | Margaret Dragu Nude | Jodi Draigie Nude | Juli Drajkó Nude | Carol Drake Nude | Gabrielle Drake Nude | Jessica Drake Nude | Marciee Drake Nude | Michele Drake Nude | Janie Draper Nude | Laura Drasbæk Nude | Lena Drásova Nude | Sierra Dream Nude | Milena Dreißig Nude | Fran Drescher Nude | Jillian Lauren Dreskin Nude | Ines Dressler Nude | Griffin Drew Nude | Linzi Drew Nude | Corinna Drews Nude | Stefanie Dreyer Nude | Deborah Driggs Nude | Anna Drijver Nude | Micaiah Dring Nude | Carol Drinkwater Nude | Minnie Driver Nude | Ekaterina Drobish Nude | Izabela Drobotowicz-Orkisz Nude | Michaela Drotárová Nude | Marine Drouhet Nude | Claire Drouot Nude | Olga Drozdova Nude | Léa Drucker Nude | Dinara Drukarova Nude | Erica Drummond Nude | Julie Du Page Nude | Carmen du Sautoy Nude | Denise Du Vall Nude | Paloma Duarte Nude | Laurence Dubas Nude | Jessica Dublin Nude | Jade Duboir Nude | Virginie Dubois Nude | Guilhaine Dubos Nude | Maroussia Dubreuil Nude | Ruth Dubuisson Nude | Kristi Ducati Nude | Caroline Ducey Nude | Paule Ducharme Nude | Eva Duchkova Nude | Anne Dudek Nude | Lola Dueñas Nude | Veronika Duerr Nude | Sophie Duez Nude | Sonia Dufeu Nude | Anne-Marie Duff Nude | Denice Duff Nude | Patty Duffek Nude | Dorothy Duffy Nude | Julia Duffy Nude | Karen Duffy Nude | Shannon Duffy Nude | Annie Dufresne Nude | Marisa Dugas Nude | Eva Duijvestein Nude | Darina Dujmic Nude | Augie Duke Nude | Erica Duke Nude | Patty Duke Nude | Daisy Dukes Nude | Cyn Dulay Nude | Sandrine Dumas Nude | Hayley DuMond Nude | Faye Dunaway Nude | Alison Dunbar Nude | Lindsay Duncan Nude | Michelle Duncan Nude | Yvette Duncan Nude | Thóra Dungal Nude | Merrin Dungey Nude | Lena Dunham Nude | Dawn Dunlap Nude | Alex Dunn Nude | Vanessa Dunn Nude | Dawn Dunning Nude | Jessica Dunphy Nude | Lisa Dunsheath Nude | Kirsten Dunst Nude | Cheryl Dunye Nude | Anny Duperey Nude | Daphne Duplaix Nude | Marianne Dupont Nude | Ashley Dupré Nude | Jacqueline Dupré Nude | Roxana Dupre Nude | Christine Dupree Nude | Monique DuPree Nude | Joey DuPrez Nude | Michelle Duquet Nude | Marie Duran Nude | Erica Durance Nude | Julie Durand Nude | Katherine Durio Nude | Casey Durkin Nude | Shevonne Durkin Nude | Ann Dusenberry Nude | Eliza Dushku Nude | Noëlla Dussart Nude | Fille Dusselee Nude | Deborah Dutch Nude | Traci-Ann Dutton Nude | Monique Duval Nude | Norma Duval Nude | Clea Duvall Nude | Shelley Duvall Nude | Moune Duvivier Nude | Hope Dworaczyk Nude | Karyn Dwyer Nude | Yvonne Dwyer Nude | Isolda Dychauk Nude | Lorianne Dye Nude | Karen Dyer Nude | Olga Dykhovichnaya Nude | Madison Dylan Nude | Trine Dyrholm Nude | Alexis Dziena Nude | Anulka Dziubinska Nude | Victoria Eagger Nude | Tenika Early Nude | Dawn Eason Nude | Susanna East Nude | Leslie Easterbrook Nude | Jackie Easton Nude | Alison Eastwood Nude | Gini Eastwood Nude | Jayne Eastwood Nude | Anthea Eaton Nude | Inger Ebeltoft Nude | Gunda Ebert Nude | Malina Ebert Nude | Aimée Eccles Nude | Verónica Echegui Nude | Megalyn Echikunwoke Nude | Agneta Eckemyr Nude | Charmagne Eckert Nude | Shari Eckert Nude | Annie Carol Edel Nude | Lisa Edelstein Nude | Rebecca Eden Nude | Julie Edenhurst Nude | Isadora Edison Nude | Sara-Jo Edlin Nude | Valerie Edmond Nude | Andrea Edmondson Nude | Patricia Edmunds Nude | Beatie Edney Nude | Barbara Edwards Nude | Flower Edwards Nude | Janet Edwards Nude | Jayme Rhae Edwards Nude | Margaret Edwards Nude | Stacy Edwards Nude | Suzette Edwards Nude | Inés Efron Nude | Alison Egan Nude | Julie Ege Nude | Helene Egelund Nude | Carla Egerer Nude | Tamsin Egerton Nude | Samantha Eggar Nude | Marianne Eggerickx Nude | Kira Eggers Nude | Maren Eggert Nude | Nicole Eggert Nude | Noriko Egichi Nude | Holly Eglington Nude | Selma Egrei Nude | Nao Eguchi Nude | Julieta Egurrola Nude | Jennifer Ehle Nude | Suzanne Ehrlich Nude | Marina Anna Eich Nude | Coralie Eichholtz Nude | Karoline Eichhorn Nude | Lisa Eichhorn Nude | Lisa Eilbacher Nude | Janet Eilber Nude | Stina Ekblad Nude | Britt Ekland Nude | Monica Ekman Nude | Marie Ekorre Nude | Judith El Zein Nude | Tammy Elaine Nude | Jacqueline Elber Nude | Rawia Elchab Nude | Jessica Elder Nude | Tara Elders Nude | Carmen Electra Nude | Susie Elene Nude | Erika Eleniak Nude | Marie-Pascale Elfman Nude | Kaye Elhardt Nude | Yona Elian Nude | Carmen Elías Nude | Jeannie Elias Nude | Yasmin Elias Nude | Laufey Elíasdóttir Nude | Marjorie Eliot Nude | Miriam Eliot Nude | Elise Nude | Esther Elise Nude | Nico Elise Nude | Carlton Elizabeth Nude | Rachel Elizabeth Nude | Shannon Elizabeth Nude | Elizarah Nude | Lourdes Elizarrarás Nude | Ronit Elkabetz Nude | Ilona Elkin Nude | Karen Elkin Nude | Kerine Elkins Nude | Bridget Ellen Nude | Maria Ellingsen Nude | Alison Elliott Nude | Alison Elliott Nude | Jonell Elliott Nude | Antonia Ellis Nude | Aunjanue Ellis Nude | Caroline Ellis Nude | Mary Elizabeth Ellis Nude | Rebekah Ellis Nude | Jennifer Ellison Nude | Serra Ellison Nude | Tara Ellison Nude | Erica Ellyson Nude | Beatriz Elorrieta Nude | Hannelore Elsner Nude | Linda Elsner Nude | Jenny Elvers Nude | Kjersti Elvik Nude | Elvira Nude | Larissa Ely Nude | Elysee Nude | Zillah Emanuels Nude | Maité Embil Nude | Jennifer Emerson Nude | Tania Emery Nude | Emilianna Nude | Nathalie Emmanuel Nude | Sarsi Emmanuelle Nude | Arlette Emmery Nude | Sarah Emmons Nude | Sauce Ena Nude | Kyôko Enami Nude | Kiki Encina Nude | Alicia Encinas Nude | Carmelina Encinas Nude | Lena Endre Nude | Antoinette Engel Nude | Martina Engel Nude | Nadja Engel Nude | Constanze Engelbrecht Nude | Charlotte Engelhardt Nude | Anke Engelke Nude | Ann-Beate Engelke Nude | Lisa Engelman Nude | Sharon Engert Nude | Audie England Nude | Amber English Nude | Jessica English Nude | Sanna Englund Nude | Mizuho Enomoto Nude | Lisa Enos Nude | Jeong-hwa Eom Nude | Xu Er Nude | Sigal Eraz Nude | Kathryn Erbe Nude | Catherine Erhardt Nude | Akita Eri Nude | Erica Nude | Kristin Erickson Nude | Tracy Erickson Nude | Uta Erickson Nude | Karen Ericson Nude | Anita Ericsson Nude | Beate Eriksen Nude | Paula Erikson Nude | Pinar Erincin Nude | GiGi Erneta Nude | Krista Errickson Nude | Amy Esacove Nude | Mabel Escaño Nude | Elfi Eschke Nude | Darlen Escobar Nude | Elba Escobar Nude | Rosario Escobar Nude | Emmanuelle Escourrou Nude | Cuca Escribano Nude | Beatriz Escudero Nude | Anna-Karin Eskilsson Nude | Donna Eskra Nude | Esmeralda Nude | Núria Espert Nude | Silvia Espigado Nude | Lali Espinet Nude | Hazel Espinosa Nude | Marie Espinosa Nude | Isaura Espinoza Nude | Jennifer Esposito Nude | Christine Estabrook Nude | Mónica Estarreado Nude | Jayne Ester Nude | Amy Esterle Nude | María Esteve Nude | Mia Esteve Nude | Inés Estévez Nude | Michelle Estevez Nude | Blanca Estrada Nude | Susana Estrada Nude | Enikö Eszenyi Nude | Kim Eternity Nude | Megan Lee Ethridge Nude | Elisabeth Etienne Nude | Cynthia Ettinger Nude | Marta Etura Nude | Shari Eubank Nude | Alana Evans Nude | Alice Evans Nude | Candie Evans Nude | Jenny Evans Nude | Lauren Evans Nude | Linda Evans Nude | Lucy Evans Nude | Noelle Evans Nude | Raquel Evans Nude | Sandy Evans Nude | Sophie Evans Nude | Susan Evans Nude | Alice Eve Nude | Kim Evenson Nude | Gina Everett Nude | Nancy Everhard Nude | Angie Everhart Nude | Melissa Evers Nude | Gala Évora Nude | Kayla Ewell Nude | Jen Ewen Nude | Barbara Ewing Nude | Liz Ewing Nude | Molly Ewins Nude | Ellen Ewusie Nude | Alicia Eyo Nude | Karen Eyo Nude | Moeko Ezawa Nude | Rizza Fabia Nude | Ava Fabian Nude | Fabiola Nude | Belén Fabra Nude | Samantha Facchi Nude | Kat Facchino Nude | Giannina Facio Nude | Brigitta Faher Nude | Kate Fahy Nude | Frances Fair Nude | Tracey Fairaway Nude | Pamela Fairbrother Nude | June Fairchild Nude | Morgan Fairchild Nude | Nikki Fairchild Nude | Sabrina Faire Nude | Michelle Fairley Nude | Perla Faith Nude | Tyler Faith Nude | Marianne Faithfull Nude | Florence Faivre Nude | Faju Nude | Débora Falabella Nude | Lola Falana Nude | Anna Falchi Nude | Claudia Falco Nude | Edie Falco Nude | Fabiola Falcón Nude | Lisa Falcone Nude | Deborah Falconer Nude | Eva Falk Nude | Heike Falkenberg Nude | Deborah Fallender Nude | Karina Fallenstein Nude | Jessie Faller Nude | Simone Fallique Nude | Kate Fallon Nude | Lisa Fallon Nude | Tiffany Fallon Nude | Fiorella Faltoyano Nude | Bingbing Fan Nude | Mary Fanaro Nude | Christina Fandino Nude | Usang Yeong Fang Nude | Leonora Fani Nude | Felicita Fanny Nude | Fantasia Nude | Stephanie Fantauzzi Nude | Carona Faoro Nude | Sindy Faraguna Nude | Golshifteh Farahani Nude | Arlene Farber Nude | Debrah Farentino Nude | Stella Farentino Nude | Dana Fares Nude | Nadia Farès Nude | Erindera Farga Nude | Yenny Farida Nude | Anna Faris Nude | Mimsy Farmer Nude | Mylène Farmer Nude | Vera Farmiga Nude | Caroline Faro Nude | Diane Farr Nude | La Joy Farr Nude | Shonda Farr Nude | Anna Farrant Nude | Jessica Farrel Nude | Letitia Farrell Nude | Sharon Farrell Nude | Lisa Farringer Nude | Lorraine Farris Nude | Mia Farrow Nude | Tisa Farrow Nude | Ellan Fartt Nude | Stefania Fassio Nude | Jutta Fastian Nude | Adele Fátima Nude | Lucie Faubert Nude | Lisa Faulkner Nude | Sally Faulkner Nude | Yvette Faulkner Nude | Julia Faure Nude | Aurore Faurois Nude | Marlene Favela Nude | Sophie Favier Nude | Farrah Fawcett Nude | Denise Faye Nude | Shadow Faye Nude | Rachel Feary Nude | Susan Featherly Nude | Angela Featherstone Nude | Siberia M. Federico Nude | Caroleen Feeney Nude | Kim Feeney Nude | Nina Fehren Nude | Wendy Feign Nude | Patricia Fein Nude | Sarah Felberbaum Nude | Elisabeth Felchner Nude | Andrea Feldman Nude | Susie Feldman Nude | Sierra Feldner-Shaw Nude | Leigh Feldpausch Nude | Marisa Feldy Nude | Felecia Nude | María Félix Nude | Zoé Félix Nude | Mimi Félixine Nude | Mareike Fell Nude | Andrea Felldin Nude | Rosie Fellner Nude | Felony Nude | Edwige Fenech Nude | Sherilyn Fenn Nude | Ildiko Ferenczi Nude | Amy Ferguson Nude | Emma Ferguson Nude | Jean Ferguson Nude | Kate Ferguson Nude | Mindy Ferguson Nude | Nancye Ferguson Nude | Sandra Ferguson Nude | Sabrina Ferilli Nude | Anouk Ferjac Nude | Vijessna Ferkic Nude | Angela Ferlaino Nude | Vanessa Ferlito Nude | María Fernanda García Nude | Ana Fernández Nude | Elena Mar Fernández Nude | Jessenia Fernandez Nude | Maricar Fernandez Nude | Rina Fernandez Nude | Tanya Ferova Nude | Gillian Ferrabee Nude | Dawn Marie Ferrara Nude | Nancy Ferrara Nude | Sandra Ferrara Nude | Ashley Ferrare Nude | Cristina Ferrare Nude | Deborah Ferrari Nude | Isabella Ferrari Nude | Nina Ferrari Nude | Christina Ferraro Nude | Danièle Ferraro Nude | Rebecca Ferratti Nude | Jami Ferrell Nude | Andréa Ferréol Nude | Veronica Ferres Nude | Diana Ferreti Nude | Claudia Ferri Nude | Irena Ferris Nude | Samantha Ferris Nude | Ferron Nude | Pegah Ferydoni Nude | Xeniya Fesenko Nude | Debra Feuer Nude | Edwige Feuillère Nude | Kyo Feza Nude | Zuzana Fialova Nude | Charlotte Fich Nude | C.J. Fidler Nude | Bea Fiedler Nude | Kathleen Fiedler Nude | Tanith Fiedler Nude | Chelsea Field Nude | Karin Field Nude | Sally Field Nude | Emma Fielding Nude | Susannah Fielding Nude | Holly Fields Nude | Kathy Fields Nude | Summer Fields Nude | Claudia Fielers Nude | Alexa Fiery Nude | Anne Figgs Nude | Sarah Figoten Nude | Nicky Figueredo Nude | Joy Figueroa Nude | Katarzyna Figura Nude | Marianne Filali Nude | Yasmina Filali Nude | Vera Filatova Nude | Denise Filiatrault Nude | Biljana Filipovic Nude | Camilla Filippi Nude | Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir Nude | Isabel Fillardis Nude | Hélène Fillières Nude | Tammy Filor Nude | Tanya Finch Nude | Beate Finckh Nude | Alexandra Finder Nude | Jessica Brown Findlay Nude | Roberta Findlay Nude | Rhondda Findleton Nude | Jeanna Fine Nude | Carolin Fink Nude | Betsee Finlee Nude | Stephanie Finley Nude | Shirley Jo Finney Nude | Angela Finocchiaro Nude | Donatella Finocchiaro Nude | Linda Finzi Nude | Elena Fiore Nude | Nicola Fiore Nude | Joleigh Fioreavanti Nude | Linda Fiorentino Nude | Audrey Fiorini Nude | Chelle Fire Nude | Kelly Fire Nude | Ashley Fires Nude | Terri Firmer Nude | Anna Fischer Nude | Anya Fischer Nude | Bigi Fischer Nude | Iliana Fischer Nude | Jenna Fischer Nude | Julia Fischer Nude | Kai Fischer Nude | Kate Fischer Nude | Mo Fischer Nude | Vera Fischer Nude | Montana Fishburne Nude | Anita Fisher Nude | Eva Fisher Nude | Farrah Fisher Nude | Frances Fisher Nude | Isla Fisher Nude | Jodie Fisher Nude | Kimberly Fisher Nude | Mandy Fisher Nude | Patrice Fisher Nude | Hendrikje Fitz Nude | Lisa Fitz Nude | Veronika Fitz Nude | Erin Fitzgerald Nude | Flore Fitzgerald Nude | Helen FitzGerald Nude | Maggie Fitzgerald Nude | Tara Fitzgerald Nude | Gabrielle Fitzpatrick Nude | Gail Fitzpatrick Nude | Barbara Fixx Nude | Caroline Flack Nude | Eileen Flahegerty Nude | Maureen Flaherty Nude | Andrée Flamand Nude | Penny Flame Nude | Vanessa Flamez Nude | Fionnula Flanagan Nude | Fabrizia Flanders Nude | Erin Flannery Nude | Jessica Brytn Flannery Nude | Maureen Flannigan Nude | Carrie Flaska Nude | Meghan Flather Nude | Susan Fleetwood Nude | Jodi Fleisher Nude | Shira Fleisher Nude | Heidi Fleiss Nude | Carrie Fleming Nude | Gabi Fleming Nude | Lone Fleming Nude | Catherine H. Flemming Nude | Audrey Fleurot Nude | Cécile Fleury Nude | Janina Flieger Nude | Jule Flierl Nude | Katja Flint Nude | Maria Flor Nude | Hélène Florent Nude | Claudia Flores Nude | Magdalena Flores Nude | Rosario Flores Nude | Ursula Flores Nude | Holly Floria Nude | Isabel Florido Nude | Alice Flotron Nude | Verkina Flower Nude | April Flowers Nude | Susan Floyd Nude | Darlanne Fluegel Nude | Danielle Fluker Nude | Joni Flynn Nude | Rhonda Flynn Nude | Siobhan Flynn Nude | Brenda Fogarty Nude | Vera Fogwill Nude | Marina Foïs Nude | Aida Folch Nude | Leslie Foldvary Nude | Ulrike Folkerts Nude | Alison Folland Nude | Silvia Fominaya Nude | Bridget Fonda Nude | Jane Fonda Nude | Stephanie Fondue Nude | Angela Fong Nude | Jenn Fong Nude | Joy Fong Nude | Stephanie Fong Nude | Yuk Fong Nude | Adriana Fonseca Nude | Alisha Fontaine Nude | Anne Fontaine Nude | Johanne Fontaine Nude | Kristen Fontaine Nude | Dolores Fonzi Nude | Cameron Foord Nude | Lois Foraker Nude | Mary Forbes Nude | Michelle Forbes Nude | Anitra Ford Nude | Clementine Ford Nude | Courtney Ford Nude | Leah Ford Nude | Maria Ford Nude | Meddy Ford Nude | Willa Ford Nude | Jessica Forde Nude | Amanda Foreman Nude | Deborah Foreman Nude | Michelle Foreman Nude | Delphine Forest Nude | Sara Forestier Nude | Liane Forestieri Nude | Farrah Forke Nude | Claire Forlani Nude | Michele Forman Nude | Tanja Fornaro Nude | Verónica Forqué Nude | Anna Forrest Nude | Marion Forster Nude | Rosemary Forsyth Nude | Marie Forså Nude | Marlene Forte Nude | Valentina Forte Nude | Isabelle Fortea Nude | Nicole Fortier Nude | Penelope Fortier Nude | Brigitte Fossey Nude | Connie Foster Nude | Diane Foster Nude | Jodie Foster Nude | Judy Foster Nude | Lisa Foster Nude | Meg Foster Nude | Nadia Foster Nude | Sara Foster Nude | Terrea Foster Nude | Hélène de Fougerolles Nude | Mirrah Foulkes Nude | Jeane Fournier Nude | Julie Fournier Nude | Darcy Fowers Nude | Francesca Fowler Nude | Wendy Rae Fowler Nude | Emilia Fox Nude | Felicia Fox Nude | Gabriella Fox Nude | Jerica Fox Nude | Kerry Fox Nude | Kit Fox Nude | Lauren Fox Nude | Megan Fox Nude | Morgan Fox Nude | Samantha Fox Nude | Samantha Fox Nude | Vivica A. Fox Nude | Claire Foy Nude | Victoria Foyt Nude | Nivya Frabetti Nude | Eva Frajko Nude | Amber France Nude | Maxine DeVille France Nude | Stella Francheschi Nude | Chiara Francini Nude | Carole Francis Nude | Anne-Sophie Franck Nude | Déborah François Nude | Noel Francomano Nude | Astrid Frank Nude | Diana Frank Nude | Evelyn Frank Nude | Joanna Frank Nude | Jody Frank Nude | Katrina Frank Nude | Kristi Frank Nude | Leslie Frank Nude | Anja Franke Nude | Bethenny Frankel Nude | Diane Franklin Nude | Louise Franklin Nude | Pamela Franklin Nude | Bianca Frankowska Nude | Jessica Franz Nude | Filippa Franzén Nude | Danielle Frappier Nude | Helen Fraser Nude | Laura Fraser Nude | Lucy Frashure Nude | Jolanta Fraszynska Nude | Sheila Frazier Nude | Gunnel Fred Nude | Freddist Nude | Lynne Frederick Nude | Tanna Frederick Nude | Tara Frederick Nude | Vicki Frederick Nude | Nina Frederik Nude | Frederique Nude | Alice Fredlund Nude | Christa Free Nude | Jackie Freed Nude | Lynn A. Freedman Nude | Cyndi Freeman Nude | Emily Freeman Nude | Kalani Freeman Nude | Krystal Freeman Nude | Lindsay Freeman Nude | Kelly Freemantle Nude | Cindy Freemont Nude | Anja Freese Nude | Kate French Nude | Paige French Nude | Rebecca Friberg Nude | Friday Nude | Stefanie Friedland Nude | Inka Friedrich Nude | Anna Friel Nude | Annette Frier Nude | Liv Lisa Fries Nude | Kiran Friesan Nude | Karen Friesicke Nude | Audrey Frison Nude | Regina Fritsch Nude | Gaby Fritz Nude | Gentle Fritz Nude | Nikki Fritz Nude | Claudia Fritzsche Nude | Joanne Frogatt Nude | Yunisa Frometa Nude | Ariana Fronti Nude | Amanda Frost Nude | Cora Frost Nude | Maria Frost Nude | Sadie Frost Nude | Victoria Frost Nude | Sara Lee Froton Nude | Olga Frycz Nude | Radiah Frye Nude | Andrea Fryk Nude | Gaby Fuchs Nude | Vaile Fuchs Nude | Nike Fuhrmann Nude | Fujiko Nude | Mutsumi Fujita Nude | Ayako Fujitani Nude | Kei Fujiwara Nude | Rie Fukami Nude | Wendii Fulford Nude | Amanda Fuller Nude | Megan Fuller Nude | Sequoia Rose Fuller Nude | Victoria Fuller Nude | Christina Fulton Nude | Rosa Fumetto Nude | Dirce Funari Nude | Dawne Furey Nude | Dawn Furie Nude | Mira Furlan Nude | Simona Fusco Nude | Stacy Fuson Nude | Astrid M. Fünderich Nude | Brandi G Nude | Genna G Nude | Clara G. Nude | Rita G. Nude | Paca Gabaldón Nude | Nathalie Gabay Nude | Scilla Gabel Nude | Ana Gabriel Nude | Ruth Gabriel Nude | Veronique Gabriel Nude | Jenny Gabrielle Nude | Monique Gabrielle Nude | Elisa Gabrielli Nude | Laetitia Gabrielli Nude | Christianne Gadd Nude | Analía Gadé Nude | Gordana Gadzic Nude | Anna Gaël Nude | Maureen Gaffney Nude | Lady Gaga Nude | Margot Gagnon Nude | Djeïnaba Diop Gaï Nude | Diane Gaidry Nude | Charlotte Gainsbourg Nude | Cristina Gaioni Nude | Mariana Gajá Nude | Cristina Galbó Nude | Elia Galera Nude | Anna Galiena Nude | Denise Galik-Furey Nude | Kelly Galindo Nude | Maureena Galindo Nude | Dindi Gallardo Nude | Liz Gallardo Nude | Silvana Gallardo Nude | Ely Galleani Nude | Marcela Gallego Nude | Carla Gallo Nude | Paulina Gálvez Nude | Emily Galvin Nude | Triana Gamaza Nude | Veronica Gamba Nude | Karine Gambier Nude | Marilyn Gamboa Nude | Monique Ganderton Nude | Catherine Gandois Nude | Anastasia Ganias Nude | Gayle Gannes Nude | Teresa Ganzel Nude | Romola Garai Nude | Cristina Garavaglia Nude | Brandi Garay Nude | Soo Garay Nude | Terri Garber Nude | Yasmine Garbi Nude | Nina Garbiras Nude | Greta Garbo Nude | Ingrid Garbo Nude | Paula Garcés Nude | Gwen Garci Nude | Ana Beatriz Garcia Nude | April Garcia Nude | Diana García Nude | Gina Garcia Nude | Imma Garcia Nude | Lorena García Nude | Martina García Nude | Mayte Garcia Nude | Nicole Garcia Nude | Scarlet Garcia Nude | Valentina Garcia Nude | Annie Birgit Garde Nude | Eva Garden Nude | Sandy Gardiner Nude | Ashley Gardner Nude | Katya Gardner Nude | Raquel Gardner Nude | Jennifer Gareis Nude | Stefania Orsola Garello Nude | Lindsay Gareth Nude | Simi Garewal Nude | Lee Garlington Nude | Jennifer Garner Nude | Jennifer Garner Nude | Kelli Garner Nude | Nadine Garner Nude | Shay Garner Nude | Maxime Garnier Nude | Teri Garr Nude | Steffi Garrard Nude | Jane Garret Nude | Beau Garrett Nude | Leigh Ann Garrett Nude | Michelle Garrin Nude | Tawny Garrison Nude | Netta Garti Nude | Kate Gartside Nude | Jill Gascoine Nude | Naomi Gaskin Nude | Esmarel Gasman Nude | Dominique Gaspar Nude | Angela Gasparec Nude | Johanna Gastdorf Nude | Marta Gastini Nude | Haven Gaston Nude | Lisa Gastoni Nude | Marina Gatell Nude | Luchana Gatica Nude | Jennifer Gatti Nude | Alicia Gatto Nude | Danièle Gaubert Nude | Gauge Nude | Maya Gaugler Nude | Connie Gauthier Nude | Anne Gautier Nude | Cassandra Gava Nude | Janina Gavankar Nude | Mariann Gavelo Nude | Belinda Gavin Nude | Erica Gavin Nude | Erin Gavin Nude | Jelena Gavrilovic Nude | Cathlen Gawlich Nude | Ewa Gawryluk Nude | Auretta Gay Nude | Anne Gaybis Nude | Julie Gayet Nude | Rebecca Gayheart Nude | Gretchen Gayle Nude | Jennifer Gayle Nude | Monica Gayle Nude | Florence Geanty Nude | Ami Gearhart Nude | Linda Gearheart Nude | Jackie Geary Nude | Teri Geary Nude | Anja Gebel Nude | Martina Gedeck Nude | Ruta Gedmintas Nude | Prunella Gee Nude | Judy Geeson Nude | Sally Geeson Nude | Deborah Geffner Nude | Valerie Geffner Nude | Clemence Gégauff Nude | Danièle Gegauff Nude | Gegia Nude | Johanna Christine Gehlen Nude | Pleasant Gehman Nude | Linda Geiser Nude | Claudia Geisler Nude | Regina Geisler Nude | Anna Geislerová Nude | Louisette Geiss Nude | Margit Geissler Nude | Fiona Gélin Nude | Patricia Gélin Nude | Isabelle Gélinas Nude | Sarah Michelle Gellar Nude | Vera Gemma Nude | Laura Gemser Nude | Veronique Genest Nude | Chiara Gensini Nude | Betsy Genson Nude | Nikki Gentile Nude | Carrie Genzel Nude | Betsy Lynn George Nude | Libby George Nude | Melissa George Nude | Melissa George Nude | Rita George Nude | Susan George Nude | Tami-Adrian George Nude | Olga Georges-Picot Nude | Erin Geraghty Nude | Finola Geraghty Nude | Joan Gerardi Nude | Jasmin Gerat Nude | Ashlyn Gere Nude | Nadja Gerganoff Nude | Claudia Gerini Nude | Louise Germaine Nude | Rachel Germaine Nude | Lauren German Nude | Nadine Germann Nude | Silvie Gerold Nude | Flo Gerrish Nude | Savina Gersak Nude | Isabell Gerschke Nude | Lone Gersel Nude | Gina Gershon Nude | Katja Gerstl Nude | Jami Gertz Nude | Bianca Gervais Nude | Greta Gerwig Nude | Heather Gettings Nude | Marilyn Ghigliotti Nude | Shiva Gholamianzadeh Nude | Chantel Giacalone Nude | Colette Giacobine Nude | Antonella Giacomini Nude | Nelide Giammarco Nude | Katja Giammona Nude | Nicole Gian Nude | Ashley Giancola Nude | Meredith Giangrande Nude | Annunziata Gianzero Nude | Cynthia Gibb Nude | Susana Gibb Nude | Angela Gibbs Nude | Ann Gibbs Nude | Courtney Gibbs Nude | Belinda Giblin Nude | Rebecca Gibney Nude | Myriam Gibril Nude | Billie Gibson Nude | Jennifer Gibson Nude | Kate Gibson Nude | Raquel Gibson Nude | Shiela Gibson Nude | Terry Gibson Nude | Tresa Gibson Nude | Pamela Gidley Nude | Karin Giegerich Nude | Elaine Giftos Nude | Adèle Gigantes Nude | Janet Giglio Nude | Gil Nude | Ariadna Gil Nude | Katie Gil Nude | Christine Gilb Nude | April Gilbert Nude | Glori-Anne Gilbert Nude | June Gilbert Nude | Lauri Gilbert Nude | Maya Gilbert 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Octomom Home Alone Snooki Nude Pics Amia Miley Nude Kim Kardashian Nude Poonam Pandey Nude
Octomom Home Alone Snooki Nude Pics Amia Miley Nude Kim Kardashian Nude Poonam Pandey Nude
Octomom Home Alone Snooki Nude Pics Amia Miley Nude Kim Kardashian Nude Poonam Pandey Nude
Octomom Home Alone Snooki Nude Pics Amia Miley Nude Kim Kardashian Nude Poonam Pandey Nude
Octomom Home Alone Snooki Nude Pics Amia Miley Nude Kim Kardashian Nude Poonam Pandey Nude
Octomom Home Alone Snooki Nude Pics Amia Miley Nude Kim Kardashian Nude Poonam Pandey Nude
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Nude yoga fueled Kim Kardashian-Kris Humphries breakup NBA player Kris Humphries walking in on wife Kim Kardashian's "nude" yoga class with a naked male instructor may have helped fuel the blowup of the couple's short-lived marriage, according to ABC
Nude yoga fueled Kim Kardashian-Kris Humphries breakup NBA player Kris Humphries walking in on wife Kim Kardashian's "nude" yoga class with a naked male instructor may have helped fuel the blowup of the couple's short-lived marriage, according to ABC News.
The former New Jersey Nets player and the reality TV star were shown bickering frequently during Sunday's premiere of Kourtney & Kim Take New York on E! network, notes ABC's Andrea Canning.
But what really seems to have sent Humphries packing is walking in on Kim, Kourtney and friends practicing hot nude yoga in the couple's hotel suite -- with a naked male instructor. Kris exclaims "that's disgusting" and storms off (Watch video here). E! blurred out the instructor's private parts.
When Kim berates Kris for treating the instructor and her friends disrespectfully, he yells: "How rude is it that there's a naked guy in my house when I walk home?" She counters: "You are so immature, I can't take it."
SPLITSVILLE: Humphries wants to annul marriage, avoid divorce
REPORT: Humphries in "utter horror" at his depiction on show
LIFELINE LIVE: 'Kourtney & Kim' scores big TV ratings
Of course, this is the "reality" TV. The yoga session could have been as phony and staged as many people believe their made-for-the-media marriage was. But later on, Kris tells his bride he's leaving her in the Big Apple and moving back home to Minnesota to train for the upcoming NBA season.
Kim questions their future together. "We're gonna live separate? Like a long-distance marriage?" she asks.
The rest of the series promises to unveil future details of the unraveling of their doomed marriage. TV viewers already know how things ended in real life: Kardashian filed for divorce after 72 days.With a tentative deal in place to end the NBA lockout, Humphries will be a free agent this season.
See photos of: Good Morning America, Kim Kardashian, Kris Humphries
The former New Jersey Nets player and the reality TV star were shown bickering frequently during Sunday's premiere of Kourtney & Kim Take New York on E! network, notes ABC's Andrea Canning.
But what really seems to have sent Humphries packing is walking in on Kim, Kourtney and friends practicing hot nude yoga in the couple's hotel suite -- with a naked male instructor. Kris exclaims "that's disgusting" and storms off (Watch video here). E! blurred out the instructor's private parts.
When Kim berates Kris for treating the instructor and her friends disrespectfully, he yells: "How rude is it that there's a naked guy in my house when I walk home?" She counters: "You are so immature, I can't take it."
SPLITSVILLE: Humphries wants to annul marriage, avoid divorce
REPORT: Humphries in "utter horror" at his depiction on show
LIFELINE LIVE: 'Kourtney & Kim' scores big TV ratings
Of course, this is the "reality" TV. The yoga session could have been as phony and staged as many people believe their made-for-the-media marriage was. But later on, Kris tells his bride he's leaving her in the Big Apple and moving back home to Minnesota to train for the upcoming NBA season.
Kim questions their future together. "We're gonna live separate? Like a long-distance marriage?" she asks.
The rest of the series promises to unveil future details of the unraveling of their doomed marriage. TV viewers already know how things ended in real life: Kardashian filed for divorce after 72 days.With a tentative deal in place to end the NBA lockout, Humphries will be a free agent this season.
See photos of: Good Morning America, Kim Kardashian, Kris Humphries
Nude Lady Gaga reveals her bad romances
Nude Lady Gaga reveals her bad romances
Loner: US singer Lady Gaga says she struggles to form lasting relationships with male partners Picture: AFP Source: AFP
ECCENTRIC songstress Lady Gaga says she has an "inability to know what happiness feels like with a man", in comments accompanying a nude magazine photo spread.
Lady Gaga posed for a series of trademark Annie Leibovitz pictures on the cover and inside pages of the latest edition of Vanity Fair - including one shot of her naked, being painted by veteran crooner Tony Bennett.
Gallery: Lady Gaga's inspirations
"I have never felt truly cherished by a lover. I have an inability to know what happiness feels like with a man," she told the magazine, suggesting she might be destined to be a single Lady forever.
"I say this honestly, and this is my new thing as of the past year: when I fight with someone I'm in a relationship with, I think, 'What would my fans think if they knew this was happening?'
"How would they feel about my work and about me as a female if they knew I was allowing this to go on? And then I get out."
Gaga - who was due to appear on Wednesday night at the annual Grammys nomination show in Los Angeles - appears in a lavish red two-piece and over-sized hat on the front of the magazine.
Inside pictures include her washing furs in a laundromat, eating at a hotdog stand dressed in a vast golden dress - and a shot of her naked, posing on a rug with her back arched for Bennett, in an artist's studio.
She says her relationships tend to follow a same destructive pattern, especially if her partner is as creative as she is.
"It starts out good," she says. "Then when I'm in these relationships with people who are also creative, or creative in their own way, what happens is the attraction is initially there and it's all unicorns and rainbows.
"And then they hate me. If I go to the piano and write a quick song and play it back, they are angry with how fast and effortless it is. That's who I am, and I don't apologise for it."
She added that sometimes she feels she is destined to be lonely. "I had a man say to me, 'You will die alone in a house bigger than you know, with all your money and hit records, and you will die alone'."
Loner: US singer Lady Gaga says she struggles to form lasting relationships with male partners Picture: AFP Source: AFP
ECCENTRIC songstress Lady Gaga says she has an "inability to know what happiness feels like with a man", in comments accompanying a nude magazine photo spread.
Lady Gaga posed for a series of trademark Annie Leibovitz pictures on the cover and inside pages of the latest edition of Vanity Fair - including one shot of her naked, being painted by veteran crooner Tony Bennett.
Gallery: Lady Gaga's inspirations
"I have never felt truly cherished by a lover. I have an inability to know what happiness feels like with a man," she told the magazine, suggesting she might be destined to be a single Lady forever.
"I say this honestly, and this is my new thing as of the past year: when I fight with someone I'm in a relationship with, I think, 'What would my fans think if they knew this was happening?'
"How would they feel about my work and about me as a female if they knew I was allowing this to go on? And then I get out."
Gaga - who was due to appear on Wednesday night at the annual Grammys nomination show in Los Angeles - appears in a lavish red two-piece and over-sized hat on the front of the magazine.
Inside pictures include her washing furs in a laundromat, eating at a hotdog stand dressed in a vast golden dress - and a shot of her naked, posing on a rug with her back arched for Bennett, in an artist's studio.
She says her relationships tend to follow a same destructive pattern, especially if her partner is as creative as she is.
"It starts out good," she says. "Then when I'm in these relationships with people who are also creative, or creative in their own way, what happens is the attraction is initially there and it's all unicorns and rainbows.
"And then they hate me. If I go to the piano and write a quick song and play it back, they are angry with how fast and effortless it is. That's who I am, and I don't apologise for it."
She added that sometimes she feels she is destined to be lonely. "I had a man say to me, 'You will die alone in a house bigger than you know, with all your money and hit records, and you will die alone'."
Jessica Biel Getting Naked, Which Is Unremarkable For An Actress But You Want To Look All The Same , Jessica Biel was scarred by taking her clothes off in ‘Powder Blue’, a film she’s made that no-one watched
Jessica Biel Getting Naked, Which Is Unremarkable For An Actress But You Want To Look All The Same , Jessica Biel was scarred by taking her clothes off in 'Powder Blue', a film she's made that no-one watched
in Celebrity Gossip,Celebrity Videos,Movie Gossip,Movie Trailers and Videos,News,Videos
Apparently, Jessica Biel was scarred by taking her clothes off in 'Powder Blue', a film she's made that no-one watched. No. She's not disrobing with a chainsaw you dolt. Her scars are emotional.
Emotional scars are the worst ones aren't they? Mind-scabs are agony.
Anyway, despite saying that she found it "brutal" to see images of her naked body strewn across the Internet thanks to the nudey clip from the film (which you can watch over the jump if you're unbearably lonely), she's actually willing to do it again. That's because she's an actor and they sometimes take their clothes off. It's spectacularly unremarkable news. Unremarkable news with boobs though.
She said in an interview, which we suspect was incredibly interesting:
"If a director I trusted came to me with an amazing opportunity and it felt organic, I would do it"
Organic eh? The smoothie makers at Innocent must be thrilled at this news then.
Of course, like any story involving a sensitive, serious actor, there's a catch. See, while you may have clicked over the jump to get a look at a famous pair of busters, you may need the Kleenex to wipe away your tears of sorrow (good thing that you cry when you masturbate anyway).
Her film sees her stripping for money, which will make you perverts cheer! Alas, she's a woman forced into stripping so she can raise money for her terminally ill son. BUZZKILL!
Biel admitted that she thought it was "unfortunate" that her nakedness became more of a talking point than the message behind the film itself, but at least she's learned the importance of boobies now. Boobies are more important than anything ever.
The gloom surrounding this economic crisis would be abated if all governments simply installed giant screens in every town centre displaying bare-chested humans.
You don't care though. You just want to see Jessica Biel in just her knickers don't you?
Here you go then, you wretched perv.
in Celebrity Gossip,Celebrity Videos,Movie Gossip,Movie Trailers and Videos,News,Videos
Apparently, Jessica Biel was scarred by taking her clothes off in 'Powder Blue', a film she's made that no-one watched. No. She's not disrobing with a chainsaw you dolt. Her scars are emotional.
Emotional scars are the worst ones aren't they? Mind-scabs are agony.
Anyway, despite saying that she found it "brutal" to see images of her naked body strewn across the Internet thanks to the nudey clip from the film (which you can watch over the jump if you're unbearably lonely), she's actually willing to do it again. That's because she's an actor and they sometimes take their clothes off. It's spectacularly unremarkable news. Unremarkable news with boobs though.
She said in an interview, which we suspect was incredibly interesting:
"If a director I trusted came to me with an amazing opportunity and it felt organic, I would do it"
Organic eh? The smoothie makers at Innocent must be thrilled at this news then.
Of course, like any story involving a sensitive, serious actor, there's a catch. See, while you may have clicked over the jump to get a look at a famous pair of busters, you may need the Kleenex to wipe away your tears of sorrow (good thing that you cry when you masturbate anyway).
Her film sees her stripping for money, which will make you perverts cheer! Alas, she's a woman forced into stripping so she can raise money for her terminally ill son. BUZZKILL!
Biel admitted that she thought it was "unfortunate" that her nakedness became more of a talking point than the message behind the film itself, but at least she's learned the importance of boobies now. Boobies are more important than anything ever.
The gloom surrounding this economic crisis would be abated if all governments simply installed giant screens in every town centre displaying bare-chested humans.
You don't care though. You just want to see Jessica Biel in just her knickers don't you?
Here you go then, you wretched perv.
Jessica Biel would strip down for another movie Never say never: Jessica Biel recently revealed that though she found it "brutal" to see images of her naked body strewn across the Internet via a clip from "Powder Blue," she'd do it all over again.
Jessica Biel would strip down for another movie Never say never: Jessica Biel recently revealed that though she found it "brutal" to see images of her naked body strewn across the Internet via a clip from "Powder Blue," she'd do it all over again.
"If a director I trusted came to me with an amazing opportunity and it felt organic, I would do it," she told the Daily Mail in an interview.
In the straight-to-DVD film, Biel played a woman who decided to strip to raise money for her terminally ill son - complete with outlandish wig and minimal clothing.
"If a director I trusted came to me with an amazing opportunity and it felt organic, I would do it," she told the Daily Mail in an interview.
In the straight-to-DVD film, Biel played a woman who decided to strip to raise money for her terminally ill son - complete with outlandish wig and minimal clothing.
Teen accused of sending nude photos over Internet
Teen accused of sending nude photos over Internet
Former girlfriend filed domestic violence warrant
A Rogersville teenager has posted bail after being arrested for sending nude photographs of his ex-girlfriend over the Internet, authorities said.
Graham Berry, 19, is charged with the Class B felony of disseminating or display of obscene material and domestic violence, criminal coercing. The domestic charge is a misdemeanor, according to John Woodrum, an investigator with the Lauderdale County domestic violence unit.
Woodrum said Berry is a student at the University of West Alabama but lists his home address as 61 Feeder St., Rogersville.
Berry was arrested Sunday night by Woodrum and sheriff's investigator Richard Richey. They also confiscated Berry's computer and cellphone.
"We will be sending the computer and cellphone to a forensic lab to determine who and how many people were sent the images," Woodrum said. "We don't know exactly how many parties received them at this point, but we're likely looking at quite a few."
He said the girl involved lives in the Shoals and initiated the investigation last week by filing for a domestic violence warrant. The county's domestic violence unit was asked to look into the allegation and determined the felony charge applied in this case, Woodrum said.
He said Berry and the girl began dating when they were both 16 and they ended their
relationship about a year ago. Woodrum said child pornography charges do not apply in this case because the girl was at least 16 when the photos were taken.
"This type charge is unusual in this area; it's the first we've seen," Woodrum said. "We're pressing this case because it is a form of domestic violence, perhaps not physical abuse but there is certainly emotional abuse involved."
If convicted of the felony charge, Berry would face 2-20 years in prison and would be required to register as a convicted sex offender.
Former girlfriend filed domestic violence warrant
A Rogersville teenager has posted bail after being arrested for sending nude photographs of his ex-girlfriend over the Internet, authorities said.
Graham Berry, 19, is charged with the Class B felony of disseminating or display of obscene material and domestic violence, criminal coercing. The domestic charge is a misdemeanor, according to John Woodrum, an investigator with the Lauderdale County domestic violence unit.
Woodrum said Berry is a student at the University of West Alabama but lists his home address as 61 Feeder St., Rogersville.
Berry was arrested Sunday night by Woodrum and sheriff's investigator Richard Richey. They also confiscated Berry's computer and cellphone.
"We will be sending the computer and cellphone to a forensic lab to determine who and how many people were sent the images," Woodrum said. "We don't know exactly how many parties received them at this point, but we're likely looking at quite a few."
He said the girl involved lives in the Shoals and initiated the investigation last week by filing for a domestic violence warrant. The county's domestic violence unit was asked to look into the allegation and determined the felony charge applied in this case, Woodrum said.
He said Berry and the girl began dating when they were both 16 and they ended their
relationship about a year ago. Woodrum said child pornography charges do not apply in this case because the girl was at least 16 when the photos were taken.
"This type charge is unusual in this area; it's the first we've seen," Woodrum said. "We're pressing this case because it is a form of domestic violence, perhaps not physical abuse but there is certainly emotional abuse involved."
If convicted of the felony charge, Berry would face 2-20 years in prison and would be required to register as a convicted sex offender.
Nearly nude: Jennifer Lopez steals the show at AMAs in flesh crystal body suit
Nearly nude: Jennifer Lopez steals the show at AMAs in flesh crystal body suit
Filed under: Celebrity Style
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While Katy Perry may have done her best to steal the spotlight, the 2011 American Music Awards really belonged to just one woman: Ms Jennifer Lopez.
The American Idol judge hit the stage to perform a medley of hits including dancefloor favourite On The Floor, which of course called for a series of different costume changes (including an amazing glow-in-the-dark David Koma design - see below!)
Nearly nude: Jennifer Lopez steals the show at AMAs in flesh crystal body suitJ-Lo worked glow-in-the-dark David Koma and a Gaga-esque gold hair dress during the show. Photos:PA
But the most striking? J-Lo did her best Britney impression in a nude-hued bodysuit covered in strategically-placed crystals, which showed off every inch of those famous curves.
Jennifer Lopez on stage at the American Music AwardsIn the flesh: Jennifer Lopez performs during the 2011 American Music Awards. Photo:Getty
The newly-single singer launched into a typically high-energy routine, which involved quite literally flying around the stage with a little help from her backing dancers.
Nearly nude: Jennifer Lopez steals the show at AMAs in flesh crystal body suitHigh flyer: J-Lo had the audience on their feet with a typically high-energy routine. Photo:PA
Wow. We wonder if Marc Anthony was watching?
It was a night worth celebrating for Jen as, show-stopping peformance aside, she also picked up the award for Favourite Latin Artist.
Nearly nude: Jennifer Lopez steals the show at AMAs in flesh crystal body suitBootylicious: J-Lo showed off her infamous curves in the figure-hugging body stocking. Photo:PA
Click on the gallery below to see all the red carpet arrivals from this year's AMAs:
American Music Awards 2011
* Katy Perry in Vivienne Westwood
Katy Perry in Vivienne Westwood
* Katy Perry
Katy Perry
* Taylor Swift in Reem Acra
Taylor Swift in Reem Acra
* Ellie Goulding in Christopher Kane
Ellie Goulding in Christopher Kane
* Heidi Klum in Giles
Heidi Klum in Giles
* Selena Gomez in Giorgio Armani
Selena Gomez in Giorgio Armani
* Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
* Nicki Minaj in Oscar de la Renta
Nicki Minaj in Oscar de la Renta
* Jennifer Hudson in Jenny Packham
Jennifer Hudson in Jenny Packham
* Katherine Heigl
Katherine Heigl
* Audrina Partridge
Audrina Partridge
* Estelle
* Mary J. Blige
Mary J. Blige
* Jenny McCarthy in Victoria Beckham
Jenny McCarthy in Victoria Beckham
* Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera
* Katy Perry in Johnny Wujek
Katy Perry in Johnny Wujek
* Jennifer Lopez in David Koma
Jennifer Lopez in David Koma
* Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez
* Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez
* Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez
* Jennifer Lopez at the AMA after-party
Jennifer Lopez at the AMA after-party
* Jennifer Lopez in Zuhair Murad
Jennifer Lopez in Zuhair Murad
* (22 photos)
* Fullscreen
Filed under: Celebrity Style
Print this page|EmailShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on DiggShare on Lifestream
While Katy Perry may have done her best to steal the spotlight, the 2011 American Music Awards really belonged to just one woman: Ms Jennifer Lopez.
The American Idol judge hit the stage to perform a medley of hits including dancefloor favourite On The Floor, which of course called for a series of different costume changes (including an amazing glow-in-the-dark David Koma design - see below!)
Nearly nude: Jennifer Lopez steals the show at AMAs in flesh crystal body suitJ-Lo worked glow-in-the-dark David Koma and a Gaga-esque gold hair dress during the show. Photos:PA
But the most striking? J-Lo did her best Britney impression in a nude-hued bodysuit covered in strategically-placed crystals, which showed off every inch of those famous curves.
Jennifer Lopez on stage at the American Music AwardsIn the flesh: Jennifer Lopez performs during the 2011 American Music Awards. Photo:Getty
The newly-single singer launched into a typically high-energy routine, which involved quite literally flying around the stage with a little help from her backing dancers.
Nearly nude: Jennifer Lopez steals the show at AMAs in flesh crystal body suitHigh flyer: J-Lo had the audience on their feet with a typically high-energy routine. Photo:PA
Wow. We wonder if Marc Anthony was watching?
It was a night worth celebrating for Jen as, show-stopping peformance aside, she also picked up the award for Favourite Latin Artist.
Nearly nude: Jennifer Lopez steals the show at AMAs in flesh crystal body suitBootylicious: J-Lo showed off her infamous curves in the figure-hugging body stocking. Photo:PA
Click on the gallery below to see all the red carpet arrivals from this year's AMAs:
American Music Awards 2011
* Katy Perry in Vivienne Westwood
Katy Perry in Vivienne Westwood
* Katy Perry
Katy Perry
* Taylor Swift in Reem Acra
Taylor Swift in Reem Acra
* Ellie Goulding in Christopher Kane
Ellie Goulding in Christopher Kane
* Heidi Klum in Giles
Heidi Klum in Giles
* Selena Gomez in Giorgio Armani
Selena Gomez in Giorgio Armani
* Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
* Nicki Minaj in Oscar de la Renta
Nicki Minaj in Oscar de la Renta
* Jennifer Hudson in Jenny Packham
Jennifer Hudson in Jenny Packham
* Katherine Heigl
Katherine Heigl
* Audrina Partridge
Audrina Partridge
* Estelle
* Mary J. Blige
Mary J. Blige
* Jenny McCarthy in Victoria Beckham
Jenny McCarthy in Victoria Beckham
* Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera
* Katy Perry in Johnny Wujek
Katy Perry in Johnny Wujek
* Jennifer Lopez in David Koma
Jennifer Lopez in David Koma
* Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez
* Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez
* Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez
* Jennifer Lopez at the AMA after-party
Jennifer Lopez at the AMA after-party
* Jennifer Lopez in Zuhair Murad
Jennifer Lopez in Zuhair Murad
* (22 photos)
* Fullscreen
First Television Interview With Rainy Day Jordan, Playboy's Miss December
First Television Interview With Rainy Day Jordan, Playboy's Miss December
MERKEL, Texas -- In a follow up to a story KTXS first brought you, we sat down with 20-year-old Rainy Day Jordan about the whirlwind of attention since she was chosen as the first playmate from the Big Country.
Jordan talked to KTXS Wednesday about being personally selected as playmate by Playboy's founder Hugh Hefner and answered the question on everyone's mind, is that her real name?
"My mom's Windi, my aunt's Dusti, I have a great aunt Sandi and on the other side there's a Stormy," said Rainy Day Jordan, and that's her real name.
Playboy's Miss December said she's dreamed of being in the magazine since the fifth grade which is why she went to an open Playboy casting call in Dallas.
"Then after that I went to L.A., Hef approved me for playmate," said Jordan.
In her pictorial for the magazine, Jordan is shown at home in Merkel and said she was excited to show the crew of photographers around her home town.
"They came out here, got to meet my family," Jordan said. "They could not wait to eat the BBQ here."
In a story KTXS brought you Tuesday we got reaction around the close-knit town.
Some voiced their disapproval of Jordan being in the controversial magazine, but their comments don't seem to bother this bunny.
"Everybody has their own opinions," Jordan said. "This was my dream and something I wanted to do, some people want to be doctors, lawyers...this was my dream."
Jordan said the people closest to her understand.
"Everyone in my family is very proud of me," Jordan said, "And they're just along for this ride."
Jordan said she wants to be playmate of the year next. You can vote for her here: Playmate of the Year
She also told us as Miss December she's in good company, the very first Miss December back in 1953 was Marilyn Monroe.
MERKEL, Texas -- In a follow up to a story KTXS first brought you, we sat down with 20-year-old Rainy Day Jordan about the whirlwind of attention since she was chosen as the first playmate from the Big Country.
Jordan talked to KTXS Wednesday about being personally selected as playmate by Playboy's founder Hugh Hefner and answered the question on everyone's mind, is that her real name?
"My mom's Windi, my aunt's Dusti, I have a great aunt Sandi and on the other side there's a Stormy," said Rainy Day Jordan, and that's her real name.
Playboy's Miss December said she's dreamed of being in the magazine since the fifth grade which is why she went to an open Playboy casting call in Dallas.
"Then after that I went to L.A., Hef approved me for playmate," said Jordan.
In her pictorial for the magazine, Jordan is shown at home in Merkel and said she was excited to show the crew of photographers around her home town.
"They came out here, got to meet my family," Jordan said. "They could not wait to eat the BBQ here."
In a story KTXS brought you Tuesday we got reaction around the close-knit town.
Some voiced their disapproval of Jordan being in the controversial magazine, but their comments don't seem to bother this bunny.
"Everybody has their own opinions," Jordan said. "This was my dream and something I wanted to do, some people want to be doctors, lawyers...this was my dream."
Jordan said the people closest to her understand.
"Everyone in my family is very proud of me," Jordan said, "And they're just along for this ride."
Jordan said she wants to be playmate of the year next. You can vote for her here: Playmate of the Year
She also told us as Miss December she's in good company, the very first Miss December back in 1953 was Marilyn Monroe.
Playboy’s Nude Miss December Rainy Day Jordan Brightens Our Day with a ‘Quickie’ [INTERVIEW]
Playboy's Nude Miss December Rainy Day Jordan Brightens Our Day with a 'Quickie' [INTERVIEW]
The women that appear in the pages of Playboy seem like incredibly intimidating creatures to men. Even the coolest of characters usually stutters more than Foghorn Leghorn being tasered when talking with one of the Playmates.
Rainy Day Jordan, Playboy's Miss December, is warm and welcoming from the moment she steps into a room. A native of Abliene, Texas, Rainy Day has dreamed of appearing in Playboy since she first snuck a peek at the famed gentleman's magazine.
Rainy Day sat down with us to talk about the road that led her to becoming 'Miss December' and her aspirations to taking the Playmate of the Year title.
GS: The first thing that jumped out at us was your name. Is that your actual name or a nickname?
RD: No that is my real name. There are several people in my family who have weather names, so it's kind of a family thing. My mom's name is Windy. My aunt's name is Dusty. My great aunt is Sandy and we also have a Stormy.
GS: Is there also a Hail-y or a Sleety?
RD: (laughs) We actually do have a Haley.
Rainy Day Jordan Twitter
Twitpic / RainyDay53
GS: So congratulations on being picked as Miss December. What's the process like? How did you get picked for this?
RD: I was picked out of a casting call in Dallas for the Super Bowl. I just went for the casting call, and a couple of months later, I got a phone call back and did some special editions for Playboy and did some shots with Ric Moore. Then I went to Miami and did a test shoot, and after that, they approved my pictures to come to LA and do a shoot with Steve Wayda. He's a wonderful photographer. Then Hef approved me for the centerfold and gave me Miss December.
GS: It sounds like this was something that you've always wanted and that you were pretty open about posing for Playboy. Was it something you were nervous about doing?
RD: Yes, I was always very confident and secure in doing this. Everyone was so professional and I had a great experience with everyone I worked with, so there was no reason to be nervous.
GS: What about your family? Do they know?
RD: My whole family is just so happy for me. They supported me 100% the whole way, so that's been really great.
Rainy Day Jordan
GS: Have you been modeling long or was this the first time?
RD: This was my first modeling job. This was my first go-around. Since a very early age, when I was probably 11, my Dad had some of those famous issues, and I saw them, and I really wanted to be one of those girls. I just thought they were beautiful and I thought the magazine was great, so I grew up wanting it real bad and dreamt about being a playmate. I knew I was going to do it. It's just always been a goal of mine and a dream, and I'm so happy that it's happened for me.
GS: You could've probably posed for any men's magazine. Why were you focused on Playboy itself?
RD: I never had a huge desire to be a model and just do runway or random campaigns. I always set my goals for Playboy because I took an interest in Hef and his story, his success and how long the magazine has been around. The women who have been in the magazine were just huge names: Cindy Crawford, Marilyn Monroe, Pam Anderson; just great women who were part of this company and I couldn't have picked a better brand or company to pose for.
GS: How did you react?
RD: Playboy called me and I just started bawling. I called my Mom and Dad and I was just crying. My Mom started crying and my Dad poured himself a drink. It was just very exciting.
GS: How has this changed things for you and where do you hope to go from this?
RD: Playmate of the Year would be wonderful. I would love to just stay with the company as long as I'm able, and when that's all said and done, I will continue my nursing degree and work as a nurse. Ultimately, I would love to work behind the camera for Playboy.
The women that appear in the pages of Playboy seem like incredibly intimidating creatures to men. Even the coolest of characters usually stutters more than Foghorn Leghorn being tasered when talking with one of the Playmates.
Rainy Day Jordan, Playboy's Miss December, is warm and welcoming from the moment she steps into a room. A native of Abliene, Texas, Rainy Day has dreamed of appearing in Playboy since she first snuck a peek at the famed gentleman's magazine.
Rainy Day sat down with us to talk about the road that led her to becoming 'Miss December' and her aspirations to taking the Playmate of the Year title.
GS: The first thing that jumped out at us was your name. Is that your actual name or a nickname?
RD: No that is my real name. There are several people in my family who have weather names, so it's kind of a family thing. My mom's name is Windy. My aunt's name is Dusty. My great aunt is Sandy and we also have a Stormy.
GS: Is there also a Hail-y or a Sleety?
RD: (laughs) We actually do have a Haley.
Rainy Day Jordan Twitter
Twitpic / RainyDay53
GS: So congratulations on being picked as Miss December. What's the process like? How did you get picked for this?
RD: I was picked out of a casting call in Dallas for the Super Bowl. I just went for the casting call, and a couple of months later, I got a phone call back and did some special editions for Playboy and did some shots with Ric Moore. Then I went to Miami and did a test shoot, and after that, they approved my pictures to come to LA and do a shoot with Steve Wayda. He's a wonderful photographer. Then Hef approved me for the centerfold and gave me Miss December.
GS: It sounds like this was something that you've always wanted and that you were pretty open about posing for Playboy. Was it something you were nervous about doing?
RD: Yes, I was always very confident and secure in doing this. Everyone was so professional and I had a great experience with everyone I worked with, so there was no reason to be nervous.
GS: What about your family? Do they know?
RD: My whole family is just so happy for me. They supported me 100% the whole way, so that's been really great.
Rainy Day Jordan
GS: Have you been modeling long or was this the first time?
RD: This was my first modeling job. This was my first go-around. Since a very early age, when I was probably 11, my Dad had some of those famous issues, and I saw them, and I really wanted to be one of those girls. I just thought they were beautiful and I thought the magazine was great, so I grew up wanting it real bad and dreamt about being a playmate. I knew I was going to do it. It's just always been a goal of mine and a dream, and I'm so happy that it's happened for me.
GS: You could've probably posed for any men's magazine. Why were you focused on Playboy itself?
RD: I never had a huge desire to be a model and just do runway or random campaigns. I always set my goals for Playboy because I took an interest in Hef and his story, his success and how long the magazine has been around. The women who have been in the magazine were just huge names: Cindy Crawford, Marilyn Monroe, Pam Anderson; just great women who were part of this company and I couldn't have picked a better brand or company to pose for.
GS: How did you react?
RD: Playboy called me and I just started bawling. I called my Mom and Dad and I was just crying. My Mom started crying and my Dad poured himself a drink. It was just very exciting.
GS: How has this changed things for you and where do you hope to go from this?
RD: Playmate of the Year would be wonderful. I would love to just stay with the company as long as I'm able, and when that's all said and done, I will continue my nursing degree and work as a nurse. Ultimately, I would love to work behind the camera for Playboy.
Nude Rainy Day Jordan, a 20-year-old from Merkel, has been chosen as Playboy's Miss December Merkel Home To Different Kind Of Bunny... Playboy's Miss December
Nude Rainy Day Jordan, a 20-year-old from Merkel, has been chosen as Playboy's Miss December Merkel Home To Different Kind Of Bunny... Playboy's Miss December
MERKEL, Texas -- Rainy Day Jordan, a 20-year-old from Merkel, has been chosen as Playboy's Miss December.
Typically a small-town girl making it into a nationally circulated magazine would be reason to celebrate, but because it's the controversial Playboy publication, the community has mixed feelings.
Even photos not seen in the publication, have people in Merkel talking.
"I heard rumors about that," said Cody Scott. "She's one of my sister's friends.... There's a lot of older folks that think that's tacky."
Many we spoke to said Merkel is not the kind of town you'd expect to find that kind of a bunny.
"With it being such a family oriented kind of town...A church on every corner," said Tammie Decker.
"That's her own individual choice," said Dolores Adair. "It just wouldn't be mine."
"I don't think that's something I would want my daughter to be in," said Barbra Head.
"I wouldn't want my daughter to do it," said Decker, "But if it's something she wanted to do I'd back her 100 percent"
"It's pretty cool I guess," said Ray Dering, "But I have all boys, so I guess I don't have that to worry about!"
Rainy made it into the magazine after she visited a Playboy casting call in Dallas.
MERKEL, Texas -- Rainy Day Jordan, a 20-year-old from Merkel, has been chosen as Playboy's Miss December.
Typically a small-town girl making it into a nationally circulated magazine would be reason to celebrate, but because it's the controversial Playboy publication, the community has mixed feelings.
Even photos not seen in the publication, have people in Merkel talking.
"I heard rumors about that," said Cody Scott. "She's one of my sister's friends.... There's a lot of older folks that think that's tacky."
Many we spoke to said Merkel is not the kind of town you'd expect to find that kind of a bunny.
"With it being such a family oriented kind of town...A church on every corner," said Tammie Decker.
"That's her own individual choice," said Dolores Adair. "It just wouldn't be mine."
"I don't think that's something I would want my daughter to be in," said Barbra Head.
"I wouldn't want my daughter to do it," said Decker, "But if it's something she wanted to do I'd back her 100 percent"
"It's pretty cool I guess," said Ray Dering, "But I have all boys, so I guess I don't have that to worry about!"
Rainy made it into the magazine after she visited a Playboy casting call in Dallas.
Nude Playboy Model Brett Rossi is Miss Howard Stern TV for December 2011 (PICS) The latest in the stable of Howard TV girls in Brett Rossi, a Playboy Cybergirl of the Month and recent discovery of Ronnie the Limo Driver
Playboy Model Brett Rossi is Miss Howard Stern TV for December 2011 (PICS) The latest in the stable of Howard TV girls in Brett Rossi, a Playboy Cybergirl of the Month and recent discovery of Ronnie the Limo Driver
OK, Now we're back in the saddle. After a brief hiatus of a few months Howard Stern went back to interviewing the Miss Howard TV spokes models in the studio. The latest in the stable of Howard TV girls in Brett Rossi, a Playboy Cybergirl of the Month and recent discovery of Ronnie the Limo Driver.
Like most Howard TV girls, Brett is in the adult entertainment industry. She says she isn't in it for the money, she just wants more opportunities to get off. Apparently Miss Rossi is mostly into girls, but will throw a guy a lay every once in awhile. Body hair disgusts her so only well-groomed men need apply.
Brett is a frequent Twitterer and often Tweets out nude pictures of herself to her followers. She had mentioned she was sitting in traffic recently, and bored, so she took down her pants, snapped a pic of her vagine, and tweeted it to the world. Beat that Ashton Kutcher!
Her are some highlights of Brett Rossi from around the web, including shots from her appearance this morning and some of her Twitter shots. Click any image to see it in full-size:
OK, Now we're back in the saddle. After a brief hiatus of a few months Howard Stern went back to interviewing the Miss Howard TV spokes models in the studio. The latest in the stable of Howard TV girls in Brett Rossi, a Playboy Cybergirl of the Month and recent discovery of Ronnie the Limo Driver.
Like most Howard TV girls, Brett is in the adult entertainment industry. She says she isn't in it for the money, she just wants more opportunities to get off. Apparently Miss Rossi is mostly into girls, but will throw a guy a lay every once in awhile. Body hair disgusts her so only well-groomed men need apply.
Brett is a frequent Twitterer and often Tweets out nude pictures of herself to her followers. She had mentioned she was sitting in traffic recently, and bored, so she took down her pants, snapped a pic of her vagine, and tweeted it to the world. Beat that Ashton Kutcher!
Her are some highlights of Brett Rossi from around the web, including shots from her appearance this morning and some of her Twitter shots. Click any image to see it in full-size:
Posing for Playboy ‘empowering’ for Leanne Tweeden Posing for Playboy ‘empowering’ for Leanne Tweeden Washington: Leanne Tweeden, a Fox Sports Network show host, says that she found posing nude for Playboy ‘empowering’.
Posing for Playboy 'empowering' for Leanne Tweeden Posing for Playboy 'empowering' for Leanne Tweeden Washington: Leanne Tweeden, a Fox Sports Network show host, says that she found posing nude for Playboy 'empowering'.
Tags: Playboy, Leanne Tweeden
Posing for Playboy 'empowering' for Leanne Tweeden Washington: Leanne Tweeden, a Fox Sports Network show host, says that she found posing nude for Playboy 'empowering'.
The host of the show 'Poker after Dark' appears on the cover of the December issue of Playboy, which will be out on November 11.
"I'm secure in who I am now… I've always been a goody-two-shoes girl, but I'm making a choice to shake things up," Fox news quoted her as telling Playboy.
The 38-year-old describes herself as 'fiscally conservative and socially liberal'.
"Posing for Playboy is iconic… All these women I look up to have done it, like Cindy Crawford, Elle Macpherson and Bo Derek," she said.
Tags: Playboy, Leanne Tweeden
Posing for Playboy 'empowering' for Leanne Tweeden Washington: Leanne Tweeden, a Fox Sports Network show host, says that she found posing nude for Playboy 'empowering'.
The host of the show 'Poker after Dark' appears on the cover of the December issue of Playboy, which will be out on November 11.
"I'm secure in who I am now… I've always been a goody-two-shoes girl, but I'm making a choice to shake things up," Fox news quoted her as telling Playboy.
The 38-year-old describes herself as 'fiscally conservative and socially liberal'.
"Posing for Playboy is iconic… All these women I look up to have done it, like Cindy Crawford, Elle Macpherson and Bo Derek," she said.
Nude Leeann Tweeden's "Empowering" December Playboy Photoshoot (PHOTOS, VIDEO) 38-year-old 'Poker After Dark' host Leeann Tweeden has posed in the raw for Playboy, and claims it was "empowering."
Leeann Tweeden's "Empowering" December Playboy Photoshoot (PHOTOS, VIDEO) 38-year-old 'Poker After Dark' host Leeann Tweeden has posed in the raw for Playboy, and claims it was "empowering."
The former Fox Sports Network's "The Best Damn Sports Show Period" host Leeann Tweeden decided to bare all for Playboy, joking that she hopes people won't see her differently when she talks politics.
"I'm secure in who I am now," she tells Playboy's November issue. "I've always been a goody-two-shoes girl, but I'm making a choice to shake things up."
Leeann, who accurately describes herself as "fiscally conservative and socially liberal," told the mag that posing for Playboy was empowering:
"Posing for Playboy is iconic," declares Tweeden. "All these women I look up to have done it, like Cindy Crawford, Elle Macpherson and Bo Derek."
Of course, she's wondering if Fox host Sean Hannity will see her differently now that she's posed naked: "I don't know if he'll look at me differently now when I'm sitting next to him, talking politics," she laughed.
Hannity, a devoted Christian, will likely be unimpressed. Leeann needs to be more concerned about FOX's cast of Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld, a show she is also a regular guest on (see below). Go here for Playboy's gallery of Playmates.
Leaked Photo? Lindsay Lohan to be on cover of Playboy
Miss World Gabriella Brum posed nude in a magazine (PHOTOS)
Cynthia Myers; former Playboy Playmate Cynthia Myers dies
Frank Gifford Most Stupid Thing; Hidden Hotel Cameras With Suzen Johnson (Playboy Photos)
The former Fox Sports Network's "The Best Damn Sports Show Period" host Leeann Tweeden decided to bare all for Playboy, joking that she hopes people won't see her differently when she talks politics.
"I'm secure in who I am now," she tells Playboy's November issue. "I've always been a goody-two-shoes girl, but I'm making a choice to shake things up."
Leeann, who accurately describes herself as "fiscally conservative and socially liberal," told the mag that posing for Playboy was empowering:
"Posing for Playboy is iconic," declares Tweeden. "All these women I look up to have done it, like Cindy Crawford, Elle Macpherson and Bo Derek."
Of course, she's wondering if Fox host Sean Hannity will see her differently now that she's posed naked: "I don't know if he'll look at me differently now when I'm sitting next to him, talking politics," she laughed.
Hannity, a devoted Christian, will likely be unimpressed. Leeann needs to be more concerned about FOX's cast of Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld, a show she is also a regular guest on (see below). Go here for Playboy's gallery of Playmates.
Leaked Photo? Lindsay Lohan to be on cover of Playboy
Miss World Gabriella Brum posed nude in a magazine (PHOTOS)
Cynthia Myers; former Playboy Playmate Cynthia Myers dies
Frank Gifford Most Stupid Thing; Hidden Hotel Cameras With Suzen Johnson (Playboy Photos)
Nude Leeann Tweeden - Leeann Tweeden Bares All For Playboy Racy former Fox Sports Network personality Leeann Tweeden has given admirers an early Christmas present by baring all in the December issue of Playboy Magazine and admitted to the publication
Nude Leeann Tweeden - Leeann Tweeden Bares All For Playboy Racy former Fox Sports Network personality Leeann Tweeden has given admirers an early Christmas present by baring all in the December issue of Playboy Magazine and admitted to the publication that she felt, aged 38 and with a long career behind her, the time was right to appear on the front cover.
Leeann Tweeden Bares All For Playboy
Racy former Fox Sports Network personality Leeann Tweeden has given admirers an early Christmas present by baring all in the December issue of Playboy Magazine and admitted to the publication that she felt, aged 38 and with a long career behind her, the time was right to appear on the front cover.
Tweeden started out modelling for Playboy back in the 90s at the same time doing promotional work for Hooters. From 2000 to 2007 she was a correspondent for Fox Sports Network 'Best Damn Sports Show Period' and currently hosts Nbc's 'Poker After Dark'. Fox News reports that she told Playboy, "I'm secure in who I am now. I've always been a goody-two-shoes girl, but I'm making a choice to shake things up," also going on to praise the magazine, stating that it was testament that so many of her idols had previously appeared on the front cover. "Posing for Playboy is iconic. All these women I look up to have done it," she said, "like Cindy Crawford, Elle MACpherson and Bo Derek."
A regular contributor to talk shows and news programs, Tweeden also joked about Fox News host Sean Hannity's possible reaction; "I don't know if he'll look at me differently now when I'm sitting next to him, talking politics." Other stars scheduled to feature in future editions include Lindsay Lohan; it's been widely reported that she's been shot already, for $1 million dollars.
Leeann Tweeden Bares All For Playboy
Racy former Fox Sports Network personality Leeann Tweeden has given admirers an early Christmas present by baring all in the December issue of Playboy Magazine and admitted to the publication that she felt, aged 38 and with a long career behind her, the time was right to appear on the front cover.
Tweeden started out modelling for Playboy back in the 90s at the same time doing promotional work for Hooters. From 2000 to 2007 she was a correspondent for Fox Sports Network 'Best Damn Sports Show Period' and currently hosts Nbc's 'Poker After Dark'. Fox News reports that she told Playboy, "I'm secure in who I am now. I've always been a goody-two-shoes girl, but I'm making a choice to shake things up," also going on to praise the magazine, stating that it was testament that so many of her idols had previously appeared on the front cover. "Posing for Playboy is iconic. All these women I look up to have done it," she said, "like Cindy Crawford, Elle MACpherson and Bo Derek."
A regular contributor to talk shows and news programs, Tweeden also joked about Fox News host Sean Hannity's possible reaction; "I don't know if he'll look at me differently now when I'm sitting next to him, talking politics." Other stars scheduled to feature in future editions include Lindsay Lohan; it's been widely reported that she's been shot already, for $1 million dollars.
Leeann Tweeden Poses Nude for December 'Playboy' - Talks About Naked Photo Shoot Sports personality Leeann Tweeden has posed nude for the upcoming December 2011 issue of Playboy magazine The Former Fox Sports network TV host has recently opened up ab
Leeann Tweeden Poses Nude for December 'Playboy' - Talks About Naked Photo Shoot
Sports personality Leeann Tweeden has posed nude for the upcoming December 2011 issue of Playboy magazine The Former Fox Sports network TV host has recently opened up about herself and naked photo shoot.
The December 2011 Playboy issue features Tweeden on front wearing just a festive red bow around her naked body. As reported by Fox 411 Entertainment Blog, Tweeden calls her choice to bare all and pose in Playboy "empowering." She's 38 years old, and has been a host for "The Best Damn Sports Show Period," as well as "Poker After Dark."
Leeann Tweeden's nude decision came based on other women she idolizes appearing in the magazine. These include Cindy Crawford, Elle Macpherson and Bo Derek. She says, "Posing for Playboy is iconic" and joked about how Fox News talk show host Sean Hannity may view her nakedness. The frequent Fox talk show guest quips, "I don't know if he'll look at me differently now when I'm sitting next to him, talking politics." It's very likely he, and others may view her differently, but she's not the first person with an opinion to pose naked.
Leeann Tweeden also calls herself "fiscally conservative and socially liberal," which is clear by her liberating choice to pose in Playboy naked. Some may question how much of her is "plastic" or "airbrushed" for her sexy looks, but it wouldn't be the first time this has been done for Playboy. Besides, if she's got it, why not flaunt it, especially if Hugh Hefner's paying her a decent sum!
Sports personality Leeann Tweeden has posed nude for the upcoming December 2011 issue of Playboy magazine The Former Fox Sports network TV host has recently opened up about herself and naked photo shoot.
The December 2011 Playboy issue features Tweeden on front wearing just a festive red bow around her naked body. As reported by Fox 411 Entertainment Blog, Tweeden calls her choice to bare all and pose in Playboy "empowering." She's 38 years old, and has been a host for "The Best Damn Sports Show Period," as well as "Poker After Dark."
Leeann Tweeden's nude decision came based on other women she idolizes appearing in the magazine. These include Cindy Crawford, Elle Macpherson and Bo Derek. She says, "Posing for Playboy is iconic" and joked about how Fox News talk show host Sean Hannity may view her nakedness. The frequent Fox talk show guest quips, "I don't know if he'll look at me differently now when I'm sitting next to him, talking politics." It's very likely he, and others may view her differently, but she's not the first person with an opinion to pose naked.
Leeann Tweeden also calls herself "fiscally conservative and socially liberal," which is clear by her liberating choice to pose in Playboy naked. Some may question how much of her is "plastic" or "airbrushed" for her sexy looks, but it wouldn't be the first time this has been done for Playboy. Besides, if she's got it, why not flaunt it, especially if Hugh Hefner's paying her a decent sum!
Miley Cyrus Caught in Another Nude Photo and Drug Scandal Miley Cyrus finds herself, once again, caught up in a "nude" photo scandal and another drug scandal
Miley Cyrus Caught in Another Nude Photo and Drug Scandal Miley Cyrus finds herself, once again, caught up in a "nude" photo scandal and another drug scandal
Miley Cyrus finds herself, once again, caught up in a "nude" photo scandal and another drug scandal. Though, the term nude or naked is being used loosely this time around. According to National Enquirer, a photo of Cyrus flashing her left breast is circulating around her inner crowd. The damning photo was supposedly taken back in 2008 when the former Disney darling was still underage. The drug scandal is, of course, over her recent admission to being a pot head. Though she claims that was just a joke.
Signed Cyrus, Miley 8x10 PhotoThe tabloid says they have seen the shocking picture of the then 16-year-old pulling "down her white tank top to reveal her left breast." Word of her sexy picture has reached her father, Billy Ray Cyrus' ears and he is livid. Naturally, any parent would be upset if their underage daughter was freely exposing herself for kicks.
An insider said, "Billy Ray read Miley the riot act! He told her in no uncertain terms that she could seriously damage her career. But Miley has told her dad that she's almost 20 years old and an adult now. She's no longer a Disney princess!"
Being a Disney princess seems to be the last thing Cyrus wants to be. She has honed her bad girl image into something Britney Spears only dreamed about. As an adult, Miley Cyrus can now do what she wants, when she wants with her body. Frankly, even if the "nude" photo is authentic, it probably won't damage her career since she's gone above and beyond to damage her image and here she is, still rocking it to sold out stadiums. Damage? What damage?
Miley Cyrus finds herself, once again, caught up in a "nude" photo scandal and another drug scandal. Though, the term nude or naked is being used loosely this time around. According to National Enquirer, a photo of Cyrus flashing her left breast is circulating around her inner crowd. The damning photo was supposedly taken back in 2008 when the former Disney darling was still underage. The drug scandal is, of course, over her recent admission to being a pot head. Though she claims that was just a joke.
Signed Cyrus, Miley 8x10 PhotoThe tabloid says they have seen the shocking picture of the then 16-year-old pulling "down her white tank top to reveal her left breast." Word of her sexy picture has reached her father, Billy Ray Cyrus' ears and he is livid. Naturally, any parent would be upset if their underage daughter was freely exposing herself for kicks.
An insider said, "Billy Ray read Miley the riot act! He told her in no uncertain terms that she could seriously damage her career. But Miley has told her dad that she's almost 20 years old and an adult now. She's no longer a Disney princess!"
Being a Disney princess seems to be the last thing Cyrus wants to be. She has honed her bad girl image into something Britney Spears only dreamed about. As an adult, Miley Cyrus can now do what she wants, when she wants with her body. Frankly, even if the "nude" photo is authentic, it probably won't damage her career since she's gone above and beyond to damage her image and here she is, still rocking it to sold out stadiums. Damage? What damage?
Why Lady Gaga And Katy Perry Got The Ax From ‘The Muppets’ Katy Perry — whose breasts were deemed too hot to appear with Muppets on Sesame Street,
Why Lady Gaga And Katy Perry Got The Ax From 'The Muppets' Katy Perry — whose breasts were deemed too hot to appear with Muppets on Sesame Street,
lady-gaga-500x375While Lady Gaga was causing a stir over the holiday weekend with her Thanksgiving special, the Muppets were making a comeback at the box office in the week's #1 movie debut. But in a perfect world, Mother Monster would have been at home amongst equally bizarre creatures in the film, since she shot a cameo that had to go because the kid-friendly flick was running at a whopping three hours. (Or is Kermit still holding a grudge about that coat?) And Tony Bennett's sketch muse wasn't the only pop star left on the cutting room floor — Katy Perry also appeared in an axed musical moment titled "I Kissed A Squirrel" (hilarious!). Read more below.
As AOL reports, The Muppets writer/producer Clint Morris said: "Gaga would have gone head-to-head with Miss Piggy in a sequence. Rumor has it Madonna's 'Vogue' was somehow involved (which makes sense considering Piggy is the editor of Paris Vogue magazine in the film)." The scene would have featured The Office's John Krasinski, Modern Family's Eric Stonestreet, and The Hangover's Ed Helms, and also would have served as Gaga's big-screen debut.
As for Katy Perry — whose breasts were deemed too hot to appear with Muppets on Sesame Street, but apparently not on the big screen (or were they?) — writer Nick Stoller states: "At one point we had squirrels singing, 'I Kissed a Squirrel,' or it was Miss Piggy singing 'I Kissed a Squirrel and I Liked It.' More and more squirrels are lining up to kiss her, and she's getting weirded out."
Oh, if only. We would have gladly watched a three-hour Muppet movie had it included these priceless-sounding pop parodies!
lady-gaga-500x375While Lady Gaga was causing a stir over the holiday weekend with her Thanksgiving special, the Muppets were making a comeback at the box office in the week's #1 movie debut. But in a perfect world, Mother Monster would have been at home amongst equally bizarre creatures in the film, since she shot a cameo that had to go because the kid-friendly flick was running at a whopping three hours. (Or is Kermit still holding a grudge about that coat?) And Tony Bennett's sketch muse wasn't the only pop star left on the cutting room floor — Katy Perry also appeared in an axed musical moment titled "I Kissed A Squirrel" (hilarious!). Read more below.
As AOL reports, The Muppets writer/producer Clint Morris said: "Gaga would have gone head-to-head with Miss Piggy in a sequence. Rumor has it Madonna's 'Vogue' was somehow involved (which makes sense considering Piggy is the editor of Paris Vogue magazine in the film)." The scene would have featured The Office's John Krasinski, Modern Family's Eric Stonestreet, and The Hangover's Ed Helms, and also would have served as Gaga's big-screen debut.
As for Katy Perry — whose breasts were deemed too hot to appear with Muppets on Sesame Street, but apparently not on the big screen (or were they?) — writer Nick Stoller states: "At one point we had squirrels singing, 'I Kissed a Squirrel,' or it was Miss Piggy singing 'I Kissed a Squirrel and I Liked It.' More and more squirrels are lining up to kiss her, and she's getting weirded out."
Oh, if only. We would have gladly watched a three-hour Muppet movie had it included these priceless-sounding pop parodies!
Nude Lady Gaga reveals all on bad romance pictures on the cover and inside pages of the latest edition of Vanity Fair -- including one shot of her naked, being painted by veteran crooner Tony Bennett
Nude Lady Gaga reveals all on bad romance pictures on the cover and inside pages of the latest edition of Vanity Fair -- including one shot of her naked, being painted by veteran crooner Tony Bennett
LOS ANGELES — Eccentric "Bad Romance" songstress Lady Gaga says she has an "inability to know what happiness feels like with a man," in typically outspoken comments accompanying a nude magazine photospread.
Gaga posed for a series of trademark Annie Leibovitz pictures on the cover and inside pages of the latest edition of Vanity Fair -- including one shot of her naked, being painted by veteran crooner Tony Bennett.
"I have never felt truly cherished by a lover. I have an inability to know what happiness feels like with a man," she told the magazine, suggesting she might be destined to be a single Lady forever.
And she added: "I say this honestly, and this is my new thing as of the past year: when I fight with someone I'm in a relationship with, I think, 'What would my fans think if they knew this was happening?'
"How would they feel about my work and about me as a female if they knew I was allowing this to go on?' And then I get out," she said.
Gaga -- who was due to appear Wednesday night at the annual Grammys nomination show in Los Angeles -- appears in a lavish red two-piece and over-sized hat on the front of the magazine.
Inside pictures include her washing furs in a laundromat, eating at a hot dog stand dressed in a vast golden dress -- and a shot of her naked, posing on a rug with her back arched for Bennett, in an artist's studio.
She says her relationships tend to follow a same destructive pattern, especially if her partner is as creative as she is.
"It starts out good," she says. "Then when I'm in these relationships with people who are also creative, or creative in their own way, what happens is the attraction is initially there and it's all unicorns and rainbows.
"And then they hate me... If I go to the piano and write a quick song and play it back, they are angry with how fast and effortless it is. That's who I am, and I don't apologize for it."
She added that sometimes she feels she is destined to be lonely. "I had a man say to me, 'You will die alone in a house bigger than you know, with all your money and hit records, and you will die alone'."
LOS ANGELES — Eccentric "Bad Romance" songstress Lady Gaga says she has an "inability to know what happiness feels like with a man," in typically outspoken comments accompanying a nude magazine photospread.
Gaga posed for a series of trademark Annie Leibovitz pictures on the cover and inside pages of the latest edition of Vanity Fair -- including one shot of her naked, being painted by veteran crooner Tony Bennett.
"I have never felt truly cherished by a lover. I have an inability to know what happiness feels like with a man," she told the magazine, suggesting she might be destined to be a single Lady forever.
And she added: "I say this honestly, and this is my new thing as of the past year: when I fight with someone I'm in a relationship with, I think, 'What would my fans think if they knew this was happening?'
"How would they feel about my work and about me as a female if they knew I was allowing this to go on?' And then I get out," she said.
Gaga -- who was due to appear Wednesday night at the annual Grammys nomination show in Los Angeles -- appears in a lavish red two-piece and over-sized hat on the front of the magazine.
Inside pictures include her washing furs in a laundromat, eating at a hot dog stand dressed in a vast golden dress -- and a shot of her naked, posing on a rug with her back arched for Bennett, in an artist's studio.
She says her relationships tend to follow a same destructive pattern, especially if her partner is as creative as she is.
"It starts out good," she says. "Then when I'm in these relationships with people who are also creative, or creative in their own way, what happens is the attraction is initially there and it's all unicorns and rainbows.
"And then they hate me... If I go to the piano and write a quick song and play it back, they are angry with how fast and effortless it is. That's who I am, and I don't apologize for it."
She added that sometimes she feels she is destined to be lonely. "I had a man say to me, 'You will die alone in a house bigger than you know, with all your money and hit records, and you will die alone'."
Victoria’s Secret Nude model Elsa Hosk is a former Swedish professional basketball player
Victoria's Secret Nude model Elsa Hosk is a former Swedish professional basketball player
Many of our readers undoubtedly watched the Victoria's Secret fashion show last night. A stunning display of style, beauty, art, and a whole host of other adjectives that probably aren't safe for work.
At one point during the hour long episode, the models spoke about their childhood and their more formidable years before Victoria's Secret. As they all took in pictures, one flashed on the screen of a stunning blonde playing basketball. We did our due diligence in researching whether any of the lovely ladies had played basketball in college and what do you know, something turned up.
Meet 5'9″ Elsa Hosk, one of the new Victoria's Secret models, who at one point in her life played professional basketball in Sweden.
Elsa Hosk 15 640x530 Victorias Secret model Elsa Hosk is a former Swedish professional basketball player
"I took a 2 year break [from modeling] because I was a professional basketball player in Sweden," the 23-year-old told us. "It's not anything like the WNBA, I mean basketball is not that big in Sweden," Hosk said with a self-deprecating laugh. "But it was still very tough. We worked out probably like eight times a week, and then it was games on the weekend. It took up a lot of time, it got really serious and [I realized] I wanted to explore the world and meet people and not be tied down."
Elsa is also a model for Guess as you can tell from the links below, our celeb editor has had his wandering eye on her for quite some time.
Elsa Hosk is a smokeshow of the highest order
Elsa Hosk bikini pics are like candy for your eyes
Elsa Hosk continues to heat things up for Guess
Many of our readers undoubtedly watched the Victoria's Secret fashion show last night. A stunning display of style, beauty, art, and a whole host of other adjectives that probably aren't safe for work.
At one point during the hour long episode, the models spoke about their childhood and their more formidable years before Victoria's Secret. As they all took in pictures, one flashed on the screen of a stunning blonde playing basketball. We did our due diligence in researching whether any of the lovely ladies had played basketball in college and what do you know, something turned up.
Meet 5'9″ Elsa Hosk, one of the new Victoria's Secret models, who at one point in her life played professional basketball in Sweden.
Elsa Hosk 15 640x530 Victorias Secret model Elsa Hosk is a former Swedish professional basketball player
"I took a 2 year break [from modeling] because I was a professional basketball player in Sweden," the 23-year-old told us. "It's not anything like the WNBA, I mean basketball is not that big in Sweden," Hosk said with a self-deprecating laugh. "But it was still very tough. We worked out probably like eight times a week, and then it was games on the weekend. It took up a lot of time, it got really serious and [I realized] I wanted to explore the world and meet people and not be tied down."
Elsa is also a model for Guess as you can tell from the links below, our celeb editor has had his wandering eye on her for quite some time.
Elsa Hosk is a smokeshow of the highest order
Elsa Hosk bikini pics are like candy for your eyes
Elsa Hosk continues to heat things up for Guess
Nicole Scherzinger: Nude in Culo! X Factor judge and former Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger shows off her assets, posing nude for Diddy's new coffee table book celebrating the female backside.
Nicole Scherzinger: Nude in Culo! X Factor judge and former Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger shows off her assets, posing nude for Diddy's new coffee table book celebrating the female backside.
X Factor judge and former Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger shows off her assets, posing nude for Diddy's new coffee table book celebrating the female backside.
In Culo by Mazzucco - "culo" is Italian for buttocks - Scherzinger, along with Lady Gaga, Fergie and others, left very little to the imagination in the name of art.
Scherzinger, 33, pays homage to her hometown of Honolulu in the portrait, with a lei wrapped around her neck and her skin decorated with henna tattoos.
See her naked in the collaboration between Diddy, Jimmy Iovine and celebrity fashion photographer Raphael Mazzucco (available in stores now) right here:
Nicole Scherzinger Nude Photo
Thoughts on Nicole Scherzinger nude? Thoughts that you can actually share with us in a public forum, to be more specific? Sound off in the comments below!
X Factor judge and former Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger shows off her assets, posing nude for Diddy's new coffee table book celebrating the female backside.
In Culo by Mazzucco - "culo" is Italian for buttocks - Scherzinger, along with Lady Gaga, Fergie and others, left very little to the imagination in the name of art.
Scherzinger, 33, pays homage to her hometown of Honolulu in the portrait, with a lei wrapped around her neck and her skin decorated with henna tattoos.
See her naked in the collaboration between Diddy, Jimmy Iovine and celebrity fashion photographer Raphael Mazzucco (available in stores now) right here:
Nicole Scherzinger Nude Photo
Thoughts on Nicole Scherzinger nude? Thoughts that you can actually share with us in a public forum, to be more specific? Sound off in the comments below!
Professor Has His Students Pose Nude With Him And Calls It "Art" - Michigan State University professor Danny Guthrie has been photographing himself with students, some who are nude, for over 40 years and calls it "art."
Professor Has His Students Pose Nude With Him And Calls It "Art"
Filed under: Icky Icky Poo > Wacky, Tacky & True
Totally creepy!
Michigan State University professor Danny Guthrie has been photographing himself with students, some who are nude, for over 40 years and calls it "art."
Kinda weird, right?
His pictures (like the one above) have been under scrutiny recently, with some calling them "obscene" and oppressive to women.
He responded with this statement:
"Certainly subject matter such as this is politically charged…My intent is to acknowledge these various traditions and debates, twisting and blurring the codes of classical aesthetics, contemporary rhetorically motivated art, and even erotica.
The images do not mean I have this or that fantasy about a particular individual or situation, but they do explore emotions that I – and I assume most others – have felt."
As one ages, it is with no small sense of remorse and regret, that one comes to experience the realm of desire, romance, and carnality as existing more in the past than the future."
Some of the students who have volunteered to pose with him have actually stepped up and defended him and the images.
Sure, of course, anything can be called art, but the fact that he's sometimes nude and his students are sometimes nude (and also, waaay younger than him) just seems a little yucky to us.
What do U think? Are his pictures pornographic/exploitative? Or just simply art?
Filed under: Icky Icky Poo > Wacky, Tacky & True
Totally creepy!
Michigan State University professor Danny Guthrie has been photographing himself with students, some who are nude, for over 40 years and calls it "art."
Kinda weird, right?
His pictures (like the one above) have been under scrutiny recently, with some calling them "obscene" and oppressive to women.
He responded with this statement:
"Certainly subject matter such as this is politically charged…My intent is to acknowledge these various traditions and debates, twisting and blurring the codes of classical aesthetics, contemporary rhetorically motivated art, and even erotica.
The images do not mean I have this or that fantasy about a particular individual or situation, but they do explore emotions that I – and I assume most others – have felt."
As one ages, it is with no small sense of remorse and regret, that one comes to experience the realm of desire, romance, and carnality as existing more in the past than the future."
Some of the students who have volunteered to pose with him have actually stepped up and defended him and the images.
Sure, of course, anything can be called art, but the fact that he's sometimes nude and his students are sometimes nude (and also, waaay younger than him) just seems a little yucky to us.
What do U think? Are his pictures pornographic/exploitative? Or just simply art?
Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick: Anatomy of a Baby-Making Duo!
Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick: Anatomy of a Baby-Making Duo!
Kourtney Kardashian, Mason Disick Flynet Pictures
It's getting harder and harder to keep up with the Kardashians these days—in fact, it seems like only yesterday we were all oohing and aahing over the cuteness that is little Mason Disick.
But now, that bouncing baby boy is a walking, talking toddler and the family's getting ready to welcome the second child of Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick. So how'd this up-and-down duo get from there to here?
Let's take a look back...
MORE: Kim's "beyond thrilled" by baby news!
PlayKris Humphries Wants to Annul Kardashian Marriage
PlayKourtney Kardashian Is Pregnant With Baby No. 2
Play"Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" Peek 12/2
Dec. 14, 2009: After a tumultuous and much-chronicled courtship, Kourtney and Scott welcomed their first child, Mason Dash Disick, in Los Angeles. "A boy is definitely needed in this family!" she told E! News at the time.
Dec. 29, 2009: Baby's first photo shoot! Kourtney and Mason (sorry, Scott) show off their family's good genes on the cover of Life & Style.
February 2010: Maybe she was still hormonal or suffering from new mama exhaustion (or, you know, none of the above), but Kourtney stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live and dropped the insult heard round the world, agreeing with the then-popular wisdom regarding her baby daddy, explaining, "'Douche' is the word that people tend to use." How, um, sweet?
Feb. 18, 2010: And for the rebuttal, Scott—coming off a wave of bad press after infamously getting drunk and smashing up his Sin City hotel room while celebrating Kim's birthday on Keeping Up With the Kardashians—spoke with Ryan Seacrest to defend himself, blaming an "emotional" Kourtney and doing nothing to mend his then-strained relationship with Kris Jenner.
MORE: Kardashians hit up Extreme Makeover
Feb. 19, 2010: Makeup time! Kris and Scott make nice in an exclusive sit-down with E!: "He's the father of my grandchild; a lot's happened since then, a lot of healing," she said. Isn't it nice to play nice?
March 2010: Hot mama alert! Kourtney shows off her hot post-baby bikini bod on the cover of Life & Style!
April 24, 2010: Kourtney heads to Las Vegas solo to celebrate her 31st birthday at Wet Republic. Trouble in paradise? Hardly. Scott surprised Kourtney the weekend before with a romantic trip for the two of them in Santa Barbara.
May 2010: Are those wedding bells we hear in the distance? Kourtney, Scott and Mason are spotted at a jewelry store in Calabasas, sending tongues wagging that an engagement bauble was in the offing. It wasn't.
June 2010: Pregnancy rumors surface just six months after Mason's birth. They are quickly shot down.
MORE: Check out Kim's new mommy blog!
June 25, 2010: Temper, temper. Cops are called when Scott gets into an argument with his neighbor over a parking job that escalates into quite the ruckus. There were no arrests or charges made.
July 2010: There's that fatherly instinct we were waiting for. Scott declares his adorable son Mason as "the best thing that's ever happened to me." Aww.
August 2010: After a particularly violent outburst on Kourtney & Khloé Take Miami, Scott seeks outpatient rehab treatment and counseling for alcohol use and psychological issues.
October 2010: Time to up sticks! Kourtney and Scott temporarily leave California behind and move to New York City.
October 2010: Yet again, Kourtney denies tabloid reports that she's expecting. And that she and Scott secretly eloped. And that he's not Mason's father. Sheesh.
November 2010: Kourtney lands her first acting gig, a cameo role on One Life to Live.
MORE: What happened on the season premiere of Kourtney & Kim's new show?
November 2010: Scary! Mason is rushed to the hospital after having a small allergic reaction to peanut butter. He was quickly released with a clean bill of health.
Dec. 14, 2010: Happy first birthday, Mason!
December 2010: Mama bear alert! Kourtney sends out a warning to paparazzi after they got a little too aggressive vying for airport shots of her and Mason.
January 2011: Kourtney resolves…not to get married this year.
February 2011: After a brief quiet spell, the tabloids are back, claiming Scott is secretly obsessed with Kourtney's sister Kim. Denials all around, naturally.
February 2011: Kourtney and Scott are still not secretly engaged, no matter how much the press wants to report otherwise.
MORE: Did Scott stray?!
May 2011: Add Kris Jenner to the choir of voices urging Kourtney and Scott to get hitched. Unfortunately, Kourtney still isn't biting, and publicly thanks Kim for getting engaged, since it buys her a little more time.
August 2011: Rumors swirl that Kourtney is expecting a second child, just in time to steal Kim's wedding thunder. She isn't and doesn't. Though it might not have been such a bad idea.
September 2011: Better safe than sorry! Mason is taken to the hospital for an unspecified, though not even remotely serious, boo-boo.
November 2011: Amid rampant tabloid speculation, Scott denies that he ever hooked up with Kristin Cavallari while he and Kourtney were on a break.
Nov. 27, 2011: The second season of Kourtney & Kim Take New York premieres, and it's revealed that Scott and Kourtney sleep in separate beds. More trouble? Obviously not. Scott takes to Twitter to clarify: "I'm not a good sleeper and with mason in bed I can't fall to sleep!"
Nov. 28, 2011: Kourtney's Mommy Blog debuts on E! Online! Just in time…
Nov. 30, 2011: Guess they don't always sleep separately. Kourtney announces that she is nine weeks along, expecting her second child with Scott. "Scott and I are so excited to announce that we are expecting our second child and are thrilled to be expanding the love in our family," she told E! News exclusively. Kim is first to publicly congratulate her sister on the happy news, saying she and the family are "beyond thrilled."
Kourtney Kardashian, Mason Disick Flynet Pictures
It's getting harder and harder to keep up with the Kardashians these days—in fact, it seems like only yesterday we were all oohing and aahing over the cuteness that is little Mason Disick.
But now, that bouncing baby boy is a walking, talking toddler and the family's getting ready to welcome the second child of Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick. So how'd this up-and-down duo get from there to here?
Let's take a look back...
MORE: Kim's "beyond thrilled" by baby news!
PlayKris Humphries Wants to Annul Kardashian Marriage
PlayKourtney Kardashian Is Pregnant With Baby No. 2
Play"Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" Peek 12/2
Dec. 14, 2009: After a tumultuous and much-chronicled courtship, Kourtney and Scott welcomed their first child, Mason Dash Disick, in Los Angeles. "A boy is definitely needed in this family!" she told E! News at the time.
Dec. 29, 2009: Baby's first photo shoot! Kourtney and Mason (sorry, Scott) show off their family's good genes on the cover of Life & Style.
February 2010: Maybe she was still hormonal or suffering from new mama exhaustion (or, you know, none of the above), but Kourtney stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live and dropped the insult heard round the world, agreeing with the then-popular wisdom regarding her baby daddy, explaining, "'Douche' is the word that people tend to use." How, um, sweet?
Feb. 18, 2010: And for the rebuttal, Scott—coming off a wave of bad press after infamously getting drunk and smashing up his Sin City hotel room while celebrating Kim's birthday on Keeping Up With the Kardashians—spoke with Ryan Seacrest to defend himself, blaming an "emotional" Kourtney and doing nothing to mend his then-strained relationship with Kris Jenner.
MORE: Kardashians hit up Extreme Makeover
Feb. 19, 2010: Makeup time! Kris and Scott make nice in an exclusive sit-down with E!: "He's the father of my grandchild; a lot's happened since then, a lot of healing," she said. Isn't it nice to play nice?
March 2010: Hot mama alert! Kourtney shows off her hot post-baby bikini bod on the cover of Life & Style!
April 24, 2010: Kourtney heads to Las Vegas solo to celebrate her 31st birthday at Wet Republic. Trouble in paradise? Hardly. Scott surprised Kourtney the weekend before with a romantic trip for the two of them in Santa Barbara.
May 2010: Are those wedding bells we hear in the distance? Kourtney, Scott and Mason are spotted at a jewelry store in Calabasas, sending tongues wagging that an engagement bauble was in the offing. It wasn't.
June 2010: Pregnancy rumors surface just six months after Mason's birth. They are quickly shot down.
MORE: Check out Kim's new mommy blog!
June 25, 2010: Temper, temper. Cops are called when Scott gets into an argument with his neighbor over a parking job that escalates into quite the ruckus. There were no arrests or charges made.
July 2010: There's that fatherly instinct we were waiting for. Scott declares his adorable son Mason as "the best thing that's ever happened to me." Aww.
August 2010: After a particularly violent outburst on Kourtney & Khloé Take Miami, Scott seeks outpatient rehab treatment and counseling for alcohol use and psychological issues.
October 2010: Time to up sticks! Kourtney and Scott temporarily leave California behind and move to New York City.
October 2010: Yet again, Kourtney denies tabloid reports that she's expecting. And that she and Scott secretly eloped. And that he's not Mason's father. Sheesh.
November 2010: Kourtney lands her first acting gig, a cameo role on One Life to Live.
MORE: What happened on the season premiere of Kourtney & Kim's new show?
November 2010: Scary! Mason is rushed to the hospital after having a small allergic reaction to peanut butter. He was quickly released with a clean bill of health.
Dec. 14, 2010: Happy first birthday, Mason!
December 2010: Mama bear alert! Kourtney sends out a warning to paparazzi after they got a little too aggressive vying for airport shots of her and Mason.
January 2011: Kourtney resolves…not to get married this year.
February 2011: After a brief quiet spell, the tabloids are back, claiming Scott is secretly obsessed with Kourtney's sister Kim. Denials all around, naturally.
February 2011: Kourtney and Scott are still not secretly engaged, no matter how much the press wants to report otherwise.
MORE: Did Scott stray?!
May 2011: Add Kris Jenner to the choir of voices urging Kourtney and Scott to get hitched. Unfortunately, Kourtney still isn't biting, and publicly thanks Kim for getting engaged, since it buys her a little more time.
August 2011: Rumors swirl that Kourtney is expecting a second child, just in time to steal Kim's wedding thunder. She isn't and doesn't. Though it might not have been such a bad idea.
September 2011: Better safe than sorry! Mason is taken to the hospital for an unspecified, though not even remotely serious, boo-boo.
November 2011: Amid rampant tabloid speculation, Scott denies that he ever hooked up with Kristin Cavallari while he and Kourtney were on a break.
Nov. 27, 2011: The second season of Kourtney & Kim Take New York premieres, and it's revealed that Scott and Kourtney sleep in separate beds. More trouble? Obviously not. Scott takes to Twitter to clarify: "I'm not a good sleeper and with mason in bed I can't fall to sleep!"
Nov. 28, 2011: Kourtney's Mommy Blog debuts on E! Online! Just in time…
Nov. 30, 2011: Guess they don't always sleep separately. Kourtney announces that she is nine weeks along, expecting her second child with Scott. "Scott and I are so excited to announce that we are expecting our second child and are thrilled to be expanding the love in our family," she told E! News exclusively. Kim is first to publicly congratulate her sister on the happy news, saying she and the family are "beyond thrilled."
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Nicole Scherzinger has posed nude for P Diddy's striking coffee table book that celebrates the woman's rear and the former Pussycat Doll star says that she's been counting calories since she was just 14.
Nicole Scherzinger has posed nude for P Diddy's striking coffee table book that celebrates the woman's rear and the former Pussycat Doll star says that she's been counting calories since she was just 14.
The X Factor USA judge poses for Raphael Mazzucco for the new book, Culo, as have Lady Gaga and Cristiano Ronaldo's model girlfriend Irina Shayk.
Scherzinger, 33, admits that her weight has always been a struggle for her but now she's happy in her own skin.
The book, which was spear-headed by P Diddy, Interscope chairman Jimmy Iovine and also fashion photographer Raphael Mazzucco, will be released in the U.S. tomorrow.
In another interview with Shape magazine, Scherzinger said: "It's taken a long time to get here. I started jogging and counting calories when I was just 14. I've been on every diet you can imagine."
She continued: "By the time I was in the Pussycat Dolls, I was on the scale all the time. It became my enemy because I noticed that when I exercised really hard, I'd gain weight.
"Now that I'm in my 30s, I've stepped off the scale - I just go by how my clothes fit..."
What do you think of Sherzinger's shot?
Nicole Scherzinger Works The Leather....
The X Factor USA judge poses for Raphael Mazzucco for the new book, Culo, as have Lady Gaga and Cristiano Ronaldo's model girlfriend Irina Shayk.
Scherzinger, 33, admits that her weight has always been a struggle for her but now she's happy in her own skin.
The book, which was spear-headed by P Diddy, Interscope chairman Jimmy Iovine and also fashion photographer Raphael Mazzucco, will be released in the U.S. tomorrow.
In another interview with Shape magazine, Scherzinger said: "It's taken a long time to get here. I started jogging and counting calories when I was just 14. I've been on every diet you can imagine."
She continued: "By the time I was in the Pussycat Dolls, I was on the scale all the time. It became my enemy because I noticed that when I exercised really hard, I'd gain weight.
"Now that I'm in my 30s, I've stepped off the scale - I just go by how my clothes fit..."
What do you think of Sherzinger's shot?
Nicole Scherzinger Works The Leather....
Nicole Scherzinger Shows Off Her Hot Booty for New Book! she’s gone ahead and posed nude for a book which celebrates female bums!
Nicole Scherzinger Shows Off Her Hot Booty for New Book!
Sexy lady Nicole Scherzinger wants you to checkout her latest photo shoot!
She's confident and comfortable in her own skin, which is why she's gone ahead and posed nude for a book which celebrates female bums! What?
That's right boys! Nicole's following the motto, if you got it then flaunt it!
Covered in tattoos that could be henna, Nicole appears in Culo, a coffee table book devised by P. Diddy, Jimmy Iovine and Raphael Mazzucco which pays tribute to all the juicy booties in the world.
And if Nicole's bum wasn't enough to glare at, then wait cos there's more. Lady Gaga and Christiano Ronaldo's girlfriend, Irina Shayk will also be too be baring it all.
Which other female celebrities do you think should join in with the celebrations? Drop your comments below!
Sexy lady Nicole Scherzinger wants you to checkout her latest photo shoot!
She's confident and comfortable in her own skin, which is why she's gone ahead and posed nude for a book which celebrates female bums! What?
That's right boys! Nicole's following the motto, if you got it then flaunt it!
Covered in tattoos that could be henna, Nicole appears in Culo, a coffee table book devised by P. Diddy, Jimmy Iovine and Raphael Mazzucco which pays tribute to all the juicy booties in the world.
And if Nicole's bum wasn't enough to glare at, then wait cos there's more. Lady Gaga and Christiano Ronaldo's girlfriend, Irina Shayk will also be too be baring it all.
Which other female celebrities do you think should join in with the celebrations? Drop your comments below!
Nude Lady Gaga [PHOTO] One MONSTER Ass "CULO" lady gaga nude butt ass see this picture of Lady Gaga's perfectly-shaped ass
Lady Gaga [PHOTO] One MONSTER Ass
lady gaga nude butt ass
The world should bow down and kiss Diddy's feet -- because if it weren't for his new coffee table book about female backsides ... we'd never see this picture of Lady Gaga's perfectly-shaped ass.
Unlike Irina Shayk's inkblot-covered backside -- also featured in the butt book by Diddy and Interscope chairman Jimmy Iovine ... entitled "CULO" -- Gaga happily bared all in her most shocking outfit yet ... nothing.
She was born this way.
lady gaga nude butt ass
The world should bow down and kiss Diddy's feet -- because if it weren't for his new coffee table book about female backsides ... we'd never see this picture of Lady Gaga's perfectly-shaped ass.
Unlike Irina Shayk's inkblot-covered backside -- also featured in the butt book by Diddy and Interscope chairman Jimmy Iovine ... entitled "CULO" -- Gaga happily bared all in her most shocking outfit yet ... nothing.
She was born this way.
Lady Gaga felt ‘shy’ when posing nude for Tony Bennett, singer reveals on TV special ‘A Very Gaga Thanksgiving’
Lady Gaga felt 'shy' when posing nude for Tony Bennett, singer reveals on TV special 'A Very Gaga Thanksgiving'
On 'A Very Gaga Thanksgiving,' also reveals toll fame has taken on her family
Lady Gaga attends the 'Lady Gaga x Terry Richardson; book launch party at The New Museum on Tuesday.
Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images
Lady Gaga attends the 'Lady Gaga x Terry Richardson' book launch party at The New Museum Tuesday.
* Tony Bennett won't perform Amy Winehouse duet
It takes a lot to make Lady Gaga blush.
And yet, the "Born This Way" singer said she found herself feeling particularly bashful when asked by Annie Leibovitz to strip down so that Tony Bennett could sketch her nude.
"I walked in and said, 'Well Tony, here we are,' and I dropped my robe and I got into position," Gaga revealed during her Thanksgiving special, "A Very Gaga Thanksgiving," which aired Thursday night on ABC.
"I felt shy and thought, 'It's Tony Bennett, why am I naked?'" the singer said.
The nude drawings will appear in an upcoming issue of Vanity Fair.
Gaga, 25, who opened her 90-minute TV special singing a duet with Bennett to "The Lady Is a Tramp," said she was starstruck by the legendary singer.
"He's so handsome," she said. "I feel terrible whenever his wife is around because he's so charming and such a gentlemen."
The duo also collaborated on Bennett's album, "Bennett's Duets II."
During the special, Bennett told cameras Gaga was one of the most creative artists he's ever met.
"I think as time goes on she might become America's Picasso," he said.
Throughout the telecast, Gaga performed hits off her new album, including "Edge of Glory" and "Marry the Night," along with a cover of holiday favorite, "White Christmas."
She also sat down with Katie Couric at her old high school to talk about how her skyrocketing career has affected her family.
Photos: Can't get enough of Lady Gaga's outfits? Neither can we!
""I think in the beginning it was a little bit tough, but we're really strong and now, it's really great," she told Couric.
As for what Mother Monster is thankful for this year?
"I'm thankful for the health of all my friends and family and I pray that everybody that I love will be happy and healthy through the holiday," she said.
On 'A Very Gaga Thanksgiving,' also reveals toll fame has taken on her family
Lady Gaga attends the 'Lady Gaga x Terry Richardson; book launch party at The New Museum on Tuesday.
Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images
Lady Gaga attends the 'Lady Gaga x Terry Richardson' book launch party at The New Museum Tuesday.
* Tony Bennett won't perform Amy Winehouse duet
It takes a lot to make Lady Gaga blush.
And yet, the "Born This Way" singer said she found herself feeling particularly bashful when asked by Annie Leibovitz to strip down so that Tony Bennett could sketch her nude.
"I walked in and said, 'Well Tony, here we are,' and I dropped my robe and I got into position," Gaga revealed during her Thanksgiving special, "A Very Gaga Thanksgiving," which aired Thursday night on ABC.
"I felt shy and thought, 'It's Tony Bennett, why am I naked?'" the singer said.
The nude drawings will appear in an upcoming issue of Vanity Fair.
Gaga, 25, who opened her 90-minute TV special singing a duet with Bennett to "The Lady Is a Tramp," said she was starstruck by the legendary singer.
"He's so handsome," she said. "I feel terrible whenever his wife is around because he's so charming and such a gentlemen."
The duo also collaborated on Bennett's album, "Bennett's Duets II."
During the special, Bennett told cameras Gaga was one of the most creative artists he's ever met.
"I think as time goes on she might become America's Picasso," he said.
Throughout the telecast, Gaga performed hits off her new album, including "Edge of Glory" and "Marry the Night," along with a cover of holiday favorite, "White Christmas."
She also sat down with Katie Couric at her old high school to talk about how her skyrocketing career has affected her family.
Photos: Can't get enough of Lady Gaga's outfits? Neither can we!
""I think in the beginning it was a little bit tough, but we're really strong and now, it's really great," she told Couric.
As for what Mother Monster is thankful for this year?
"I'm thankful for the health of all my friends and family and I pray that everybody that I love will be happy and healthy through the holiday," she said.
Loose Women's Andrea McLean poses nude and says "I feel sexier than ever at 42" The 42-year-old has opened up to Closer magazine and posed for a set of stunning nude photographs where she reveals a decidedly steamy side
Loose Women's Andrea McLean poses nude and says "I feel sexier than ever at 42"
Loose Women's Andrea McLean poses nude and says 'I feel sexier than ever at 42'Closer magazine
Reaching her forties has meant a surge of body confidence for Loose Women presenter Andrea McLean.
The 42-year-old has opened up to Closer magazine and posed for a set of stunning nude photographs where she reveals a decidedly steamy side.
She said: "I feel a lot more body confident now than I did in my 30s. I think there's something about hitting your 40s where you think: 'The pressure's off – I'm never going to look like Cindy Crawford, but I'm very happy to look like me.'"
Andrea added: "When posing like this was suggested, my instinct was to shy away. But I won't have many more opportunities to do these kind of photos at my age, so I decided to go for it!"
"I know life really is too short not to throw caution to the wind, so I'm going to enjoy it. One day it'll be lovely to look back and say: 'You were quite sexy once, Andrea!'"
Loose Women's Andrea McLean poses nude and says 'I feel sexier than ever at 42'Closer magazine
The presenter, who's married to builder Steve Toms, revealed how a brush with death in the summer has made her feel more positive about life. She lapsed into unconsciousness in hospital after she suffered an allergic reaction to antibiotics following surgery to repair an umbilical hernia.
She said: "I couldn't breathe at all – it was like my air was slowly being cut off. It was absolutely terrifying, but the worst thing was seeing the panic on Steve's face."
"I fell unconscious and yes, Steve believed he'd lost me. But, in the grand scheme of things, it was half an hour of absolute awfulness and, thankfully, they were able to control the reaction with adrenalin and oxygen."
Andrea had the hernia diagnosed after she gave birth to her daughter Amy in 2006 [she also has a 10-year-old son] and explained: "since then, my tummy had stuck out like a doughnut. It made me feel very self-conscious – I can't tell you how often I was asked if I was pregnant."
After having the operation she said she felt more body confident:""The best thing is that I'm not in pain any more, but also I now have a flat stomach again, like it was before I had the kids."
"I'm no longer ashamed to take off my clothes in front of Steve. Of course he never minded – he loves me regardless – but having a bit of self-confidence does wonders..."
Andrea recently lost a stone doing the Cabbage Soup diet, going from a size 14 to a size 10, and has kept her slim figure by not eating meals after 8pm and only drinking alcoholic drinks on the weekends.
Loose Women's Andrea McLean poses nude and says 'I feel sexier than ever at 42'Closer magazine
Reaching her forties has meant a surge of body confidence for Loose Women presenter Andrea McLean.
The 42-year-old has opened up to Closer magazine and posed for a set of stunning nude photographs where she reveals a decidedly steamy side.
She said: "I feel a lot more body confident now than I did in my 30s. I think there's something about hitting your 40s where you think: 'The pressure's off – I'm never going to look like Cindy Crawford, but I'm very happy to look like me.'"
Andrea added: "When posing like this was suggested, my instinct was to shy away. But I won't have many more opportunities to do these kind of photos at my age, so I decided to go for it!"
"I know life really is too short not to throw caution to the wind, so I'm going to enjoy it. One day it'll be lovely to look back and say: 'You were quite sexy once, Andrea!'"
Loose Women's Andrea McLean poses nude and says 'I feel sexier than ever at 42'Closer magazine
The presenter, who's married to builder Steve Toms, revealed how a brush with death in the summer has made her feel more positive about life. She lapsed into unconsciousness in hospital after she suffered an allergic reaction to antibiotics following surgery to repair an umbilical hernia.
She said: "I couldn't breathe at all – it was like my air was slowly being cut off. It was absolutely terrifying, but the worst thing was seeing the panic on Steve's face."
"I fell unconscious and yes, Steve believed he'd lost me. But, in the grand scheme of things, it was half an hour of absolute awfulness and, thankfully, they were able to control the reaction with adrenalin and oxygen."
Andrea had the hernia diagnosed after she gave birth to her daughter Amy in 2006 [she also has a 10-year-old son] and explained: "since then, my tummy had stuck out like a doughnut. It made me feel very self-conscious – I can't tell you how often I was asked if I was pregnant."
After having the operation she said she felt more body confident:""The best thing is that I'm not in pain any more, but also I now have a flat stomach again, like it was before I had the kids."
"I'm no longer ashamed to take off my clothes in front of Steve. Of course he never minded – he loves me regardless – but having a bit of self-confidence does wonders..."
Andrea recently lost a stone doing the Cabbage Soup diet, going from a size 14 to a size 10, and has kept her slim figure by not eating meals after 8pm and only drinking alcoholic drinks on the weekends.
Love the Look! Dianna Agron’s Nude Maxi Skirt (PHOTOS)
Love the Look! Dianna Agron's Nude Maxi Skirt (PHOTOS)
The stunning Dianna Agron, star of
The stunning Dianna Agron, star of
The stunning Dianna Agron, star of
The stunning Dianna Agron, star of
The stunning Dianna Agron, star of
The stunning Dianna Agron, star of
View the Gallery / 7 Photos »
Dianna's Pink 'Do!
Dianna Agron Steps Out With Pink Hair
Dianna Agron dyes her hair for 'Glee.' 8 Photos »
Dianna Agron was channeling Annie Hall when she stepped out for a salon day at the Kate Somerville skin care center on Monday in Hollywood, Calif. The Glee gal chose a sexy-conservative ensemble that included a white button-down blouse that she tucked into a nude maxi skirt.
To top off the Glee-chic outfit, Dianna wore a pair of cat-eyed sunglasses that we're obsessed with! We're LOVING this look but what do you think? Play fashion critic in the comments!
To refresh your memory on the '70s film icon we're referring to when we say Annie Hall, check out Diane Keaton's role (and outfits) in the trailer below.
Prior to returning to her blonde roots, Dianna was rocking some pink hair, probably for her role on the hit FOX show. Which do you prefer: her blonde locks or the pink 'do?
The stunning Dianna Agron, star of
The stunning Dianna Agron, star of
The stunning Dianna Agron, star of
The stunning Dianna Agron, star of
The stunning Dianna Agron, star of
The stunning Dianna Agron, star of
View the Gallery / 7 Photos »
Dianna's Pink 'Do!
Dianna Agron Steps Out With Pink Hair
Dianna Agron dyes her hair for 'Glee.' 8 Photos »
Dianna Agron was channeling Annie Hall when she stepped out for a salon day at the Kate Somerville skin care center on Monday in Hollywood, Calif. The Glee gal chose a sexy-conservative ensemble that included a white button-down blouse that she tucked into a nude maxi skirt.
To top off the Glee-chic outfit, Dianna wore a pair of cat-eyed sunglasses that we're obsessed with! We're LOVING this look but what do you think? Play fashion critic in the comments!
To refresh your memory on the '70s film icon we're referring to when we say Annie Hall, check out Diane Keaton's role (and outfits) in the trailer below.
Prior to returning to her blonde roots, Dianna was rocking some pink hair, probably for her role on the hit FOX show. Which do you prefer: her blonde locks or the pink 'do?
Elisabetta Canalis’ Nude PETA Ad Revealed In Milano [PHOTOS] * Elisabetta Canalis Reveals Her Nude PETA Ad * Elisabetta Canalis Reveals Her Nude PETA Ad * Elisabetta Canalis Reveals Her Nude PETA Ad * Elisabetta Canalis Reveals Her Nude PETA Ad
Elisabetta Canalis' Nude PETA Ad Revealed In Milano [PHOTOS]
* Elisabetta Canalis Reveals Her Nude PETA Ad
* Elisabetta Canalis Reveals Her Nude PETA Ad
* Elisabetta Canalis Reveals Her Nude PETA Ad
* Elisabetta Canalis Reveals Her Nude PETA Ad
INF Daily
View the Gallery / 22 Photos »
Elisabetta Canalis was bundled up in her coat, scarf, and gloves as she presented her nude ad for PETA in Milano, Italy earlier today. The ad was part of the organizations "I'd Rather Go Nude than Wear Fur" campaign.
PHOTOS: Celebs Would Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur
In other Elisabetta news, she and ex-boyfriend George Clooney are two of more than 200 possible witnesses who will give evidence at the trial of Silvio Berlusconi who has been accused of paying for sex with a 17-year-old prostitute.
PHOTOS: Elisabetta Canalis & Mechad Brooks Getting Hot And Heavy
Clooney says that he was approached by Silvio's lawyers to testify about "bunga bunga" parties but maintains that he only ever visited the premier's residence once.
For the latest Elisabetta Canalis news and photos, make sure to follow us on Facebook on Twitter and Tumblr.!
* Elisabetta Canalis Reveals Her Nude PETA Ad
* Elisabetta Canalis Reveals Her Nude PETA Ad
* Elisabetta Canalis Reveals Her Nude PETA Ad
* Elisabetta Canalis Reveals Her Nude PETA Ad
INF Daily
View the Gallery / 22 Photos »
Elisabetta Canalis was bundled up in her coat, scarf, and gloves as she presented her nude ad for PETA in Milano, Italy earlier today. The ad was part of the organizations "I'd Rather Go Nude than Wear Fur" campaign.
PHOTOS: Celebs Would Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur
In other Elisabetta news, she and ex-boyfriend George Clooney are two of more than 200 possible witnesses who will give evidence at the trial of Silvio Berlusconi who has been accused of paying for sex with a 17-year-old prostitute.
PHOTOS: Elisabetta Canalis & Mechad Brooks Getting Hot And Heavy
Clooney says that he was approached by Silvio's lawyers to testify about "bunga bunga" parties but maintains that he only ever visited the premier's residence once.
For the latest Elisabetta Canalis news and photos, make sure to follow us on Facebook on Twitter and Tumblr.!
Elle Macpherson: 'I posed naked for Playboy on my terms' Elle Macpherson has said that she was happy to pose naked for Playboy but only on her own terms
Elle Macpherson: 'I posed naked for Playboy on my terms' Elle Macpherson has said that she was happy to pose naked for Playboy but only on her own terms
Elle Macpherson arriving at the 2011 NBC upfront presentation in New York
Elle Macpherson has said that she was happy to pose naked for Playboy but only on her own terms.
The supermodel, nicknamed The Body, told The Daily Telegraph that the press were eager to source nude pictures of her after she stripped off opposite Hugh Grant in the 1993 movie Sirens.
Macpherson told the newspaper that journalists pursued ex-boyfriends and photographers in the hope of finding nude images of her.
"I said, 'Okay, you want naked? I'll give you naked - but on my terms'," she said.
Macpherson then contacted photographer Herb Ritts who shot her May 1994 covershoot for Playboy.
Earlier this year, Macpherson decided that contestants on Britain's Next Top Model should wear more clothes than they had in previous episodes.
"I'm really interested in the whole, the personality of the girl, and often that's projected in the way they dress and it just felt inappropriate," she said.
"It's very uncomfortable for a girl to stand in front of people like this, naked, freezing cold, so we just said, 'No, it's not fair'."
Elle Macpherson arriving at the 2011 NBC upfront presentation in New York
Elle Macpherson has said that she was happy to pose naked for Playboy but only on her own terms.
The supermodel, nicknamed The Body, told The Daily Telegraph that the press were eager to source nude pictures of her after she stripped off opposite Hugh Grant in the 1993 movie Sirens.
Macpherson told the newspaper that journalists pursued ex-boyfriends and photographers in the hope of finding nude images of her.
"I said, 'Okay, you want naked? I'll give you naked - but on my terms'," she said.
Macpherson then contacted photographer Herb Ritts who shot her May 1994 covershoot for Playboy.
Earlier this year, Macpherson decided that contestants on Britain's Next Top Model should wear more clothes than they had in previous episodes.
"I'm really interested in the whole, the personality of the girl, and often that's projected in the way they dress and it just felt inappropriate," she said.
"It's very uncomfortable for a girl to stand in front of people like this, naked, freezing cold, so we just said, 'No, it's not fair'."
Kristen Wiig is Nearly Nude as ‘GQ’’s ‘Bro of the Year’
Kristen Wiig is Nearly Nude as 'GQ''s 'Bro of the Year'
kristen wiig article Kristen Wiig is Nearly Nude as 'GQ''s 'Bro of the Year'
Kristen Wiig
Kristen Wiig has been named GQ's "Bro of the Year," and if that lead photo of her on the Web site–along with the honor it accompanies–is at least as strange as it is hot, then it's no less becoming for that. She's a comedian, after all, and what good is a hot comedian if she's not funny first. (And no, I don't mean to say comedienne, because that's just stupid; and anyway, if I can't use gender-neutral language in this story, then where the hell can I?)
But there's plenty of Wiiged-out hotness inside the magazine, or on this video to come out of the photo shoot. I wonder where that one guy is—you know, from a couple years ago, the one who made the video gone viral of him doing Wiig's Sue character, and doing it, for some reason, with his shirt off. When a reporter at the time asked Wiig's publicist for a comment on the comically creepy video, the publicist came back saying, simply, that Wiig does not respond to such things. Watch the clip, and imagine how Wiig must have felt watching it. It's not a pleasant feeling.
Any proper award needs a citation, and Jon Hamm gets to do the honors here. He remembers the very first time he thought to himself, "My God, this girl is funny." It happened when he watched her on SNL come out stone-serious with the line "I'm a bitch in the boardroom, a bore in the bedroom, and I'm a bear on the toilet."
Jon Hamm and Sue-without-a-Shirt Guy: they've each got their own idea of hot, and they've each got their own idea of funny. Who's to say which one is wrong, or if either of them is? Kristen Wiig can accommodate the both of them. She's got that kind of range, and she's got that kind of everything-else.
kristen wiig article Kristen Wiig is Nearly Nude as 'GQ''s 'Bro of the Year'
Kristen Wiig
Kristen Wiig has been named GQ's "Bro of the Year," and if that lead photo of her on the Web site–along with the honor it accompanies–is at least as strange as it is hot, then it's no less becoming for that. She's a comedian, after all, and what good is a hot comedian if she's not funny first. (And no, I don't mean to say comedienne, because that's just stupid; and anyway, if I can't use gender-neutral language in this story, then where the hell can I?)
But there's plenty of Wiiged-out hotness inside the magazine, or on this video to come out of the photo shoot. I wonder where that one guy is—you know, from a couple years ago, the one who made the video gone viral of him doing Wiig's Sue character, and doing it, for some reason, with his shirt off. When a reporter at the time asked Wiig's publicist for a comment on the comically creepy video, the publicist came back saying, simply, that Wiig does not respond to such things. Watch the clip, and imagine how Wiig must have felt watching it. It's not a pleasant feeling.
Any proper award needs a citation, and Jon Hamm gets to do the honors here. He remembers the very first time he thought to himself, "My God, this girl is funny." It happened when he watched her on SNL come out stone-serious with the line "I'm a bitch in the boardroom, a bore in the bedroom, and I'm a bear on the toilet."
Jon Hamm and Sue-without-a-Shirt Guy: they've each got their own idea of hot, and they've each got their own idea of funny. Who's to say which one is wrong, or if either of them is? Kristen Wiig can accommodate the both of them. She's got that kind of range, and she's got that kind of everything-else.
Oops! Tori Spelling's Husband Accidentally Tweets Photo of Her Boobs Dean McDermott posts a goofy pic of his son Liam -- not realizing that Tori's bare breasts are visible in the background!
Oops! Tori Spelling's Husband Accidentally Tweets Photo of Her Boobs
Dean McDermott posts a goofy pic of his son Liam -- not realizing that Tori's bare breasts are visible in the background!
Now that the celebrity nude photo hacker is behind bars, Tori Spelling probably thought she was safe from topless pictures being posted online. But accidents do happen -- even when your loving husband is just trying to post pictures of your adorable children! On Thursday, Dean McDermott posted to Twitter what he thought was just a cute shot of his and Tori's 4-year-old son Liam... without noticing that his wife's bare boobs were showcased prominently in the background!
The pic -- which Dean, 45, has since deleted from his Twitter account (you can see the safe-for-work version above) -- is part of a series of goofy cell-phone pics that Dean was taking with Liam. The father and son were putting kitchen-themed stickers on their heads, which Dean then uploaded with captions like "pothead" (for a cooking pot) and "doughhead" (for a rolling pin).
The accidentally scandalous shot shows Liam with the rolling-pin sticker on his forehead. He's sitting on a bed, and if you look twice, you can see a naked woman reclining under the sheets behind him. Except you can only see her from the neck down and the waist up. Oopsies! (We're going to assume it's Tori, 38, because really, how much more scandalous would it be if it was some other woman?)
Here's our educated guess as to how this occurred. Tori and Dean just had a baby girl, Hattie Margaret, five weeks ago. They're still in that sleep-deprived new parent haze (which you can multiply if those parents have two other children under the age of five, like Tori and Dean do). We also know that the Spelling-McDermott family practices co-sleeping, because they've posted cute pictures of the family snoozing together on Twitter before.
So here's what we're thinking: Everybody is getting ready for bed, Tori is breastfeeding the baby, they're all exhausted and ready to collapse. Liam grabs the phone and stickers, Dean agrees to play before bed, hits "send" in his sleep-deprived condition, and there you have it.
Here's the plus side of tweeting a nude picture, accidentally or no: In the past few hours, McDermott has gained more than 1,000 Twitter followers, for a total of more than 75,000. His faux pas may land him on Tori's bad side for a while, but at least he can promote their reality show to a whole new audience!
Dean McDermott posts a goofy pic of his son Liam -- not realizing that Tori's bare breasts are visible in the background!
Now that the celebrity nude photo hacker is behind bars, Tori Spelling probably thought she was safe from topless pictures being posted online. But accidents do happen -- even when your loving husband is just trying to post pictures of your adorable children! On Thursday, Dean McDermott posted to Twitter what he thought was just a cute shot of his and Tori's 4-year-old son Liam... without noticing that his wife's bare boobs were showcased prominently in the background!
The pic -- which Dean, 45, has since deleted from his Twitter account (you can see the safe-for-work version above) -- is part of a series of goofy cell-phone pics that Dean was taking with Liam. The father and son were putting kitchen-themed stickers on their heads, which Dean then uploaded with captions like "pothead" (for a cooking pot) and "doughhead" (for a rolling pin).
The accidentally scandalous shot shows Liam with the rolling-pin sticker on his forehead. He's sitting on a bed, and if you look twice, you can see a naked woman reclining under the sheets behind him. Except you can only see her from the neck down and the waist up. Oopsies! (We're going to assume it's Tori, 38, because really, how much more scandalous would it be if it was some other woman?)
Here's our educated guess as to how this occurred. Tori and Dean just had a baby girl, Hattie Margaret, five weeks ago. They're still in that sleep-deprived new parent haze (which you can multiply if those parents have two other children under the age of five, like Tori and Dean do). We also know that the Spelling-McDermott family practices co-sleeping, because they've posted cute pictures of the family snoozing together on Twitter before.
So here's what we're thinking: Everybody is getting ready for bed, Tori is breastfeeding the baby, they're all exhausted and ready to collapse. Liam grabs the phone and stickers, Dean agrees to play before bed, hits "send" in his sleep-deprived condition, and there you have it.
Here's the plus side of tweeting a nude picture, accidentally or no: In the past few hours, McDermott has gained more than 1,000 Twitter followers, for a total of more than 75,000. His faux pas may land him on Tori's bad side for a while, but at least he can promote their reality show to a whole new audience!
WWE Signs Lingerie Football Star Danielle Moinet , HOF’er Reportedly Appears Nude in Movie, More
WWE Signs Lingerie Football Star Danielle Moinet , HOF'er Reportedly Appears Nude in Movie, More
« Previous Post WWE Stars and Their Inspirations, Another WWE Women's Wrestler Tryout, Bellas
» Next Post RAW Stars & Tuesday's SmackDown, Jericho's Fozzy Plans for 2012, The Miz, Birthdays
- Former WWE Women's Champion Ivory turns 50 years old today while Hall of Famer Blackjack Mulligan turns 69 and Tough Enough winner Maven turns 35.
- We don't have this confirmed yet, but reader Tyler Long sent the following:
WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes will be appearing in a new independent Christmas horror movie called Hell Elves this January. The campy movie follows a small group of rogue elves who turn on Santa Claus. They kill everyone and put their body parts in jars to give out to kids as presents. Rhodes briefly appears as a grandfather to one of the children, running out of the shower nude and confronting the elves as they come down his chimney. The scene was filmed earlier this month. Hell Elves hits iTunes and Netflix on January 17th, 2012 and is scheduled to be released on DVD sometime in early 2012.
- WWE has signed Lingerie Football League star Danielle Moinet to a developmental deal. She debuted last week as a manager for former ECW personality Abraham Washington.
Moinet expressed interest during media interviews earlier this year in becoming a WWE Diva and has tweeted about being a fan. Besides playing in the LFL, she also has a degree in marketing.
« Previous Post WWE Stars and Their Inspirations, Another WWE Women's Wrestler Tryout, Bellas
» Next Post RAW Stars & Tuesday's SmackDown, Jericho's Fozzy Plans for 2012, The Miz, Birthdays
- Former WWE Women's Champion Ivory turns 50 years old today while Hall of Famer Blackjack Mulligan turns 69 and Tough Enough winner Maven turns 35.
- We don't have this confirmed yet, but reader Tyler Long sent the following:
WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes will be appearing in a new independent Christmas horror movie called Hell Elves this January. The campy movie follows a small group of rogue elves who turn on Santa Claus. They kill everyone and put their body parts in jars to give out to kids as presents. Rhodes briefly appears as a grandfather to one of the children, running out of the shower nude and confronting the elves as they come down his chimney. The scene was filmed earlier this month. Hell Elves hits iTunes and Netflix on January 17th, 2012 and is scheduled to be released on DVD sometime in early 2012.
- WWE has signed Lingerie Football League star Danielle Moinet to a developmental deal. She debuted last week as a manager for former ECW personality Abraham Washington.
Moinet expressed interest during media interviews earlier this year in becoming a WWE Diva and has tweeted about being a fan. Besides playing in the LFL, she also has a degree in marketing.
Kate Moss wraps up warm for winter after nude pic fetches £16,250 The image - part of a photoshoot for German Vogue taken by Albert Watson - dates from January 1993 and shows the young Moss naked against a plain fabric backdrop on a rooftop in Marrak
Kate Moss wraps up warm for winter after nude pic fetches £16,250
Kate Moss was in no hurry to catch a winter chill while inspecting her new house in Hampstead. The supermodel donned a fluffy fur and some two-tone winter boots as she arrived at the property. But, while these pictures will likely never turn up at auction, a nude limited edition print image of La Moss fetched £16,250 when it went under the hammer at Bonhams.
Kate Moss keeps warm in winter-wear but this nude pic was worth £16,250Albert Watson's image of Kate Moss titled Marrakesh. Photo courtesy of Bonhams
The image - part of a photoshoot for German Vogue taken by Albert Watson - dates from January 1993 and shows the young Moss naked against a plain fabric backdrop on a rooftop in Marrakesh.
According to the photographer: "I still think these are among the best pictures ever taken of her and she said so as well recently." Looks like at least one private buyer was in agreement as he or she parted with £16,250 (the auction price plus buyer's premium) to obtain the iconic print.
It's rather a stark contrast with her current look, but then again it is London in the middle of November...
Kate Moss was in no hurry to catch a winter chill while inspecting her new house in Hampstead. The supermodel donned a fluffy fur and some two-tone winter boots as she arrived at the property. But, while these pictures will likely never turn up at auction, a nude limited edition print image of La Moss fetched £16,250 when it went under the hammer at Bonhams.
Kate Moss keeps warm in winter-wear but this nude pic was worth £16,250Albert Watson's image of Kate Moss titled Marrakesh. Photo courtesy of Bonhams
The image - part of a photoshoot for German Vogue taken by Albert Watson - dates from January 1993 and shows the young Moss naked against a plain fabric backdrop on a rooftop in Marrakesh.
According to the photographer: "I still think these are among the best pictures ever taken of her and she said so as well recently." Looks like at least one private buyer was in agreement as he or she parted with £16,250 (the auction price plus buyer's premium) to obtain the iconic print.
It's rather a stark contrast with her current look, but then again it is London in the middle of November...
An original print of a nude Kate Moss, photographed by fashion photographer Albert Watson during Moss' early days of modeling, sold for $25,000 at auction today
An original print of a nude Kate Moss, photographed by fashion photographer Albert Watson during Moss' early days of modeling, sold for $25,000 at auction today
The photo was part of a shoot for the January 1993 German edition of Vogue.
The 57x45 black and white photo was taken in Marrakesh, Morocco, and is said to be one of Moss' favorites.
The photo sold to an anonymous United Kingdom buyer at Bonham's London.
kate moss
Image: via The Daily Mail
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The photo was part of a shoot for the January 1993 German edition of Vogue.
The 57x45 black and white photo was taken in Marrakesh, Morocco, and is said to be one of Moss' favorites.
The photo sold to an anonymous United Kingdom buyer at Bonham's London.
kate moss
Image: via The Daily Mail
Please follow The Life on Twitter and Facebook.
Follow Meredith Galante on Twitter.
Chloe Moretz Goes Classy in Nude Gown at 'Hugo' New York Premiere The 14-year-old blond beauty became the belle of the ball as she hit the red carpet in a flowing nude-colored tube dress with ribbon details in the front The actress who plays rebellio
Chloe Moretz Goes Classy in Nude Gown at 'Hugo' New York Premiere The 14-year-old blond beauty became the belle of the ball as she hit the red carpet in a flowing nude-colored tube dress with ribbon details in the front The actress who plays rebellious Isabelle in the movie finished off her classy look with a pair of golden peep-toe heels.
On the red carpet set outside New York's Ziegfield Theatre, Moretz is joined by co-stars Emily Mortimer, who is elegant in a maxi dress, and Asa Butterfield, who looks sleek in a two-piece suit.
Chloe Moretz
Martin Scorsese's upcoming 3D adventure movie "Hugo" was premiered in New York on Monday night, November 21. Among the celebrities that turned heads on the red carpet rolled outside the Ziegfield Theatre in New York City was young actress Chloe Moretz.
The 14-year-old blond beauty became the belle of the ball as she hit the red carpet in a flowing nude-colored tube dress with ribbon details in the front. The actress who plays rebellious Isabelle in the movie finished off her classy look with a pair of golden peep-toe heels.
Joining Moretz on the red carpet were Emily Mortimer who looked elegant in a nude color maxi dress, and lead actor Asa Butterfield who looked dapper in a two-piece black suit complete with a red and blue striped tie. Also present at the premiere were two other male cast, Sacha Baron Cohen and Ben Kingsley.
Among the celebrity guests at the premiere were Vera Farmiga who opted for a sheer black dress, Patricia Clarkson who donned a black maxi dress, and filmmaker Spike Lee who looked casual in sneakers and denims. Ewa Da Cruz, Tony Bennet, Sylvia Miles and Montego Glover were the other stars in attendance.
Based on Brian Selznick's 2007 novel "The Invention of Hugo Cabret", "Hugo" follows an orphan who dwells inside the wall of a busy train station in Paris. He spends his days to unlock a secret left to him by his late father. With the help from an eccentric girl named Isabelle, he embarks on an adventure to solve the mystery.
Slated for a November 23 release in U.S. theaters, the film also stars Jude Law, Christopher Lee, Helen McCrory, Ray Winstone and Richard Griffiths. Aside from serving behind the lens, Scorsese also co-produced the film along with Johnny Depp.
On the red carpet set outside New York's Ziegfield Theatre, Moretz is joined by co-stars Emily Mortimer, who is elegant in a maxi dress, and Asa Butterfield, who looks sleek in a two-piece suit.
Chloe Moretz
Martin Scorsese's upcoming 3D adventure movie "Hugo" was premiered in New York on Monday night, November 21. Among the celebrities that turned heads on the red carpet rolled outside the Ziegfield Theatre in New York City was young actress Chloe Moretz.
The 14-year-old blond beauty became the belle of the ball as she hit the red carpet in a flowing nude-colored tube dress with ribbon details in the front. The actress who plays rebellious Isabelle in the movie finished off her classy look with a pair of golden peep-toe heels.
Joining Moretz on the red carpet were Emily Mortimer who looked elegant in a nude color maxi dress, and lead actor Asa Butterfield who looked dapper in a two-piece black suit complete with a red and blue striped tie. Also present at the premiere were two other male cast, Sacha Baron Cohen and Ben Kingsley.
Among the celebrity guests at the premiere were Vera Farmiga who opted for a sheer black dress, Patricia Clarkson who donned a black maxi dress, and filmmaker Spike Lee who looked casual in sneakers and denims. Ewa Da Cruz, Tony Bennet, Sylvia Miles and Montego Glover were the other stars in attendance.
Based on Brian Selznick's 2007 novel "The Invention of Hugo Cabret", "Hugo" follows an orphan who dwells inside the wall of a busy train station in Paris. He spends his days to unlock a secret left to him by his late father. With the help from an eccentric girl named Isabelle, he embarks on an adventure to solve the mystery.
Slated for a November 23 release in U.S. theaters, the film also stars Jude Law, Christopher Lee, Helen McCrory, Ray Winstone and Richard Griffiths. Aside from serving behind the lens, Scorsese also co-produced the film along with Johnny Depp.
Nude Photo of Egyptian Blogger Shocks Conservative Country An Egyptian activist and blogger, Alia al Mihdi, sent shock waves across her conservative Muslim country by posting totally nude photos of herself on her blog "to protest against the oppressi
Nude Photo of Egyptian Blogger Shocks Conservative Country An Egyptian activist and blogger, Alia al Mihdi, sent shock waves across her conservative Muslim country by posting totally nude photos of herself on her blog "to protest against the oppression and the confiscation of the freedom of expression especially against women."
Cairo- (PanOrient News)
An Egyptian activist and blogger, Alia al Mihdi, sent shock waves across her conservative Muslim country by posting totally nude photos of herself on her blog "to protest against the oppression and the confiscation of the freedom of expression especially against women."
Under the title "The Diary of a Rebellious Girl," the 20 year old American University student justified her nude posting by saying "I am just enjoying my right of expression that can't be denied by those full of sexual complexes..."
"Before you judge me for posting these photos, you should rather judge the nude models who pose for the students at the academy of Arts in Cairo University," the atheist taboo breaker said.
In a society known to be conservative Muslim, and where most woman have to cover their hair and body, it was no surprise that immediately after her posting, angry comments and condemnation of her actions and even calls to kill her appeared in thousands of blogs and on Face Book pages.
While some people supported her, the bulk of reactions bombarded Alia with viciousness. "She is merely a prostitute," Mad", Crazy, "stupid, seeking cheap fame, in need of urgent mental treatment, a devil, are some of the comments heard all over Egypt in the last few days in a case that has shocked and shaken the nation.
In her postings, Alia attacked the religious people who "threaten the country and are taking it back to the stone ages. "Real freedom is to do what I want to do not what is allowed to do, as long as I don't abuse others' freedom. She also expressed objection to mention of a person's Religion in the ID details of citizens in Egypt.
She complained in her postings that, as a girl she was raised not as equal to her brother who although younger, is given a higher level by society just because he is a male. She wrote that when she got the highest marks in class in primary school, the boys were reprimanded, "What a shame a girl got a head of you."
Alia al Mihdi is a Media faculty student of the American university in Cairo, and was known to defend the prisoners of conscience. She had posted photos of herself drinking beer and the caption "Beer is very tasty in Ramadan" is an apparent challenge to the Muslim practice of fasting in the period of Ramadan, a month when Muslims refrain from eating or drinking. She also challenged the ban on alcohol by Muslims.
Alia made it clear that she puts a line between porno photography, and the photos that show the art of the human body. She added a photo of her boyfriend naked alongside her own naked photo but a critic noted that the bulk of condemnation targeted her not him.
"She could have chosen something a little less confrontive although am not sure what - She does sound as though she is very angry and of course she has every right to be so. Very, very brave," a supportive comment said.
This controversy or scandal couldn't come at a better or worse time for Egypt, depending on who you are.
A writer said "we, Egyptians have just made a successful first step of the revolution by removing the former Mubarak regime, and now we are at a crucial time to build a new political system, the main competition between the conservative religious Muslim Brothers, and the moderate secular forces. Alia' nude postings have just damaged the second movement and people are now saying that freedom means abusing our traditions and religious teachings."
Some religious candidates of the Muslim brothers reportedly took advantage of the nude photos' posting by Alia saying "Had we had a true Islamic rule, we wouldn't have such posting by such a prostitute."
Others of the secular group expressed concern that with such extreme liberal expression, the generally conservative middle of the road voters, would now damage the moderate movement against the extremes.
Some commentators mentioned that her action is a reminder of a similar move by activist Huda Sharawi, who in 1919, in public, removed her head cover (veil, or Hijab in Arabic) and burned it in protest against the demand that women should cover up.
The debate over whether a Muslim woman should or should not cover her head, let alone her body, has been ignited again, says a scholar. Alia's nude photo has put to the test the issue of personal freedom and to what limits a person can go in the new Egypt.
Observers agree that Alia nude photos will certainly add an unexpected burden to the huge load of problems facing the over 80 Million Egyptians about to elect a new free government after decades of a dictatorship.
Photo: Alia Mihdi nude photo
Cairo- (PanOrient News)
An Egyptian activist and blogger, Alia al Mihdi, sent shock waves across her conservative Muslim country by posting totally nude photos of herself on her blog "to protest against the oppression and the confiscation of the freedom of expression especially against women."
Under the title "The Diary of a Rebellious Girl," the 20 year old American University student justified her nude posting by saying "I am just enjoying my right of expression that can't be denied by those full of sexual complexes..."
"Before you judge me for posting these photos, you should rather judge the nude models who pose for the students at the academy of Arts in Cairo University," the atheist taboo breaker said.
In a society known to be conservative Muslim, and where most woman have to cover their hair and body, it was no surprise that immediately after her posting, angry comments and condemnation of her actions and even calls to kill her appeared in thousands of blogs and on Face Book pages.
While some people supported her, the bulk of reactions bombarded Alia with viciousness. "She is merely a prostitute," Mad", Crazy, "stupid, seeking cheap fame, in need of urgent mental treatment, a devil, are some of the comments heard all over Egypt in the last few days in a case that has shocked and shaken the nation.
In her postings, Alia attacked the religious people who "threaten the country and are taking it back to the stone ages. "Real freedom is to do what I want to do not what is allowed to do, as long as I don't abuse others' freedom. She also expressed objection to mention of a person's Religion in the ID details of citizens in Egypt.
She complained in her postings that, as a girl she was raised not as equal to her brother who although younger, is given a higher level by society just because he is a male. She wrote that when she got the highest marks in class in primary school, the boys were reprimanded, "What a shame a girl got a head of you."
Alia al Mihdi is a Media faculty student of the American university in Cairo, and was known to defend the prisoners of conscience. She had posted photos of herself drinking beer and the caption "Beer is very tasty in Ramadan" is an apparent challenge to the Muslim practice of fasting in the period of Ramadan, a month when Muslims refrain from eating or drinking. She also challenged the ban on alcohol by Muslims.
Alia made it clear that she puts a line between porno photography, and the photos that show the art of the human body. She added a photo of her boyfriend naked alongside her own naked photo but a critic noted that the bulk of condemnation targeted her not him.
"She could have chosen something a little less confrontive although am not sure what - She does sound as though she is very angry and of course she has every right to be so. Very, very brave," a supportive comment said.
This controversy or scandal couldn't come at a better or worse time for Egypt, depending on who you are.
A writer said "we, Egyptians have just made a successful first step of the revolution by removing the former Mubarak regime, and now we are at a crucial time to build a new political system, the main competition between the conservative religious Muslim Brothers, and the moderate secular forces. Alia' nude postings have just damaged the second movement and people are now saying that freedom means abusing our traditions and religious teachings."
Some religious candidates of the Muslim brothers reportedly took advantage of the nude photos' posting by Alia saying "Had we had a true Islamic rule, we wouldn't have such posting by such a prostitute."
Others of the secular group expressed concern that with such extreme liberal expression, the generally conservative middle of the road voters, would now damage the moderate movement against the extremes.
Some commentators mentioned that her action is a reminder of a similar move by activist Huda Sharawi, who in 1919, in public, removed her head cover (veil, or Hijab in Arabic) and burned it in protest against the demand that women should cover up.
The debate over whether a Muslim woman should or should not cover her head, let alone her body, has been ignited again, says a scholar. Alia's nude photo has put to the test the issue of personal freedom and to what limits a person can go in the new Egypt.
Observers agree that Alia nude photos will certainly add an unexpected burden to the huge load of problems facing the over 80 Million Egyptians about to elect a new free government after decades of a dictatorship.
Photo: Alia Mihdi nude photo
Nicole Scherzinger Nude in 'Culo' Book Featuring the Naked Posterior - A new book finds X-Factor judge Nicole Scherzinger nude The book, called "Culo" will feature the naked backside as it is celebrated by photographer Raphael Mazzucco The word culo
Nicole Scherzinger Nude in 'Culo' Book Featuring the Naked Posterior
A new book finds X-Factor judge Nicole Scherzinger nude The book, called "Culo" will feature the naked backside as it is celebrated by photographer Raphael Mazzucco The word culo loosely translates to "butt" in Italian, and that will be on display from Scherzinger, among other women.
The Nicole Scherzinger naked pictures feature the former "Dancing With the Stars" winner showcasing her booty with body paint on. Seems tame yet artistic, but steamy and sexy for her big admirers. The "Culo" book by Mazzucoo was also the creative product of rapper/producer Diddy and Jimmy Iovine. It's also been featured on HBO's hit series "Entourage," and finally saw the light of day this past week, with the book selling on Amazon to mixed reviews. One has to wonder how Diddy and Iovine came up with the concept, or if it was one of those lightbulbs over the head during a business meeting at a strip club.
Scherzinger is no stranger to sexy and steamy photo shoots or music videos, but showing some skin may be a bit of a departure for her. It's doubtful that she or her boss Simon Cowell will mind the "extra exposure." Nicole's also set to be a part of the 2012 trilogy film "Men in Black III," and this nude photography could help with a few ticket sales. In all reality, she may have just done this new book to show her former lover, F1 racing star Lewis Hamilton, what he lost when they split up in October of this year. One man's loss will be another's gain for sure!
A new book finds X-Factor judge Nicole Scherzinger nude The book, called "Culo" will feature the naked backside as it is celebrated by photographer Raphael Mazzucco The word culo loosely translates to "butt" in Italian, and that will be on display from Scherzinger, among other women.
The Nicole Scherzinger naked pictures feature the former "Dancing With the Stars" winner showcasing her booty with body paint on. Seems tame yet artistic, but steamy and sexy for her big admirers. The "Culo" book by Mazzucoo was also the creative product of rapper/producer Diddy and Jimmy Iovine. It's also been featured on HBO's hit series "Entourage," and finally saw the light of day this past week, with the book selling on Amazon to mixed reviews. One has to wonder how Diddy and Iovine came up with the concept, or if it was one of those lightbulbs over the head during a business meeting at a strip club.
Scherzinger is no stranger to sexy and steamy photo shoots or music videos, but showing some skin may be a bit of a departure for her. It's doubtful that she or her boss Simon Cowell will mind the "extra exposure." Nicole's also set to be a part of the 2012 trilogy film "Men in Black III," and this nude photography could help with a few ticket sales. In all reality, she may have just done this new book to show her former lover, F1 racing star Lewis Hamilton, what he lost when they split up in October of this year. One man's loss will be another's gain for sure!
NSFW Nude Lady Gaga flaunts fit physique in nude Vanity Fair photospread
Lady Gaga flaunts fit physique in nude Vanity Fair photospread
Continue reading on Lady Gaga flaunts fit physique in nude Vanity Fair photospread - National Celebrity Fitness and Health | Examiner
Pop icon Lady Gaga, who strength-trains 5 days a week, showed off her super-toned physique in a nude photospread for the January 2012 issue of Vanity Fair.
The 5'1" Gaga, who was bullied as a kid for being fat and ugly, does 35-minute strength-training sessions 5 days a week to maintain her lean physique and flat abs.
Yoga, Running & Strength-Training
Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, also does yoga, runs and eats well.
Click here to find out more!
"I do yoga, I do Bikram and I run, and I eat really healthy," said Gaga.
"You know, my work sort of feeds me. I keep in shape by working hard."
Gaga, who's reportedly dating Vampire Diaries star Taylor Kinney, says her love life has always been disappointing.
'Never Felt Happy With a Man'
"I have never felt truly cherished by a lover," she says. "I have an inability to know what happiness feels like with a man.
"I say this honestly, and this is my new thing as of the past year: when I fight with someone I'm in a relationship with, I think, What would my fans think if they knew this was happening? How would they feel about my work and about me as a female if they knew I was allowing this to go on? And then I get out."
Ironically, Gaga says several ex-boyfriends proposed after she dumped them.
"How f*ckin' romantic, you *sshole," says Gaga of the too-little-too-late romantic gestures.
"Sure, pop a ring on my finger and make it all better. I can buy myself a f*ckin' ring."
Continue reading on Lady Gaga flaunts fit physique in nude Vanity Fair photospread - National Celebrity Fitness and Health | Examiner
Continue reading on Lady Gaga flaunts fit physique in nude Vanity Fair photospread - National Celebrity Fitness and Health | Examiner
Pop icon Lady Gaga, who strength-trains 5 days a week, showed off her super-toned physique in a nude photospread for the January 2012 issue of Vanity Fair.
The 5'1" Gaga, who was bullied as a kid for being fat and ugly, does 35-minute strength-training sessions 5 days a week to maintain her lean physique and flat abs.
Yoga, Running & Strength-Training
Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, also does yoga, runs and eats well.
Click here to find out more!
"I do yoga, I do Bikram and I run, and I eat really healthy," said Gaga.
"You know, my work sort of feeds me. I keep in shape by working hard."
Gaga, who's reportedly dating Vampire Diaries star Taylor Kinney, says her love life has always been disappointing.
'Never Felt Happy With a Man'
"I have never felt truly cherished by a lover," she says. "I have an inability to know what happiness feels like with a man.
"I say this honestly, and this is my new thing as of the past year: when I fight with someone I'm in a relationship with, I think, What would my fans think if they knew this was happening? How would they feel about my work and about me as a female if they knew I was allowing this to go on? And then I get out."
Ironically, Gaga says several ex-boyfriends proposed after she dumped them.
"How f*ckin' romantic, you *sshole," says Gaga of the too-little-too-late romantic gestures.
"Sure, pop a ring on my finger and make it all better. I can buy myself a f*ckin' ring."
Continue reading on Lady Gaga flaunts fit physique in nude Vanity Fair photospread - National Celebrity Fitness and Health | Examiner
Lady Gaga Poses Nude for Tony Bennett: Interesting or Awkward? Lady Gaga, Tony Bennett, Nude, Naked, Vanity Fair, Annie Leibovitz, Television, Charts, Hollywood, Pictures, Old, Gaga, Dad, Album, Host, Dropped, Awkward, Duet
Lady Gaga Poses Nude for Tony Bennett: Interesting or Awkward?
Related Topics: Lady Gaga, Tony Bennett, Nude, Naked, Vanity Fair, Annie Leibovitz, Television, Charts, Hollywood, Pictures, Old, Gaga, Dad, Album, Host, Dropped, Awkward, Duet
Join the discussion. Share your opinion with millions! Add Photos & Videos
Lady Gaga posing nude is hardly newsworthy, but did Tony Bennett get involved in this? The two got to know each other while recording "The Lady Is a Tramp" for his "Duets II" album earlier this year, but we didn't realize they got to know each other that well. According to The Hollywood Reporter, photographer Annie Leibovitz asked Bennett to sketch nude pictures of Gaga for a Vanity Fair spread, and they both agreed.
Gaga recalled the incident during her "Very Gaga Thanksgiving" television special, explaining, "I walked in and said, 'Well Tony here we are,' and I dropped my robe and I got into position. I felt shy and thought, 'It's Tony Bennett, why am I naked?'" Now, why in the world would she feel strange about getting naked for an 85-year-old?
Related Topics: Lady Gaga, Tony Bennett, Nude, Naked, Vanity Fair, Annie Leibovitz, Television, Charts, Hollywood, Pictures, Old, Gaga, Dad, Album, Host, Dropped, Awkward, Duet
Join the discussion. Share your opinion with millions! Add Photos & Videos
Lady Gaga posing nude is hardly newsworthy, but did Tony Bennett get involved in this? The two got to know each other while recording "The Lady Is a Tramp" for his "Duets II" album earlier this year, but we didn't realize they got to know each other that well. According to The Hollywood Reporter, photographer Annie Leibovitz asked Bennett to sketch nude pictures of Gaga for a Vanity Fair spread, and they both agreed.
Gaga recalled the incident during her "Very Gaga Thanksgiving" television special, explaining, "I walked in and said, 'Well Tony here we are,' and I dropped my robe and I got into position. I felt shy and thought, 'It's Tony Bennett, why am I naked?'" Now, why in the world would she feel strange about getting naked for an 85-year-old?
Monday, November 28, 2011
Bigg Boss: Sunny Leone says her past a ‘bomb’ Bigg Boss: Sunny Leone says her past a ‘bomb’ Mumbai: Nobody expected it to happen this soon, but Sunny Leone has been nominated for elimination in the second week of her Bigg Boss sojourn.
Bigg Boss: Sunny Leone says her past a 'bomb' Bigg Boss: Sunny Leone says her past a 'bomb' Mumbai: Nobody expected it to happen this soon, but Sunny Leone has been nominated for elimination in the second week of her Bigg Boss sojourn.
This week the nomination process was an interesting affair. After Pooja Bedi made Juhi Parmar safe and Mehek was kept out of the loop (as she was made the captain after Pooja Missra was evicted), the fight was to be between Amar, Siddharth, Shraddha, Shonali, Sky and Sunny Leone.
Mehek using her `power` as the captain, directly nominated Sky.
Bigg Boss then threw a bouncer when he asked the boys - Amar, Siddharth and Sky - to come together to the confession room and select two names for nomination. Despite Sky`s opposition, Amar and Siddharth finalised the names of Shraddha and Sunny, by way of the majority vote.
As expected Shraddha was upset and wanted to know the real story behind her name being among those nominated.
However, what came as a surprise was Sunny`s response to the news. She appeared as if not being able to digest the news that she is among those on the chopping block this week.
She expressed her apprehensions when she spoke to her `buddy` Akashdeep Sehgal aka Sky. She said that she worried what would happen if others in the house came to know about her past...her reality.
"I have 20 million pages on my name on the web; I have fans in the US... I am `controversial`... I have no tension but when the housemates would come to know (my past), then a bomb will explode."
To which Sky told her not to mention it and that nobody will dare speak about anybody`s past given the strict rules of the game where no one can talk about others' past.
Interestingly the way Sky said this, it seemed as if he appeared to know the fact that Sunny Leone is SUNNY LEONE - the porn superstar. Even Sunny was confused, she asked him to explain.
Give a hint, about what he knows about her, Sunny goaded Sky but he kept mum.
Clearly Sunny Leone appears to be burdened by the Indian level of what construes as good and bad. All we can say is...welcome to India Sunny!
This week the nomination process was an interesting affair. After Pooja Bedi made Juhi Parmar safe and Mehek was kept out of the loop (as she was made the captain after Pooja Missra was evicted), the fight was to be between Amar, Siddharth, Shraddha, Shonali, Sky and Sunny Leone.
Mehek using her `power` as the captain, directly nominated Sky.
Bigg Boss then threw a bouncer when he asked the boys - Amar, Siddharth and Sky - to come together to the confession room and select two names for nomination. Despite Sky`s opposition, Amar and Siddharth finalised the names of Shraddha and Sunny, by way of the majority vote.
As expected Shraddha was upset and wanted to know the real story behind her name being among those nominated.
However, what came as a surprise was Sunny`s response to the news. She appeared as if not being able to digest the news that she is among those on the chopping block this week.
She expressed her apprehensions when she spoke to her `buddy` Akashdeep Sehgal aka Sky. She said that she worried what would happen if others in the house came to know about her past...her reality.
"I have 20 million pages on my name on the web; I have fans in the US... I am `controversial`... I have no tension but when the housemates would come to know (my past), then a bomb will explode."
To which Sky told her not to mention it and that nobody will dare speak about anybody`s past given the strict rules of the game where no one can talk about others' past.
Interestingly the way Sky said this, it seemed as if he appeared to know the fact that Sunny Leone is SUNNY LEONE - the porn superstar. Even Sunny was confused, she asked him to explain.
Give a hint, about what he knows about her, Sunny goaded Sky but he kept mum.
Clearly Sunny Leone appears to be burdened by the Indian level of what construes as good and bad. All we can say is...welcome to India Sunny!
Andrea True, porn star who recorded disco hit, dies at 68 - nude facebook ipad nude iphone playboy ipod touch twitter porn blackberry
Andrea True, porn star who recorded disco hit, dies at 68
Andrea True, a porn star turned pop singer who recorded a classic hit of the disco era, "More, More, More," died Nov. 7 at a hospital in Kingston, N.Y. She was 68.
The Gilpatric-VanVliet funeral home in Kingston announced her death but did not release a cause. She lived in Woodstock, N.Y.
* Weigh In
* Corrections?
Born Andrea Marie Truden on July 26, 1943, in Nashville, she moved to New York in 1968 to study acting. She shortened her last name to "True" to spare her family embarrassment when she began appearing in pornographic films in the early 1970s, she told the Los Angeles Times in 1976.
"I had nothing better to do," Ms. True said in the interview, which carried the headline: "Porno's Loss Is Disco's Gain."
"I had been turned down by an agent for a record deal, and I was tired of working as an extra in pictures," she said. "Some of my friends asked me to join them in a porno film. I figured I could learn about films and acting that way, so I did it."
But she recalled struggling with her choice: "For one thing, how do you go home and say, 'Mom, I'm in porno movies'?"
She made about 40 such films in the 1970s and became a star of the genre. In 1974, she appeared in six movies, including "Deep Throat Part II" and "Lady on the Couch."
Her music career began in 1975 when she filmed a commercial in Jamaica and was not allowed to leave the country with her earnings. She stayed and spent her money to finish a recording of "More, More, More," an instrument-heavy track credited to the Andrea True Connection.
Remixed and released in 1976, the record turned into "one of the iconic songs of the disco era," Rolling Stone magazine reported. The sensual hit reached the No. 4 spot on the pop charts, according to the All Music Internet database.
The single has been widely licensed for use in movies and commercials and sampled in many songs.
She also had hits with such singles as "What's Your Name, What's Your Number?," "Party Line" and "N.Y. You Got Me Dancing."
Her first album, also called "More, More, More," was followed by another, "White Witch." The sophomore effort largely failed to match Ms. True's earlier success, and her recording career was essentially over, according to All Music.
Still, there would be no going back to porn.
"I would be a waitress or a typist before I'd star in another" adult film, Ms. True told the Times in 1976.
"Now I just want to record and perform. Don't look at me as a porno star anymore," she said. "Look at me as a recording star."
Information on survivors was not released.
Andrea True, a porn star turned pop singer who recorded a classic hit of the disco era, "More, More, More," died Nov. 7 at a hospital in Kingston, N.Y. She was 68.
The Gilpatric-VanVliet funeral home in Kingston announced her death but did not release a cause. She lived in Woodstock, N.Y.
* Weigh In
* Corrections?
Born Andrea Marie Truden on July 26, 1943, in Nashville, she moved to New York in 1968 to study acting. She shortened her last name to "True" to spare her family embarrassment when she began appearing in pornographic films in the early 1970s, she told the Los Angeles Times in 1976.
"I had nothing better to do," Ms. True said in the interview, which carried the headline: "Porno's Loss Is Disco's Gain."
"I had been turned down by an agent for a record deal, and I was tired of working as an extra in pictures," she said. "Some of my friends asked me to join them in a porno film. I figured I could learn about films and acting that way, so I did it."
But she recalled struggling with her choice: "For one thing, how do you go home and say, 'Mom, I'm in porno movies'?"
She made about 40 such films in the 1970s and became a star of the genre. In 1974, she appeared in six movies, including "Deep Throat Part II" and "Lady on the Couch."
Her music career began in 1975 when she filmed a commercial in Jamaica and was not allowed to leave the country with her earnings. She stayed and spent her money to finish a recording of "More, More, More," an instrument-heavy track credited to the Andrea True Connection.
Remixed and released in 1976, the record turned into "one of the iconic songs of the disco era," Rolling Stone magazine reported. The sensual hit reached the No. 4 spot on the pop charts, according to the All Music Internet database.
The single has been widely licensed for use in movies and commercials and sampled in many songs.
She also had hits with such singles as "What's Your Name, What's Your Number?," "Party Line" and "N.Y. You Got Me Dancing."
Her first album, also called "More, More, More," was followed by another, "White Witch." The sophomore effort largely failed to match Ms. True's earlier success, and her recording career was essentially over, according to All Music.
Still, there would be no going back to porn.
"I would be a waitress or a typist before I'd star in another" adult film, Ms. True told the Times in 1976.
"Now I just want to record and perform. Don't look at me as a porno star anymore," she said. "Look at me as a recording star."
Information on survivors was not released.
Do Men Really Think About Sex More Often Than Women?
Do Men Really Think About Sex More Often Than Women?
Do men really think about sex more than women?
According to a new study by researchers at Ohio State University, the oft-cited statistic that men think about sex, on average, about once every seven seconds can safely be put to bed—in a college-age population of 163 mixed-gender respondents, the median frequency of sexual thoughts for men was just 19. Women, meanwhile, weren't far behind at a median of 10 naughty thoughts per day.
The lead author on the study, Dr. Terri Fisher, explained in a press release that the impetus for the research was partly to dispense with the notion that men are slaves to their more carnal instincts, as well as to show that women aren't so innocent, either.
"It's amazing the way people will spout off these fake statistics that men think about sex nearly constantly and so much more often than women do," she said. "When a man hears a statement like that, he might think there's something wrong with him because he's not spending that much time thinking about sexuality, and when women hear about this, if they spend significant time thinking about sex they might think there's something wrong with them."
But showing that men think about sex only a little more than women do was just one part of the study's results. As part of their experimental design, Fisher and her team had tasked some of the participants with recording their thoughts about eating or sleeping instead of sex; in analyzing this extra data, the researchers found that men think about biological urges in general (hunger, tiredness, and, indeed, lust) a little more often than women do. However, Fisher notes that this could be due to gender-specific socialization in our society that discourages women from expressing their physical desires openly, as opposed to a true sex-based distinction.
So, a fair warning to guys with wandering eyes: The biology excuse won't work so well anymore.
Do men really think about sex more than women?
According to a new study by researchers at Ohio State University, the oft-cited statistic that men think about sex, on average, about once every seven seconds can safely be put to bed—in a college-age population of 163 mixed-gender respondents, the median frequency of sexual thoughts for men was just 19. Women, meanwhile, weren't far behind at a median of 10 naughty thoughts per day.
The lead author on the study, Dr. Terri Fisher, explained in a press release that the impetus for the research was partly to dispense with the notion that men are slaves to their more carnal instincts, as well as to show that women aren't so innocent, either.
"It's amazing the way people will spout off these fake statistics that men think about sex nearly constantly and so much more often than women do," she said. "When a man hears a statement like that, he might think there's something wrong with him because he's not spending that much time thinking about sexuality, and when women hear about this, if they spend significant time thinking about sex they might think there's something wrong with them."
But showing that men think about sex only a little more than women do was just one part of the study's results. As part of their experimental design, Fisher and her team had tasked some of the participants with recording their thoughts about eating or sleeping instead of sex; in analyzing this extra data, the researchers found that men think about biological urges in general (hunger, tiredness, and, indeed, lust) a little more often than women do. However, Fisher notes that this could be due to gender-specific socialization in our society that discourages women from expressing their physical desires openly, as opposed to a true sex-based distinction.
So, a fair warning to guys with wandering eyes: The biology excuse won't work so well anymore.
Kim Kardashian Loses to Justin Bieber as Bing's 'Most Searched Person' - nude girls facebook com apple ipad nude girls iphone 4 playboy com ipod twitter com free porn blackberry apps
Kim Kardashian Loses to Justin Bieber as Bing's 'Most Searched Person' - nude girls facebook com apple ipad nude girls iphone 4 playboy com ipod twitter com free porn blackberry apps
The search engine Bing released its list of "most searched" for 2011 on Monday. Naturally, many people search for news and updates on their favorite celebrities.
Both Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber have been making headlines in 2011—not just lately, with Kardashian's divorce from Kris Humphries and Justin's baby scandal, but consistently throughout the year.
The most searched person of 2011 on Bing was Justin Bieber. The world definitely has Bieber fever.
Kim Kardashian came in second behind Justin. Even a fairytale wedding and quickie divorce couldn't land her the top spot.
Jennifer Aniston was the third most searched for person, and Lindsay Lohan was fourth.
Kate and Pippa Middleton were also highly searched for. Kate Middleton made 12th on Bing's list, and even Pippa was number 21. The royal wedding of Kate Middleton to Prince William did top the charts for most searched for celebrity event—Kim Kardashian, as hard as she tried, couldn't outdo the royals.
The search engine Bing released its list of "most searched" for 2011 on Monday. Naturally, many people search for news and updates on their favorite celebrities.
Both Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber have been making headlines in 2011—not just lately, with Kardashian's divorce from Kris Humphries and Justin's baby scandal, but consistently throughout the year.
The most searched person of 2011 on Bing was Justin Bieber. The world definitely has Bieber fever.
Kim Kardashian came in second behind Justin. Even a fairytale wedding and quickie divorce couldn't land her the top spot.
Jennifer Aniston was the third most searched for person, and Lindsay Lohan was fourth.
Kate and Pippa Middleton were also highly searched for. Kate Middleton made 12th on Bing's list, and even Pippa was number 21. The royal wedding of Kate Middleton to Prince William did top the charts for most searched for celebrity event—Kim Kardashian, as hard as she tried, couldn't outdo the royals.
Justin Bieber Supports Selena Gomez in Kidd Kraddick Twitter Feud — New Details (Audio)
Justin Bieber Supports Selena Gomez in Kidd Kraddick Twitter Feud — New Details (Audio)
Justin Bieber is standing by his woman in her feud with radio personality Kidd Kraddick. The Selena Gomez-Kidd Kraddick smack down flared when Kraddick allegedly dissed the Who Says? singer's pregnant mother on the air. Since that fateful moment, there's been a deluge of Twitter activity from all three principles and their respective fans. JB Tweeted Kraddick a terse message. Kraddick Tweeted Selena denying the whole thing. And, perhaps most important of all, an audio tape of the broadcast in question has surfaced on the Internet which will hopefully prove once and for all who said what. Or not.
For the somehow still uninitiated, Kidd Kraddick is a radio personality who has interviewed Selena Gomez several times in the past. Kraddick allegedly offended Selena Gomez by stating on air that her mother should have a miscarriage. Needless to say Selena saw red and fired off a Tweet to Kraddick lambasting him for "crossing the line." That's when Justin Bieber stepped in.
"Smooth kid," Justin Tweeted on November 28, "real smooth. smh."
Once again, for the uninitiated, "smh" means "shake my head."
Shortly thereafter, Kraddick posted a Tweet of his own—to Selena Gomez, denying the whole thing.
@selenagomez Never said one word about a miscarriage, abortion, or anything of the kind. It's completely made up.
Interestingly enough, he's telling the truth. A close examination of the broadcast, which you can hear on the video below, reveals Kraddick and his fellow deejays joking about Selena's mom's pregnancy, speculating about her advanced age, and hinting that it must be "weird" for Selena to become a big sis at 19 or 20. The conversation switches to a bizarre discussion of the Mariah Yeater scandal that segues into a rather idiotic comedy routine suggesting that maybe it's really Selena Gomez who's pregnant and her mom is just covering for her with a fake baby bump "to protect her image."
"Are you saying it's Mariah Yeater's baby?" exclaims one of Kraddick's co-hosts.
"Wait a minute," interrupts another. "Mariah Yeater's baby's already born."
"Justin Bieber's makin' babies all over the place!" cries a third.
You get the picture. It's low-brow humor—stultifying, predictable, and repetitive, not to mention ageist, sexist, and just plain dumb, but just a comedy routine nevertheless. If this is the entire, unedited broadcast, then Kidd Kraddick is guilty only of being mildly disrespectful and totally unfunny. Sort of like a less profane, male version of Chelsea Handler.
In the meantime, rumor has it that beliebers and Selenators have been momentarily united by this incident and are going after Kraddick with pitchforks—er—Twitter pages in hand. Yikes.
Oh well. Listen to the tape. What do you think?
Stay tuned.
Justin Bieber is standing by his woman in her feud with radio personality Kidd Kraddick. The Selena Gomez-Kidd Kraddick smack down flared when Kraddick allegedly dissed the Who Says? singer's pregnant mother on the air. Since that fateful moment, there's been a deluge of Twitter activity from all three principles and their respective fans. JB Tweeted Kraddick a terse message. Kraddick Tweeted Selena denying the whole thing. And, perhaps most important of all, an audio tape of the broadcast in question has surfaced on the Internet which will hopefully prove once and for all who said what. Or not.
For the somehow still uninitiated, Kidd Kraddick is a radio personality who has interviewed Selena Gomez several times in the past. Kraddick allegedly offended Selena Gomez by stating on air that her mother should have a miscarriage. Needless to say Selena saw red and fired off a Tweet to Kraddick lambasting him for "crossing the line." That's when Justin Bieber stepped in.
"Smooth kid," Justin Tweeted on November 28, "real smooth. smh."
Once again, for the uninitiated, "smh" means "shake my head."
Shortly thereafter, Kraddick posted a Tweet of his own—to Selena Gomez, denying the whole thing.
@selenagomez Never said one word about a miscarriage, abortion, or anything of the kind. It's completely made up.
Interestingly enough, he's telling the truth. A close examination of the broadcast, which you can hear on the video below, reveals Kraddick and his fellow deejays joking about Selena's mom's pregnancy, speculating about her advanced age, and hinting that it must be "weird" for Selena to become a big sis at 19 or 20. The conversation switches to a bizarre discussion of the Mariah Yeater scandal that segues into a rather idiotic comedy routine suggesting that maybe it's really Selena Gomez who's pregnant and her mom is just covering for her with a fake baby bump "to protect her image."
"Are you saying it's Mariah Yeater's baby?" exclaims one of Kraddick's co-hosts.
"Wait a minute," interrupts another. "Mariah Yeater's baby's already born."
"Justin Bieber's makin' babies all over the place!" cries a third.
You get the picture. It's low-brow humor—stultifying, predictable, and repetitive, not to mention ageist, sexist, and just plain dumb, but just a comedy routine nevertheless. If this is the entire, unedited broadcast, then Kidd Kraddick is guilty only of being mildly disrespectful and totally unfunny. Sort of like a less profane, male version of Chelsea Handler.
In the meantime, rumor has it that beliebers and Selenators have been momentarily united by this incident and are going after Kraddick with pitchforks—er—Twitter pages in hand. Yikes.
Oh well. Listen to the tape. What do you think?
Stay tuned.
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Watched 'The Muppets' in Dallas Contrary to previous reports, Justin and Selena didn't watch Breaking Dawn during the Thanksgiving holidays—they went to see The Muppets at Landmark Magnolia Pictures Theater in Dallas
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Watched 'The Muppets' in Dallas
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez checked out her cameo in The Muppets at a theater in Dallas.
Contrary to previous reports, Justin and Selena didn't watch Breaking Dawn during the Thanksgiving holidays—they went to see The Muppets at Landmark Magnolia Pictures Theater in Dallas.
The couple was visiting Selena's family for Thanksgiving when they decided to check out the movie, watching the 7:20 p.m. showing on Nov. 25. Since they went to a theater in a big city during a holiday, it might seem pretty amazing that they didn't get mobbed, but the super-sneaky couple found a way to blend in with the crowd.
While Justin Bieber could have rented out a whole theater (again) to get a little alone time with his ladylove while checking her out on the big screen, he opted to sneak Selena Gomez in by entering the theater during the previews. The cute couple reportedly came to the theater holding hands and looking very happy together.
There's no word on if they engaged in some major PDA with their popcorn, but hopefully Justin enjoyed Selena's cameo—in the movie she shows up during the Muppets' telethon to sing and proclaim that she only attended the event because her agent told her to (she claims that she doesn't even know who Kermit and the gang are!).
It's a shame that Justin Bieber didn't make a cameo in the movie with his girlfriend—it would have been fun to see the box office battle between them and Breaking Dawn couple, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. However, The Muppets might get a little box office boost now that Beliebers know that Justin just had to see it.
The Biebs might not have appeared in the movie, but who needs to appear with the Muppets when you've already got a Muppet made in your likeness? Justin's purple Muppet appeared in Sesame Street singing a song called Measure, Yeah, Measure (it kind of sounds like Never Say Never).
So did you see Selena's performance in The Muppets? What did you think of her cute cameo?
Check out Justin as a Muppet below.
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez checked out her cameo in The Muppets at a theater in Dallas.
Contrary to previous reports, Justin and Selena didn't watch Breaking Dawn during the Thanksgiving holidays—they went to see The Muppets at Landmark Magnolia Pictures Theater in Dallas.
The couple was visiting Selena's family for Thanksgiving when they decided to check out the movie, watching the 7:20 p.m. showing on Nov. 25. Since they went to a theater in a big city during a holiday, it might seem pretty amazing that they didn't get mobbed, but the super-sneaky couple found a way to blend in with the crowd.
While Justin Bieber could have rented out a whole theater (again) to get a little alone time with his ladylove while checking her out on the big screen, he opted to sneak Selena Gomez in by entering the theater during the previews. The cute couple reportedly came to the theater holding hands and looking very happy together.
There's no word on if they engaged in some major PDA with their popcorn, but hopefully Justin enjoyed Selena's cameo—in the movie she shows up during the Muppets' telethon to sing and proclaim that she only attended the event because her agent told her to (she claims that she doesn't even know who Kermit and the gang are!).
It's a shame that Justin Bieber didn't make a cameo in the movie with his girlfriend—it would have been fun to see the box office battle between them and Breaking Dawn couple, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. However, The Muppets might get a little box office boost now that Beliebers know that Justin just had to see it.
The Biebs might not have appeared in the movie, but who needs to appear with the Muppets when you've already got a Muppet made in your likeness? Justin's purple Muppet appeared in Sesame Street singing a song called Measure, Yeah, Measure (it kind of sounds like Never Say Never).
So did you see Selena's performance in The Muppets? What did you think of her cute cameo?
Check out Justin as a Muppet below.
iPad 2 White or Black? 16gb vs 32gb? Wi-Fi vs 3g? Putting it all Together - nude girls facebook com apple ipad nude girls iphone 4 playboy com ipod twitter com free porn blackberry apps
iPad 2 White or Black? 16gb vs 32gb? Wi-Fi vs 3g? Putting it all Together - nude girls facebook com apple ipad nude girls iphone 4 playboy com ipod twitter com free porn blackberry apps
iPad 2 - white or black? wifi or 3g? 16gb or 32gb?Looking to purchase an iPad 2? How then do you choose between the white or black model? Or how about storage – 16gb vs 32gb? And of course do I need wifi or 3G? With so many options, how do you determine which is right for you?
Wi-Fi or 3G + Wi-Fi
The iPad 2 has two different network connectivity methods – Wi-Fi or 3G. The 3G version of the iPad 2 will obviously set you back a monthly fee from your wireless carrier but is it really necessary? With so many Wi-Fi hotspots becoming more available day by day, you might consider opting for the Wi-Fi only especially if you already use a smartphone like the iPhone. With iOS 4.3 you get a hotspot feature that will let you use your phone as a mobile hotspot which really eliminates the need for 3G. Also, a large majority of Android smartphones now provide hotspot functionality. So, save the money and go wifi only.
16gb or 32gb or 64gb
It is my humble opinion that unless you are have an extensive library of music, photos and/or videos, that the 16gb model will be plenty of space for your everyday use. The typical user will have apps (which don't take up a lot of space) and a smattering of audio files consisting of music and podcasts – not enough to warrant the 32gb or 64gb price difference.
In addition, with iCloud and other cloud services, you can easily store files and acquire more storage as needed.
Black or white
The black iPad features a more consistent overall design. It looks as though the iPad 2 was originally designed to be black, and the white model is an afterthought. The black color matches the buttons and Apple logo on the iPad, and the end to end glass surface looks a bit cleaner in black.
The white iPad actually incorporates three colors. The bezel is white, of course, but the buttons on the side are black, and the back is silver aluminum. The white color tends to make fingerprints less noticeable but scratches and dings will be more easily visible.
One benefit of the white model is that it is better suited for outdoor use, particularly in the sunlight and heat. The white color reflects the sun's rays, ensuring that the unit remains cool throughout a session of use. The black model, on the other hand, absorbs more heat from the sun, so it is more susceptible to overheating during outdoor use but in all actuality is that a real concern.
I think the biggest consideration comes down to being able to view the content on the device. The contrast on the black model looks more vibrant than on the comparative white model. Maybe that is why TVs are mostly black.
In summary, I suggest that you choose the black/Wi-Fi/16gb model and with it you will end up with an amazing piece of technology for around $500 with some room to grow.
What are your thoughts on choosing an iPad 2?
iPad 2 - white or black? wifi or 3g? 16gb or 32gb?Looking to purchase an iPad 2? How then do you choose between the white or black model? Or how about storage – 16gb vs 32gb? And of course do I need wifi or 3G? With so many options, how do you determine which is right for you?
Wi-Fi or 3G + Wi-Fi
The iPad 2 has two different network connectivity methods – Wi-Fi or 3G. The 3G version of the iPad 2 will obviously set you back a monthly fee from your wireless carrier but is it really necessary? With so many Wi-Fi hotspots becoming more available day by day, you might consider opting for the Wi-Fi only especially if you already use a smartphone like the iPhone. With iOS 4.3 you get a hotspot feature that will let you use your phone as a mobile hotspot which really eliminates the need for 3G. Also, a large majority of Android smartphones now provide hotspot functionality. So, save the money and go wifi only.
16gb or 32gb or 64gb
It is my humble opinion that unless you are have an extensive library of music, photos and/or videos, that the 16gb model will be plenty of space for your everyday use. The typical user will have apps (which don't take up a lot of space) and a smattering of audio files consisting of music and podcasts – not enough to warrant the 32gb or 64gb price difference.
In addition, with iCloud and other cloud services, you can easily store files and acquire more storage as needed.
Black or white
The black iPad features a more consistent overall design. It looks as though the iPad 2 was originally designed to be black, and the white model is an afterthought. The black color matches the buttons and Apple logo on the iPad, and the end to end glass surface looks a bit cleaner in black.
The white iPad actually incorporates three colors. The bezel is white, of course, but the buttons on the side are black, and the back is silver aluminum. The white color tends to make fingerprints less noticeable but scratches and dings will be more easily visible.
One benefit of the white model is that it is better suited for outdoor use, particularly in the sunlight and heat. The white color reflects the sun's rays, ensuring that the unit remains cool throughout a session of use. The black model, on the other hand, absorbs more heat from the sun, so it is more susceptible to overheating during outdoor use but in all actuality is that a real concern.
I think the biggest consideration comes down to being able to view the content on the device. The contrast on the black model looks more vibrant than on the comparative white model. Maybe that is why TVs are mostly black.
In summary, I suggest that you choose the black/Wi-Fi/16gb model and with it you will end up with an amazing piece of technology for around $500 with some room to grow.
What are your thoughts on choosing an iPad 2?
Ndamukong Suh Called Roger Goodell To Apologize For His Behavior Detroit Lions defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh called NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to apologize for his behavior in Thursday’s game against the Packers, according to ESPN.
Ndamukong Suh Called Roger Goodell To Apologize For His Behavior Detroit Lions defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh called NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to apologize for his behavior in Thursday's game against the Packers, according to ESPN.
Detroit Lions defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh called NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to apologize for his behavior in Thursday's game against the Packers, according to ESPN.
Sources told ESPN that Suh is expected to be suspended at least two games for shoving Packers lineman Evan Dietrich-Smith's head, stomping on him and then not admitting it in the post-game press conference. The league is still determining how long Suh will be suspended, but according to ESPN, league officials believe two games will be the minimum and that the league could require Suh to attend anger management classes.
After Thursday's game, Suh defended himself, saying he was trying to keep his balance. He insisted that he did not intentionally step on anyone.
"People are going to have their own opinions — that's fine," he said after the game. "The only (people) that I really care about are my teammates, my true fans and my coaches and their opinions, and that's where it lies. And honestly, the most important person in this whole thing that I have to deal with is the man upstairs."
On Friday night, according to ESPN, Suh changed his tone and apologized via his Facebook page.
"My reaction on Thursday was unacceptable," Suh said in a statement on his Facebook page. "I made a mistake, and have learned from it. I hope to direct the focus back to the task at hand — by winning."
Detroit Lions defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh called NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to apologize for his behavior in Thursday's game against the Packers, according to ESPN.
Sources told ESPN that Suh is expected to be suspended at least two games for shoving Packers lineman Evan Dietrich-Smith's head, stomping on him and then not admitting it in the post-game press conference. The league is still determining how long Suh will be suspended, but according to ESPN, league officials believe two games will be the minimum and that the league could require Suh to attend anger management classes.
After Thursday's game, Suh defended himself, saying he was trying to keep his balance. He insisted that he did not intentionally step on anyone.
"People are going to have their own opinions — that's fine," he said after the game. "The only (people) that I really care about are my teammates, my true fans and my coaches and their opinions, and that's where it lies. And honestly, the most important person in this whole thing that I have to deal with is the man upstairs."
On Friday night, according to ESPN, Suh changed his tone and apologized via his Facebook page.
"My reaction on Thursday was unacceptable," Suh said in a statement on his Facebook page. "I made a mistake, and have learned from it. I hope to direct the focus back to the task at hand — by winning."
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